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Otc Will Be Update 10 Jan 07

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Thanks USAFMTL, those updates look good, nice to know that the updates are still continuing (after that post at SimHQ about a "limited release"). I especially like the missile site in the first shot. Great job! Looking forward to this update!


Excuse my ignorance, but didn't the A-team build the Coral Sea and the Enterprise? It would be pretty easy to implement them into a campagin. Also, the screenies show them...

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Excuse my ignorance, but didn't the A-team build the Coral Sea and the Enterprise? It would be pretty easy to implement them into a campagin. Also, the screenies show them...


They will be in there.

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** Operation Tainted Cigar Ver 2.0 **



This is a complete upgrade of Operation Tainted Cigar, to be compatable with

Strike Fighters: Project 1 v08.30.06 and Wings Over Europe v08.30.06. Previous

versions of OTC are not needed nor compatible.


Work specific for this update was done by USAFMTL, Deuces, Fubar512, and



Thanks to Crab_02 for testing and quality control.


In addition, several 3rd party addons from the SFP1 community were added to

this updated version of OTC. Please read through the credits for the SP4

update, as well as the list of contributors for the original OTC released




** Install Instructions **



- Create a seperate install of either Strike Fighters: Project 1 or Wings Over



- Patch your install to the latest version via the patch(s) available at

www.thirdwire.com. At the time of this release, the current version is

v08.30.06. You will see your current version in the bottom, right corner of

the MainScreen.


- Drop the contents of this package into your install's main directory,

overwriting all files.


- If you chose to install this into Wings Over Europe, one more step is

required. In the /Terrain/Cuba/Cuba.ini change:


CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat -->> CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat



** Troubleshooting Tips **



- Please read through the bullets below prior to posting any questions. OTC

has been tested over a long period of time, but I'm sure there is a bug

here or there that we missed. If you find something you believe is a bug,

we would appreciate your feedback.


However, if you are seeing something as obvious as "my carrier is missing",

or "my campaign is CTD'ing at mission start", check what you did, and verify

you only did what are in these instructions. Do you really think we would

have released this if we had not played through several campaigns? If this

seems harsh, or pisses you off in some way, go play something else.


- Use a seperate install. Of course it is possible to merge these files

into an existing install, if you know what you're doing. If you choose to

not use a seperate install, don't expect any technical support. We can't

fix your problems if we don't know what all you've installed.


- If you do not have any runways and/or you are exploding on the ground, it is

because your terrain isn't finding a cat file. Check the line in the file

Cuba.ini: "CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat"


- Do not install any weapons pack. All required weapons are included in the

package. If you cannot load weapons onto your aircraft, this is the



- This was primarily tested with Strike Fighters: Project 1. It was briefly

tested in Wings Over Europe. It was NOT tested in Wings Over Vietnam do

to the lack of the Il-28. If you choose to install into WOV, don't expect

any technical support.


- Load times are long prior to mission start. I assume this is because of

many hi-res textures, and a large variety of ground objects used in the



- Unfortunatly, none of this was tested on what I would consider a low end

machine. If you are experiencing frame rate issues it may be do to the

hi-res runway textures, hi-res cockpit textures, or the hi-res F-100 skins.



** SP4 Specific Changes and Credits **

** **

** Note: Below is a list a changes that are specific to the SP4 update of **

** OTC. Also listed, are the authors of any newly included **

** features. If we have forgotten anyone, it was unintentional, and **

** please let us know. **

** **

** Please see the list of credits for the original OTC **

** given below. **



Terrain Changes:


- Added Deuces's all new terrain tiles.


- Repositioned trees to align with the new tiles.


- Added JSF_Aggie's HI-RES runway textures.


- Added Pasko's various SS-4 objects to the terrain.


- Added Kesselbrut's various Zil-157's throughout the terrain.


- Added Hinchinbrooke's Chapaev to various locations throughout the



- Added several U.S. warships throughout the terrain.


- Added the new water and terrain effects.


- Built up various target areas with additional ground objects.


- Edited many of the terrain's target types, such that they will

become mission objectives in the campaign.


Menu Changes:


- Updated Kout's menus to work with current patch, and added any new

menu items or features.


Campaign Changes:


- Changed the Primary and Secondary AirOffensive goals to add the shipping

yards as targets, and make the progression of air strikes more logical.


- Reduced the Forces down to just the U.S. and Cuba, so the SP4 front

line will behave correctly.


- Revamped the StrategicNodes and added a ground invasion of Cuba. First

wave begins on 11/08/1962, second wave on 11/17/1962, and third wave on



- Added the task of Close Air Support to several squadrons.


- Made a few more existing squadrons flyable.


Aircraft Changes:


- OTC specific aircraft .ini changes where merged with the current

aircraft .ini's.


- Added StreakEagle's hi-res F-4B cockpit.


- Added Batman1978's hi-res F-104 cockpit.


- Added some missing fuel tanks for a couple of aircraft.


- Changed all US aircraft to stock SFP1 pilot, and all Cuban aircraft to

the Mirage Factory's PVOpilot.


- Added JSF_Aggie's HI-RES skin for the Il-28, and changed the markings to



- Added Pasko's F-106A to install and campaign.


- Added Mirage Factory's MiG-21F13 to install and campaign.


- Added Pappychecksix's new MBB-57B silver skin.


- Changed VMFA-531 from F-8E to F-4B.


- Updated the 3 F-4B skins with MyTai's latest.


- All the F-100 skins have been updated with Sundowner's templates to

2048x2048. Bunyap's 531stTFS was used as a guide for the version that is

included. The 615thTFS was created new for this release.


- Added Corktip's F-8E VMF235 skin.


Ground Object Changes:


- All previously included ground objects were updated to SP4 standard.


- U.S. SAMS were updated by Fubar512.


- Updated ships: CV-43, CV-59, CVA-9, CVAN-65, Jaccard, and Yavuz were

installed, credits going to Capun, Richard Kaminski, and Diego.


- Added Pasko's various SS-4 objects.


- Added Kesselbrut's various Zil-157's objects.


Environment Changes:


- Added Deuces's cloud1.tga.


- Added Polak's HorizonCloud .tga's.


- Added Dagger's CloudLayer .bmp's.


- Several OTC specific .ini file changes where merged into the current

version of the .ini files.


Hangar Screens:




** List Of Contributors For Original OTC **

** (from original README) **



We used a wealth of things in the community. Here are the people who had

something in this we used or got help from. Thank you all.















Paul Nortness





capun & A-Team




If we have forgotten anyone please forgive us as it was unintentional.




** Order Of Battle **



Below are the lists of flyable squadrons in the Campaign. There are several

other squadrons envolved, but these are the ones set up to be flyable


Squadron Aircraft Base Location

********** ********** ***************

511th FBS F-100D Homestead AFB

95th FIS F-106A MacDill AFB

74th TFS, 23rd TFW F-105D-25 MacDill AFB

355th TFS, 355th TFW F-100D MacDill AFB

331st FIS F-104A MacDill AFB

436th TFS, 479th TFW F-104C Homestead AFB

492nd TFS, 48th TFW F-100D MacDill AFB


VA-94 Shrikes A-4C USS Enterprise

VF-41 Black Aces F-4B USS Independance

VF-102 Diamondbacks F-4B USS Enterprise

VF-111 Sundowners F-11F-1 USS Lake Champlain

VF-154 Black Knights F-8D USS Independance

VF-124 Gunfighters F3H USS Shangri La

VF-84 Jolly Rogers F-8D USS Independance

VF-32 Swordsman F-8D USS Enterprise

VA-64 Black Lancers A-4C USS Wasp

VF-11 Red Rippers F-8D USS Shangri La


VMFA-531 Grey Ghosts F-4B USS Coral Sea

VMF(AW)-235 F-8E USS Coral Sea



** Disclaimer **



This is Freeware. At no time was any Member of the OTC Team paid for working on

this Mod. This Add-on is not to be Marketed or Sold.


The OTC TEAM takes no responsibility in damage To the End-User's Installed

Machine that may occur from this install. The OTC Team can not take any

responsibility whatsoever regarding the use of this add-on.


Do not redistribute anything within this package without the permission from

the original author.




Looking to release this thing tonight...........

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Completely updated terrain......

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Those screens look incredible.


S! to all concerned in producing this mod :good::biggrin:

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Those screens look incredible.


S! to all concerned in producing this mod :good::biggrin:


Can't say better, but please let me add my thanks !

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Any news about the release?


It's been done for about a week, but because of FTP problems and a work trip, I didn't get it all uploaded to USAFMTL until last night.


He should have it up here soon. I would say a day or two, worse case.

Edited by JSF_Aggie

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Great news :biggrin:


Thanks very much to all the talented people who worked on this.


Cheers guys :good:


I'm off to download now :grin:

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Hey guys, That looks great!!!! USAFMTL, those screens of the terrain are wonderful!! I've flown over Cuba, into Jose Marti Intl to be exact, and those terrain textures are the best representation of what it actually looks like I've seen. I havn't had a chance to download OTC yet, but I intend to now :) !!

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I just started flying this and all i have to say is Outstanding. I am loving it. The menu screens are awesome. Just wanted to say thanks. Flak galore. the first mission out I had used my whole payload to kill the launcher. So much fun.

Thanks to all once again.

Edited by USMC Hawker

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Yes it is a BLAST!! :clapping:

I just started campaigning it yesterday, First time out , tasked to bomb a missile site SW of the island, flying lead to 8 F-100D's. At about half way, hooked up with our Migcap Phantoms from USS Coral Sea! Just about 10 miles out all hell breaks loose. The flak and explosions were so loud, I kept jumping in my seat, gave my orders to the flight, dumped my bombs in a hurry and just ran my ass out of there. jinking crazy with sams and migs all around... oh man it was so exciting!


Great job guys, top notch menus, beautiful grafix, lots of fun. Thank you OTC team!

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Guest Bounder

Update 10 Jan 07


? ok I am confused is this date off?

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Update 10 Jan 07


? ok I am confused is this date off?


Somewone bump this topic

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Just an old topic that got bumped up because someone just started the campaign recently.



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BTW, would be great if OTC was to be updated to post WOI standart.

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