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The Fighter Bowl

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"The Fighter Bowl" Terrain for SF/WoE/WoV and Probably SF2, WoI & FE


This little terrain idea came to me, literally, in the middle of the night. It's just a very basic terrain, with only 2 airfields (the Large Runway 4 so anything can operate from it) per each side, a few cities, some rivers and an oceanic feature in the center. It is designed with multi-player in mind, hence it's name "The Fighter Bowl", where opposing Teams can have it out with each other.

There are also multiple Truck Routes, some Ground Attack (ie: CAS) and shipping lanes across the Saknuseum Sea. Think of this as a complimentary terrain to both The Ranges, only you'll have Opposing Force Air Units to bug you. To add a bit of sci-fi-ishness, on the central island is the "Citatel of the Adjudicators", a Neutral Party that judges the competitions. Think of them as the Referees of Global Confrontation ... whomever wins in The Arena, gains whatever world-goal they were seeking.


The terrain is supposed to look like an extreamly LARGE impact feature on the earth's surface (ie: a 200+ kilometer diameter crater/caldera), with a central sea. Think of the Manicougan crater in Canada, only several HUNDRED orders of magnitude larger. It's mostly ringed with mountains, but is other wise relatively flat across The Bowl. Also relatively featureless, with only a few deep canyons or other erosive features in the "playing field".

This is a complete terrain, with everything needed to just unzip and (hopefully) run with no problems.


There are NO major air defense units, other than those as usually seen around the airbases. A few have been placed at the 'cities', but AAA units ONLY -- to repeat, there are NO SAM batteries emplaced on this map. That would take away from it's intended use as a major Dogfight or Co-Op Arena.

There is, however, as you've all come to suspect (and/or rather, expect...) one major Easter Egg on this map, and one very small one. They're built directly into the terrain itself, and should be pretty easy to find. If you look for such things...


I'd also like to apologize for the lously planning maps ... for some reason, the SFMap generator didn't see what was supposed to be "sea" as anything other than land -- that's totally my fault, in a lack of under standing how exactly the Height Field is read. Had to paint the Saknuseum Sea in by hand, so expect some placments to be a bit 'off' on the planning maps. Sorry!


= This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) There should also be no problems running it in SF or WoV. It should also work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reachback. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games (WoI & FE) at your own risk.

For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own, but you should have any major problems =


As per usual, the expected readme with all the (un)necessary information needed to install and blah blah blah balh :wink:


Happy Hunting!


kevin stein

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