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I downloaded the f-37 talon and when i go really fast i catch on fire. why does this happen and how do i stop it?

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If you get too fast the engines overheat; keep 'em too hot for too long, and they catch fire. The thing is, the Talon's engines are very powerful, get to speed very quickly, and as a result are prone to overheat more quickly (due to how fast they can get going) if they aren't kept in check. Any aircraft can catch fire due to engine overheat, it's just not as easy to do with most other planes.

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i understand why "in real life" that this happens. but what i want to know is what can i change in the programing of the plane so that this does not happen at all. i don't care about the realism of the game. i just like to shoot people.

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i understand why "in real life" that this happens. but what i want to know is what can i change in the programing of the plane so that this does not happen at all. i don't care about the realism of the game. i just like to shoot people.



ReferenceName=Pratt & Whitney TF30-P-412A





















































MaxExtentPosition=-0.96,-6.982, 0.156





OverheatTemp=1750.0 <<------------------------Change this to stop overheating, make the value higher








Or you can play around with the GasTemp or OilPress values to refine how your Talon heats up. Make sure you increase the OverheatTemp values for each main engine in your Talon_DATA.ini

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It explodes because it's nowhere near as cool as the original Switchblade concept it is a lame copy of. That and the movie was heinously stupid to begin with.

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OOHh well that explains everything. I turned that overheat temp up to 40,000 and still i go boom. i turned own the max gas temp. and now it doesn't happen as soon but it still happens. bottomline it was programmed to do that and it can be reprogammed. i just need help to do it. i am not smart in the ways of computer plane building.

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How are you flying it? If you're making your way through the waypoints, you shouldn't need the burners as the Talon is supercruise capable. If you throttle up to the threshold just before the burners ignite (usually around 69%-75% thrust, 80% for the strike eagle) you should cruise at something like Mach 1.5ish.

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i don't care about the realism. i just like to shoot things. if i am doing a fighter sweep mission, i take out the planes then a start to attack random bases. bottomline, the plane can go 1323 kts (whatever that is) so if i feel like going that fast to quickly catch up to a plane that got away i want to be able to just punch it and go. thats all i ask.

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Bah, who needs to catch up to them when you can slap on a couple Buffalos; bag anything within 96NM of your aircraft with a Mach 5 missile. IIRC the Talon can carry the AIM-54. :biggrin:


On topic: what altitude are you flying at? At low altitude the plane's not gonna get as fast, will overheat more quickly, and even if you don't care about the realism aspect, you'll have to deal with that issue; SF may be a light sim, but it is in no way Ace Combat; it's gonna be hard getting 1300kts out of the plane at 1000 feet. I'm not sure if leaving the overheat values blank will work (indicating no overheat, though I haven't the time to test this right now) I'd estimate some ungodly high exponential number might do the trick (a million degrees maybe?) If not, try flying higher, maybe. I got my Tomcat to 2.6M at 57,400feet (1489kts TAS or over 1700mph TAS) with an overheat warning but no fire. Even at 20,000 feet you'll probably get 1.8M out of the plane before getting a warning, and with how fast the Talon accelerates, you shouldn't have a problem catching those escaping bandits.

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i have WOE. i just installed the talon. and i can get 1323 at 100 ft. that not a typo one hundred. of course i am on fire at about 1200 kts. i just hate having to monitor the speed i like to just hit full throttle and go. and i am not entirely sure that the numbers for the heat are even values of a degree. who knows. but i am going to try leaving them blank.

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Hey guys...


Sorry, missed this discussion.


I'm currently having a hella'va time getting the "exploding engine" thing under control right now... Current build has it under better control and the proper working gages help... but it's still a flaming arrow over 2.2 mach.


I'm at a point where I think is may be a hard-coded game issue... I've got an email out to TK to see if there truly is a resolution to this.


I'll be releasing a new BETA soon... so you guys will have a better idea of how and where to push the bird.


Stay tuned :crazy:



Edited by Zurawski

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New Beta! :pilot:


Edit: Will there be changes to the structure this time? (I.e., nose, cockpit, etc. :P)

Edited by Sky Captain

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New Beta! :pilot:


Edit: Will there be changes to the structure this time? (I.e., nose, cockpit, etc. :P)


Naw... I plan on releasing the same'o tripe with a new version number... just to yank enveryones chain... :lol:


"Yes"... "Yes"...and "Yes".

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i added more stages to the afterburner and now i can put the throttle at 85% and not have to worry about it getting to full speed. can someone tell me how to make it so my taloan can carry nuclear weapons. i downloaded this turtle plane just for the hell of it and then found the nucs. i looked that the turtles data file and used what i saw on in that and add the NUC code to the talon weapon bay. along with changing a few things like end year in the nuc files. i did some other stuff but i don't remember. any ideas

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Hey guys...


Sorry, missed this discussion.


I'm currently having a hella'va time getting the "exploding engine" thing under control right now... Current build has it under better control and the proper working gages help... but it's still a flaming arrow over 2.2 mach.


I'm at a point where I think is may be a hard-coded game issue... I've got an email out to TK to see if there truly is a resolution to this.


I'll be releasing a new BETA soon... so you guys will have a better idea of how and where to push the bird.


Stay tuned :crazy:




Zurawski, I don't know how close to real you want to get, but the problem of overheating should not exist in a real jet. The airflow through an engine is never supersonic. Most aircraft have gates on the intakes that move so as to 'bounce' the air incoming and, thereby, slow it down to subsonic speeds. Turbojet engines cannot take the mach effects across their compressor blades at the front of the engine. Even the SR-71 Blackbird with a modified scram jet uses the intake spikes to 'bounce' the air and slow it down as it goes through the engine. Speed limitation of most aircraft is the speed beyond which the air cannot be 'bounced' enough to slow the airflow down. Overspeeds, to portray reality best, should result in high-speed compressor stalls that result in the engine shelling itself out taking big and important pieces of the jet along with it. I am not sure if overspeeds will result in overtemps ever. It is still ugly to encounter and usually results in a nylon letdown (landing without the jet), but it is something that pilots have to deal with. Even simulator pilots. It may be something you can model to turn on or turn off like inexhaustable fuel or arms to satisfy the gameplay needs of the arcade crowd. Bye the way, engine technology has probably passed me by since I last turned a turbine, but I am pretty sure that the limitation of subsonic airflow through the engine is still an engineering problem. Of course, the Talon is fiction, so it is capable of doing anything the builder wants, but I just thought I would toss this in the discussion circle.

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Hey guys...


Sorry, missed this discussion.


I'm currently having a hella'va time getting the "exploding engine" thing under control right now... Current build has it under better control and the proper working gages help... but it's still a flaming arrow over 2.2 mach.


I'm at a point where I think is may be a hard-coded game issue... I've got an email out to TK to see if there truly is a resolution to this.


I'll be releasing a new BETA soon... so you guys will have a better idea of how and where to push the bird.


Stay tuned :crazy:






heres the man behind the (virtual)machine..


exemplary work on both the alpha and the beta ver.


my questions are as follows:


-why the change from the original 3 mfd layout with center panoramic MFD?

is making a panoramic MFD impossible? hmmm.

-can i suggest a flash video of jessica biel on the right MFD? lol

-more internal weapons capacity(nothing outside[pylons], hopefully)

-max speed is 1700 kts @ dive with 80% throttle, can it be increased?

-is building a UCAV EDI "tinman" possible? a stealth movie squadron could not be complete without "Tinman's" survival statistics conscious voice?

-pulse engine sounds mod?

-newer betty mod?

-no more hud, replace w/ hmd possible?



i would wait

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heres the man behind the (virtual)machine..


exemplary work on both the alpha and the beta ver.


my questions are as follows:


-why the change from the original 3 mfd layout with center panoramic MFD?

is making a panoramic MFD impossible? hmmm.

-can i suggest a flash video of jessica biel on the right MFD? lol

-more internal weapons capacity(nothing outside[pylons], hopefully)

-max speed is 1700 kts @ dive with 80% throttle, can it be increased?

-is building a UCAV EDI "tinman" possible? a stealth movie squadron could not be complete without "Tinman's" survival statistics conscious voice?

-pulse engine sounds mod?

-newer betty mod?

-no more hud, replace w/ hmd possible?



i would wait


Hey Shin_kazama,


Answers in turn:


1.) I played with the movie-style panoramic layout out and found it: a.) cluttered and unreadable b.) could not implement the on-screen targeting (no HUD in the movie) and choose to create a stylistic / functional cockpit in its place. In a nutshell... "Function over form".


2.) I don't care how sexy Jessica Biel is.... Do you really want her fluttering her lashes at you when your lining up for a bomb run?


3.) More internal capacity is already in the works... However it will still be somewhat limited as the size of the weapons bays cause clipping issues with some of the larger stores... and I'm not about to go back and re-model them.


4.) Max speeds can be increased, however doing so makes general performance delta so high as to be insanely unrealistic. (And she leaps of the tarmac like a bullfrog with it's arse on fire)...


5.) "Tin man" / UCAV is a possibility... however once the Talon is officially out of the chute, I have a few other projects I've promised to complete before I can even begin to contemplate a UCAV.


6.) Pulse-engine (or my interpretation of it) will be included in the final release.


7.) Personally I'm not real fond of "Betty"... but I may add it in final release if I get enough requests for it.


8.) Sorry... HUD stays... It's a design concession I've made and I'm sticking to it. HMD would be really tough to model and I'm not the person to tackle it.

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-max speed is 1700 kts @ dive with 80% throttle, can it be increased?


Really? Mach 4+ isn't fast enough? Or are we having a bit of a misunderstanding regarding physics, specifically, how air pressure effects air speed readings taken via pitot tubes (IAS), as opposed to true air speed (TAS)?




Zur, there are a few issues that we may need to discuss about this puppy. The SF series models the environment quite accurately (hence your model's flaming butt), so you cannot apply any cheats, there. However, I've always had a twisted fascination with physics, and I may have a few screwy solutions for you.

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Really? Mach 4+ isn't fast enough? Or are we having a bit of a misunderstanding regarding physics, specifically, how air pressure effects air speed readings taken via pitot tubes (IAS), as opposed to true air speed (TAS)?




Zur, there are a few issues that we may need to discuss about this puppy. The SF series models the environment quite accurately (hence your model's flaming butt), so you cannot apply any cheats, there. However, I've always had a twisted fascination with physics, and I may have a few screwy solutions for you.


Hmmm.... The flaming butt "should" be resolved in this itteration. If it's not PM me and we'll discuss... :biggrin:

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Hey Shin_kazama,


Answers in turn:


1.) I played with the movie-style panoramic layout out and found it: a.) cluttered and unreadable b.) could not implement the on-screen targeting (no HUD in the movie) and choose to create a stylistic / functional cockpit in its place. In a nutshell... "Function over form".


2.) I don't care how sexy Jessica Biel is.... Do you really want her fluttering her lashes at you when your lining up for a bomb run?


3.) More internal capacity is already in the works... However it will still be somewhat limited as the size of the weapons bays cause clipping issues with some of the larger stores... and I'm not about to go back and re-model them.


4.) Max speeds can be increased, however doing so makes general performance delta so high as to be insanely unrealistic. (And she leaps of the tarmac like a bullfrog with it's arse on fire)...


5.) "Tin man" / UCAV is a possibility... however once the Talon is officially out of the chute, I have a few other projects I've promised to complete before I can even begin to contemplate a UCAV.


6.) Pulse-engine (or my interpretation of it) will be included in the final release.


7.) Personally I'm not real fond of "Betty"... but I may add it in final release if I get enough requests for it.


8.) Sorry... HUD stays... It's a design concession I've made and I'm sticking to it. HMD would be really tough to model and I'm not the person to tackle it.


my reactions.......


1) oh... okay.... maybe puttin two regular MFD's together... just thinking about it too...


2) lol sorry about that........ just wanted to look like in the movie... :biggrin:


3) mmmhmm... hope you get it straightend out... :yes:


4) oohh... nnow i see....


5) oh geat!!! will patiently wait. for it...


6) oh goodie.. actually am trying to see if the V-1 gerry bomb sounds just like in the movie, i'll update you how it goes..... :dntknw:

7) okay... no prob...


8) okay.. hud may be useful...(but why circular?)... hope someone does it though, but once its done it would be real nice huh?


one last thing....

has anyone done the job of modelling the special Stealth pilot?

that would complete the look.....


i actaully like way you release different versions of your modell...


gives chance for improvements you may have not thought of, right?

hope others follw your wise ways......


applause for you hard work on the talon dude! :clapping:

we salute you!!! :ok:

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