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Still waiting for some russian planes...

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Hello Folks


I love to fly all the superb planes created by you very able guys.

But i'm still missing some very, in my opinion, fantastic planes for the community...


Where r the planes of the Flanker- and Frogfoot-Family?


And, by the way, it would be also very cool if somebody could create the MiG-31 "Firefox" and featured in the same named movie and also the fictional but also very interesting MiG-37 "Ferret".


I would do them myself, but with my skills, they wouldn't look like planes. :)


The technical data for the Firefox can be retrieved here

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Guest Saganuay82

Well the Flanker is being modelled. The Frogfoot - haven't seen anything on it.


Firefox - well it has been discussed many times but its low on priority due to needing other aircraft completed.


Bear is being worked on, Backfire is a rumor, Fiddler is being worked on.

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Am I right in assuming that these skins here...




...are for the USAF build of SFG/WOV? I mean, there are some sexy Su27s, 35s Rafaels etc, models in these previews and I've seen a few posts here and there saying that USAF aircraft can port over to SFG/WOV because of the similarities in game engine or something. Is this true?


See, not having discovered this game until a few days ago (wasting my time on LOMAC dammit!) I'm only just now discovering that 2 in 3 SFG links seem to be dead. And I'm forever searching for a Flanker.... I know there's a tasty Su33 in development (saw shots either here or at Biohazard, can't remember) but there'd be some models floating around wouldn't there? (Just going by the number of Phantoms and skyhawk remodelled and retextured for download)


I won't even ask about the EF2k... Aside from the flight sim of the same name, it seems the only place I would be able to find one would be in Ace Combat or something. It's a shame...


Times like this I wish I could actually make the mods too instead of just being able to move mud :)

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Guest capun

First, McFly's SFP1 page is very, very old. I think he kept it alive for Mustang's tutorials


Second, look at the planes. AFIK, There are no SFP1 SU-27, SU-35 or Rafale's. I think those are LOMAC's shots

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  SayWhat said:
See, not having discovered this game until a few days ago (wasting my time on LOMAC dammit!) I'm only just now discovering that 2 in 3 SFG links seem to be dead.

I would have said that 2 out of 3 SF sites were alive (but maybe not in their original homes)


And I'm forever searching for a Flanker....
all good things come to those who wait, iirc Marcfighters has 1 coming
I won't even ask about the EF2k.

You have to bear in mind that the game engine doesn't support all the g-whiz kit in state of the art fighters (although Sp4 will advance it a bit).

I'm sure that somebody, sometime will do a Typhoon..


you have to Times like this I wish I could actually make the mods too instead of just being able to move mud :)

you're not alone there

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Cheers, it's just a shame to see these sites with these swoit models only to find broken links. But like you said, it has been out fer a while...



Still, even without thrust vectoring and high tech explosive toys, it's always fun to pimp out a sukhoi like so...



Edited by SayWhat

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  SayWhat said:
Still, even without thrust vectoring and high tech explosive toys, it's always fun to pimp out a sukhoi like so...


We have thrust vectoring.

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  SayWhat said:
Still, even without thrust vectoring and high tech explosive toys, it's always fun to pimp out a sukhoi like so...

I meant more avionics/MFDs than anything - weapons are not a problem.


Most models that were made for SF P1 are available somewhere if you search.

That page at McFly's is EA's USAF not Third Wire's Strike Fighters.

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We need SU-25, SU-24, SU-34, and a better Mig-29.

Best regards, Kodiak.

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  SayWhat said:
Am I right in assuming that these skins here...




...are for the USAF build of SFG/WOV? I mean, there are some sexy Su27s, 35s Rafaels etc, models in these previews and I've seen a few posts here and there saying that USAF aircraft can port over to SFG/WOV because of the similarities in game engine or something. Is this true?


See, not having discovered this game until a few days ago (wasting my time on LOMAC dammit!) I'm only just now discovering that 2 in 3 SFG links seem to be dead. And I'm forever searching for a Flanker.... I know there's a tasty Su33 in development (saw shots either here or at Biohazard, can't remember) but there'd be some models floating around wouldn't there? (Just going by the number of Phantoms and skyhawk remodelled and retextured for download)


I won't even ask about the EF2k... Aside from the flight sim of the same name, it seems the only place I would be able to find one would be in Ace Combat or something. It's a shame...


Times like this I wish I could actually make the mods too instead of just being able to move mud :)



Stick it up your ars-- oh wait, that's my first ever post! :biggrin:

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O RLY? Then why does your accout NOW have a joined date 1 year EARLIER?

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Hey just click on the markfighters link and search the site for some new planes!!!!!!! Yuo will find something veryinteresting in the project section! For sure! I think they wait for a new avionics dll to release their models cause the remaining Su`s are ground attack versions and waiting just for the new possibiltys wich will be "I hop" included in the new Wings over Israel!

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