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Is it just me or do the AI planes have more A than I, im sick to death of asking my wingman to cover me only to get it on the a55, or a better example is asking my wingman to engage another plane only to see him pitch down and fire his missiles into the ground, and if they dont do that they follow the target for about 5 mins and then break off, without firing at all.


I was attacking a fuel tank at a runway when i noticed an AN-12 climbing away from the runway at a range of 6 miles. I commanded my wingman (he was loaded out for a-a) to attack my target ( the AN-12) he said roger and i proceeded with the fuel tank mission. A few mins later after some strafing and so on the dam AN-12 was 20 miles away and that moron wingman was still on my wing.


Perhaps i am grumpy and expect too much.

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I feel yr pain...it can be frustrating when your wingman rejoins you and you notice he has all his bombs still! Funny thing is, the rest of the flight seems to be able to attack fine. Maybe that's something to look into for future patches.

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I used a special AI extractor sub routine, and got some suprising results! I was able to get some reasons as to why the A.I. aircraft do not attack all targets. Of note here is that this extractor routine only works on wingmen A.I. players. A.I. flights are different and somewhat less of a problem.

Ground targets: The ground or 'Mother Ground' is a natural source of positive Chi. Attacking the ground is not allowed.

Air targets, these are more complicated:

AN-12 targets cannot be attacked as they are the elephants of the sky and killing them would be bad karma.

Any aircraft with a silver skin, cannot be attacked because these are the arrows of destiny, any attack on these would also lead to bad karma.

Any camoflage aircraft can be attacked as they are foolish enugh to mimic Mother Ground and as such are false prophets of positive chi and must be destroyed.



I hope this helps.

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Just for the helluvit, I've created an intercept mission where two F-4J's intercept two AN-12s.


My wingman, when told to engage my target, did so every time, and more often than not, shot the target down with a sparrow just before the merge.


About 30% of the time he missed with his first shot, and attacked the target only when it was within sidewinder range.


Out of approximately one dozen replays, only once did he fail to hit the AN-12.


And....when I tasked him providing support, he engaged one of the AN-12's when its tail gunner opened up on me.

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Guest Saganuay82

My wingman works well for me. Three and four do well against anything. 2nd echelon, well they are a bunch of A2A cowboys is all.

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Could this be perhaps a hardware issue? Maybe having a low end PC as I do less is going to power the AI? Not to mention why I've been having so many decal no-shows.

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Just for the helluvit, I've created an intercept mission where two F-4J's intercept two AN-12s.


My wingman, when told to engage my target, did so every time, and more often than not, shot the target down with a sparrow just before the merge.


About 30% of the time he missed with his first shot, and attacked the target only when it was within sidewinder range.


Out of approximately one dozen replays, only once did he fail to hit the AN-12.


And....when I tasked him providing support, he engaged one of the AN-12's when its tail gunner opened up on me.

Was the AN-12 camoflaouge?


But seriously, my AI experiences are in general not good, if I load my wingman with lots of a-a weapons and then ask him to hit an aircraft he dumps all the extra weapons and engages with the default load, even tho the weapons he dumped were a-a. if the default load was empty he dumps all his weapons and immediatly declairs himself 'Winchester'. I would like a virtual fist to smack my virtual pilot.

Edited by fireengineer

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Guest capun

The AI in SP3.2 got screwy, SP2 had a much better AI, the issue is being addressed by TK, you just have to wait for the next patch to be released.

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Guest pdelbarba

Ive herd of this before. I think there are a dozen other threades about this. as for me they sometimes dont work and sometimes they do. Ive come up with a new name for such behavior (AS) Artificial Stupidity. Who need AI. I have had problems wiht the formation button. When ever i tell my formation to got to fluid four of something they just spread appart, fly around, or pretend they did not here me. I have seen pics of them going into the right formation but never managed to do it myself.

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[ive herd of this before. I think there are a dozen other threades about this. as for me they sometimes dont work and sometimes they do. Ive come up with a new name for such behavior (AS) Artificial Stupidity. Who need AI. I have had problems wiht the formation button. When ever i tell my formation to got to fluid four of something they just spread appart, fly around, or pretend they did not here me. I have seen pics of them going into the right formation but never managed to do it myself.]



It's their union. It wont allow them to do anything dangerous. You see 'fluid four' fluid could be water and water is dangerous.

Edited by fireengineer

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Guest pdelbarba

But i just want them to fly in formation even if it means one SAM will kill all of us. Ive seen pictures of this done before but why cant i do it.

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They do fly in formation. They do it all the time.

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I've noticed that when playing the default merc campaign (F-100 most of the time, obviously) h4x0r1ng the F-100 to 750 rounds per gun rather than the stock 250 gives a lot more milage out of the wingmen, since they tend to hose targets.

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I've noticed that when playing the default merc campaign (F-100 most of the time, obviously) h4x0r1ng the F-100 to 750 rounds per gun rather than the stock 250 gives a lot more milage out of the wingmen, since they tend to hose targets.


All you need to do is either set the burst limit per gun (by round) in the aircraft's data.ini, or set the global burst length for the AI in aircraftobject.ini.


Don't simply add ammo as it actually adds weight in this sim, effecting an aircarft's handling. At .26 kilograms per round (20MM M53 API round), it can add up rather quickly.

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Guest pdelbarba

i run WOV and i cant get my f-16 or anything else for that matter to fly in fluid four or something like that

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Yeah well, I always run out of ammo before I can shoot down every single enemy flight on a given mission, so I can do with the extra weight :)

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Guest pdelbarba

i never thought that could not happen but i am suppirsed it can. I sometiomes add amo when me and ny friends run out but i notice no difference. Maybe thats why when i say go to fluid four the other planes just rouck violently from side to side in their regular fourmation. :dry:

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My simple answer to a complex topic.


Not to be a sm*rt *ss but what you show up with to the threat / target with is sometimes all you have.

:ph34r: CL

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Guest zerocinco

The commander of PACAF had a Phantom modified to carry 5 vulcans. (You can do that when you are a general in a war.) The inboards had to be shortened so the flaps would extend. They say it almost backed up when he fired them all. Made a hell of a mess of the ground. Scared some monkeys. Probably a lot like the "overreaction scene" in Predator. Then they took them off and he went back to Saigon and left us alone.


Oh. And my wingman is my best friend. He gets to go bomb guns, SAM sites...every terrible target and because he can level bomb and hit almost every time, I get to take the credit, pick off the MiG's and get home alive. I tell you, this game becomes more and more realistic all the time!!!

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The commander of PACAF had a Phantom modified to carry 5 vulcans. (You can do that when you are a general in a war.) The inboards had to be shortened so the flaps would extend. They say it almost backed up when he fired them all. Made a hell of a mess of the ground. Scared some monkeys. Probably a lot like the "overreaction scene" in Predator. Then they took them off and he went back to Saigon and left us alone.


Oh. And my wingman is my best friend. He gets to go bomb guns, SAM sites...every terrible target and because he can level bomb and hit almost every time, I get to take the credit, pick off the MiG's and get home alive. I tell you, this game becomes more and more realistic all the time!!!


always wondered if the "six pack" version which I saw a few times had that effect. Probably the same as u describe. Like the Iowa class BB's firing all their 18 inchers at once. Moved the ship sideways bout 6 feet or so I am told.

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Battleship broadsides moved them a few feet yes... like 20!! ;)



And I agree with CL... My motto..... "Never bring a knife to a gunfight"

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