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F/A-37A Talon - ALPHA 1.0 Ready for Download

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Here it is kids... Like always, unzip and place within your aircraft directory.


This aircraft is ALPHA… Which means not everything is finished and not everything is implemented… and nothing if final.


Q: Why did I release this in its alpha state? – Easy. I’m looking for some people who know how to paint skins… Of which I’m most definitely not.


If you’re up for the challenge, I’m looking for people to make skins within the following categories:


1.) Movie Based Scheme. (Default skin)

2.) USN. (Modern day scheme)

3.) USMC. (Modern day scheme)

4.) USAF. (Modern day scheme)

5.) Mercenary / what-If / “Other Nation” (Use your imagination!)


Please use the supplied templates judiciously. The panel lines etc. are there for my personal edification… feel free to move them, add more… what ever suites your desired look. My references were limited and I did what I could.


I’ve always been of the mindset that a good skin makes an okay model spectacular… DanW proved that to me time and time again.


Please send your submissions to zur@zur-tech.com The very best get to ride in pole position for each category in the final release package.




1.) Cockpit is a placeholder while I work on the actual one… Don’t get attached to it.


2.) If you don’t see or hear the afterburner effect, I “borrowed” from the effect pack and elsewhere… don’t get your undies in a bundle… I intend to supply original ones upon final release.


3.) FM, DM, load out etc are all just trial stuff… again don’t get attached.


Download here: www.Zur-TECH.com

Edited by Zurawski

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Wheres the aircraft model? These are just skins right? Is there somewhere I can download the plane?

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LOL I did a flat out speed run straight and level... FULL burner..... I hit 1250 KTS and the tail burst into flames and I lost my stabs! :haha:

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LOL I did a flat out speed run straight and level... FULL burner..... I hit 1250 KTS and the tail burst into flames and I lost my stabs! :haha:


:lol: Cap'n she can't take no more she's breaking up (Scotty Star Trek)

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This thing is the most fun thing to fly at the moment. Can't wait for the final version!


[Edit: I know it's still in the alpha stages n' all, and will most likely this will all get refined, but anyways, the nose is dips a bit too much. Oh, and the canopy is a bit short & curvy.]




No worries critiques are always welcome...


I'll look further into the nose and canopy... Mind you I build this from frame captures and some blurry images from the movie website... It's in no way 100% accurate...


Thanks for the Kudos!


Wheres the aircraft model? These are just skins right? Is there somewhere I can download the plane?


Download can be found here: www.Zur-TECH.com



Edited by Zurawski

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This thing is the most fun thing to fly at the moment. Can't wait for the final version!


[Edit: I know it's still in the alpha stages n' all, and will most likely this will all get refined, but anyways, the nose is dips a bit too much. Oh, and the canopy is a bit short & curvy.]

Edited by Sky Captain

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This thing is the most fun thing to fly at the moment. Can't wait for the final version!


[Edit: I know it's still in the alpha stages n' all, and will most likely this will all get refined, but anyways, the nose is dips a bit too much. Oh, and the canopy is a bit short & curvy.]


Don't be to critical Sky or Zur will tell you where to put your thought's :lol: Just kidding.


For a what if aircraft i think he did a fantastic job and it's not even out of the preliminary stages.


Good choice in stick, throttle, and rudders. :good:

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It rocks, rolls and r00ls! :good:


And Gramps even whipped up a hyper-fine USAF skin for it!




It flies very nicely. Phantastic phictional phun!

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No worries critiques are always welcome...


I'll look further into the nose and canopy... Mind you I build this from frame captures and some blurry images from the movie website... It's in no way 100% accurate...

Yeah, I know building a plane without technical specs and very little info is hard. You did a great job, and it's still in the alpha stages!


By the way, has anyone tried out the blank Talon pit? Can't wait to see the completed panel! :good:


... No worries critiques are always welcome...

If you say so...


*hands Zurawski list of nitpicks* :tomato:

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I like it, however I am more a fan of the darker skins, but thats just me. Perhaps an aggressor skin for the heck of it? I would but lack knowledge and software.



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I like it Sidewinder, especially you coiled up rattles on the tail.



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Having alot of fun flying it, the speed is nice at 1000 knots from 100 feet to 100.000 in one run. XD


also funny let an enemy plane follow me to the ground pulled up sharply he couldnt :D.

Flying off after that little stunt killed the plane for some reason (it just exploded)

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Same here ... I applied full throttle and climbed and while i was taking pics of the plane it just exploded !! :lol:

Engines not very reliable ... :rofl:

It is great to experiment with that plane. One thing i noted is the afterburners , the plane apparently uses supercruise to fly to Mach3+ , you don't see flames in supercruise , an advantage when you fly at night so nobody sees you when you hit full throttle. I didn't see the movie but i found some pics of it. If it was real the plane wouldn't last long at high speed with the step and gaps like these around the canopy ... :wink:

Hollywood ........

Great job again and thanks for the model. :good:





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Looking at those pictures, I think the current fueselage is a bit wide. Looks like the body should be fairly slim until you hit the canards, which should also extend to just behind the tip of the nose.


But then I'm just being nitpicky again... :tomato:

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Looking at those pictures, I think the current fueselage is a bit wide. Looks like the body should be fairly slim until you hit the canards, which should also extend to just behind the tip of the nose.


But then I'm just being nitpicky again... :tomato:




Too wide? I think those shots may bee fooling your eyes a bit...


Here's the over head 3-way I used as a template (captured from the transition from a cheese video on the official STEALTH website)...






Again... not bad for government work!


(Nice critiquing though... your making me look at it's imperfections that much closer) :D

Edited by Zurawski

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If I refer to your 3view drawing , the wings should be tilted down ?! I tilted the wings 12* to see what it look like ...





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If I refer to your 3view drawing , the wings should be tilted down ?! I tilted the wings 12* to see what it look like ...






Yup... your right they should have a nagative dihedral. :good:


Will definately be address in the final package (Actually they "were" tilted down at one time... must have lost that animation somewhere along the way)...


The fiery top-end is an engine peramter out of sus... This area is being squared away by someone who knows better how to masage the flight-model portion of the plane than I...


Will all get squared away. Keep'm coming!



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Hey guys, I have an issue.... The installation is objects/aircraft right? Well, the FA-37 isn't showing up in the game menu for missions. Can anyone help?

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