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Can someone please tell me exactly how to make the starting place for the WOE campaigns on a carrier?


Please do not direct me to the 2 areas in the Knowledge base as I have tried both of these and cannot seem to get it to work. In some files the content is different and/or the filenames are different. I have tried many combinations.


If someone has done it already would you mind sending me the files you have edited so I can just drop them in.




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I hate to say this but that is the way you have to do it in WOE. Kreelins mission editor will take you 2 seconds to get the coordinates. The the rest is a little leg work, but you will be rewarded in the end.

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I hate to say this but that is the way you have to do it in WOE. Kreelins mission editor will take you 2 seconds to get the coordinates. The the rest is a little leg work, but you will be rewarded in the end.



Ok, will look into the mission editor.. but what is the 'legwork'. I don't understand what I have to do :sorry:


Can you tell im new at this? :good::blush:

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He means you will have to put in quite some effort to get the desired result, aka don't expect it to come easy but expect to feel rewarded in the end.

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The knowledge base gives you step by step instructions on how to do it.

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It really is pretty straight forward. Just make sure you take it slowly and follow it step by step. It does take a little while to setup (took me about 20mins, I had no clue what I was doing really, still don't :tongue:) but with Kreelin's editor, it's much easier and you'll have the freedom to place it where you want...


...besides, when you learn it, then you can add any carrier for any side, choose which aircraft are carrier capable and so on. A lot better than simply having the single forrestal...

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The knowledge base gives you step by step instructions on how to do it.



Thanks but i did say....


Please do not direct me to the 2 areas in the Knowledge base as I have tried both of these and cannot seem to get it to work. In some files the content is different and/or the filenames are different. I have tried many combinations.


I spent almost 2 hours looking for and editing alot of the files in WOE to try and add a carrier and it would'nt work as, I have already said, the content and the filenames are different. So I edited the next closest match, and various others in many combinations to no avail.


If someone has already done it, can you please send me the files or list EXACTLY which files you edited with what.


I am fully away of what the knowledge base says, so do not just 'pass' me on again.



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These are the steps that I use:

(I don't own WoE, so I can't send edited campaigns to you. BTW, does Red Lightning or Nato Fighters have carriers?)


Open Kmd and select a location, the cursor position is in the right bottom corner, making sure that it isn't behind enemy lines.

Take the coordinates and put them in a target area. There is NO need to create targets in it other than saying:


Open the campaign_data.ini and on the bottom, make a new campaign entry, with the new carrier station.

Edit or make a new aircraft unit based on the carrier. Make sure that the carrier number corresponds with the carrier, as it will NOT work even if it is based in the same carrier station.

Make that unit flyable.

Off you go on a mission off a carrier!


Hope this helps...

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WOE does not have carriers installed in any of the stock campaigns. They deal strictly with the land and air element in contentinal Europe. NATO planning for carriers would of had US, UK, and French carrier forces gathering just off Ireland or off the southern coast of England near Portsmouth and then push north to into the Norweign Sea and carry the war to the Soviets. Primarly but attacking and containing the Red Banner Northern Fleet and then to bomb thier bases up and around the Kola Pennusila. It is generally assumed that if the ballon went up and Strike Fleet Atlantic, which is what the NATO carrier battle group would be referred to, would of been a serious engagement with numerous losses on both sides both in terms of aircraft and ships.

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Thanks but i did say....

I spent almost 2 hours looking for and editing alot of the files in WOE to try and add a carrier and it would'nt work as, I have already said, the content and the filenames are different. So I edited the next closest match, and various others in many combinations to no avail.


If someone has already done it, can you please send me the files or list EXACTLY which files you edited with what.


I am fully away of what the knowledge base says, so do not just 'pass' me on again.




Well I am sorry that the knowledge base didn't work for you but I can't make it any clearer that what it is the knowledge base. The procedure works in all 3 sim the exact same way.

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Is there any WOE players that have managed to do this?


I fully understand all 2 sims are on the same engine and have similar files, but I have tore apart my installation and thoroughly checked and cross referenced with the knowledge base articles with bugger all luck :dntknw:


I will give my wife to anyone who can come up with a solid, 110% working solution, with the exact files to edit :rolleyes::biggrin::good:




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Carriers in WoE? IT cannot be done!


"Oh no, there is that word the Knights of Ni must never hear....!"



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I have, using those procedures, as I was the one who figured out how to do it in the first place.


Did you open the GERMANYCE_TARGETS.ini in your terrain folder and add the cooridinates from Kreelins editor?

Should look something like this:



Name=Yankee Station

Position=592000.00,618000.00 <--------------this is where those coordinates go.







did you then open one of the campaign.ini's and add those stations to the campaign? Looks like...





UnitName=CV-59 USS Forestall



BaseArea=Yankee Station







Finally did you add a carry to your groundobjects folder in order for it to show up?

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Nice russkie carrier and is that a forger???

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Carriers in WoE? IT cannot be done!


"Oh no, there is that word the Knights of Ni must never hear....!"





Very interesting Fubar. When do we get to see those for download?



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You've killed the Bride's Father!


"I did?"


You've run your sword right through his head!


"Oh dear, is he alright?"


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Very interesting Fubar. When do we get to see those for download?


When Marcelo (Kiev) and Gabilon (Yak-141) decide that they are ready for prime-time.


There's still quite a bit of work to do on both.

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