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SF2E A-10 series .ini tweaks

   (1 review)

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About This File

Firstly: This file does not contain an aircraft. Rather it's a tweak made to the existing Third Wire A-10A and A-10A_78, both of which are part of the default planeset that ships with Strike Fighters 2 Europe. I've uploaded it here, because there wasn't a subsection set up specifically for aircraft .ini tweaks :biggrin: Anyway......


SF2E A-10 Tweaks


by Fubar512


Installation: Simply drop the aircraft data files into their matching-named folders.


In Windows XP, the folder path would be:


My Documents/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2x/Objects/Aircraft.



In Windows Vista or Windows 7, the path is:


Documents/<User Name>/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2x/Objects/Aircraft.


Now that you have some idea as to SF2's file path, you can go onto the next step.....and that's to drop the included A10Engine.wav into the ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2x/Sounds folder. If you don't have one, don't panic, just create one, following the path statement above.


To uninstall: just delete the A-10A_Data.ini, and the A-10A_78_Data.ini, and the game will revert to using the TW default.

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I'm new to this so bare with me. so I created a sound folder and I placed it with other folders such as Missions, Controls, Pilot Data etc.... am I missing something besides the soud wave not working?




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What do the .ini tweaks do? That is, how are they different from stock? That info should at lest be included in the readme file.

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