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How can I add the Tu-22's into WOV?

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I can't get any of the Tu-22 Blinder aircraft available for download here to work in WOV. Am I missing some simple fix or is it more involved? Practically all of the other planes I've downloaded work fine, just the Tu-22 and the Tu-16 don't work when I tried them. I've installed the 5.15 and 8.30 updates from Thirdwire, if that helps. Thanks.

Edited by USAAF

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i've tried some tu22s and couldn't get them to work. For use for AI only i didn't investigate too much. however natofighters has the 22 and 16 and i think user flyable (just install natofighters into a blank folder and pick out the two planes).

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i've tried some tu22s and couldn't get them to work. For use for AI only i didn't investigate too much. however natofighters has the 22 and 16 and i think user flyable (just install natofighters into a blank folder and pick out the two planes).


I think the tu-22 just needs a cockpit to be flyable,, but I could be wrong.

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If you're trying to get the Tu-22 into WoV, and do not own either SF:P1 or WoE, then you're out of luck, as what's available here are just skins (textures).


If you own either of the two aforementioned titles, you'll have to extract all the Tu-22's applicable files (*.lod.,*.shd, and .ini files), place them in the Tu-22's folder (in the aircraft directory), and drag them over to WoV.


You'll then have to associate a cockpit and it's avionics with it if you wish to make it flyable. That's done in the Tu-22.ini file, by adding the following lines (highlighted in red):



AircraftFullName=Tu-22B Blinder-A






Note that I'm using a default WoV aircraft's cockpit, the A-6A's. I feel this is a good fit for the Tu-22, with it's side by side seating. Alternately, you can download and use the F-111 'pit.

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Another thing to remeber is that WoV has no large base sizes. There are two fixes:


1- Go into the data.ini and fix this line:

Minbasesize=LARGE<----- to Medium




2- Go into the VietnamSEA_targets.ini (you'll need to extract it) and change some bases (U-Tapao would be good) to LARGE bases.


Hope this helps...

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Again as of the latest service pack from Thirdwire for WOV.


In the objects.cat there are the Tu22 LOD files and the Tu22_Data.ini.

You just need to create a folder for it in the objects\aircraft folder and place a tu22.ini file there. Drop a skin in that folder and at least it should work AI wise.


To make it flyable follow Fubars and Jtins advice. I'd suggest you set minbasesize to medium. There are no large VPAF airbases and WOV will want you to start a red bird from a red airfield.


If i ever manage to do another clean install i will create a pack with folders and ini files that will resurect the planes/objects hidden in the objects.cat after the latest service pack.




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If you're trying to get the Tu-22 into WoV, and do not own either SF:P1 or WoE, then you're out of luck, as what's available here are just skins (textures).


If you own either of the two aforementioned titles, you'll have to extract all the Tu-22's applicable files (*.lod.,*.shd, and .ini files), place them in the Tu-22's folder (in the aircraft directory), and drag them over to WoV.


You'll then have to associate a cockpit and it's avionics with it if you wish to make it flyable. That's done in the Tu-22.ini file, by adding the following lines (highlighted in red):



AircraftFullName=Tu-22B Blinder-A






Note that I'm using a default WoV aircraft's cockpit, the A-6A's. I feel this is a good fit for the Tu-22, with it's side by side seating. Alternately, you can download and use the F-111 'pit.


I just googled the Tu-22 Blinder and discovered, as I suspected, that the TU-22 has a single pilot. Therefore, a more appropriate cockpit might be the F-4E. Two engines and one driver, every double-ugly driver's dream.



AircraftFullName=Tu-22B Blinder-A






Edited by Jug

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