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Looking For a Good Game Suggestion

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Looking for something new to play. I got RB6LV, Medieval II Total War, Oblivion, Dawn of War series, to name a few. Is Neverwinter Nights II a good one? Any other suggestions?

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AoE3 is great!

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I have AOE3 and the expansion.

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I've always enjoyed the space stragery or space empire games, although there are none out now I would recommend. Zip.


You can take a look at an upcoming small team production here, seems interesting from a "realism" viewpoint -- Horizon ~> http://www.l3o.com/

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I hear Galactic Civilisations is supposed to be excellent. I hear you can design your starships from scratch, making them sleek and deadly, or in my case, butt ugly and looking like I've flown it into a tree, BUT STILL BADASS!!


Lexx, that game looks suspiciously like Space Empires... Hmmm...

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Virtual Skipper sailboat racing is a relaxing and leisurely game for a

nice change of pace

Herman Maier Ski racing is great for a quick 10 min frantic game fix


ps thanks for all your great addons and tutorials

Im a casual gamer duffer the tutorials are much help

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Got Company of Heros. What good RPG's are there?

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Getting Up Contents under Pressure

Action adventure grafitti artist in ruff neighborhood

digital download too

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I'm guessing you're not a fan of Grand Thef Auto...? San Andreas was a ball for me. So much to do! Even though it's not an RPG. Again with the sci fi theme, but X3 is supposed to be quite indepth, freeroaming, freelancing as well as empire building with an RPG feel. Eve online is similar although I think the crux to Eve is mining. You'll spend a hell of a lot of time doing it and it'll prolly kill your interest in the end.


I have to say, I've been getting back into Zero Hour recently thanks in large to a mod I've been making with a friend. The vanilla version bored me, especially with how a Scud launcher couldn't hurl a scud more than a screen away. We've got scuds raining down from the other side of the map now... :grin:

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I cant stand any of those GTA series, its the dumbest thing since the movie Jackass.

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Space Stuff: Homeworld

Big muzzle loaders on wooden boats: Age Of Sail 2

Shooter Small units: Ghost Recon

Anybody know of a good Vietnam era shootin' sim for small teams? I bought Ghost Recon thinking it would be a Force Recon Sim. It still turns my screws tho. :ph34r: CL



Edited by charlielima

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I cant stand any of those GTA series, its the dumbest thing since the movie Jackass.


Awwww... What? You take that back! :threaten: You're kinda right about it though, if it was more like GTA3 without the idiotic radio programs and childish dialouge, I'd find it more fun. Personally, I'd like to see a zombie survival mod as I think it'd be a great engine for it. But you know, different strokes for different folks. :tomato:


Anybody know of a good Vietnam era shootin' sim for small teams? I bought Ghost Recon thinking it would be a Force Recon Sim. It still turns my screws tho. :ph34r: CL


Vietcong would fit the bill nicely^^ You're the new Sgt just arriving at a US Army Special Forces/Montagnard (Thượng) outpost near the cambodian border. You do a lot of stalking through the bush, CSAR, patrolling and so on. AI's reasonably smart. There's a co-op mode for just about all of the ingame maps, it's just so very different from the linear WW2 games out there. First time I played it with a buddy, bloody VC had us so effectively pinned down in some marshlands, we couldn't move for about 90 minutes lest we get whacked hard. Once we learned to creep around (and unlearn all that run and gun crap), it became a really atmospheric (but edgy!) experience. Totally worth getting!


Only problem was that everything that made the first one so good was removed from the sequel, thus ensuring Vietcong 2 a dog of a game. Avoid VC2 like the plague or Rosie O'Donell!

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My wife and I have been having a blast playing Unreal Tournament 2004 together. Capture the Flag is a real challenge. The visuals are most cool and the AI actually seems to have a brain. Call of Duty 2 is excellent. The Armed Assualt demo seems to work just fine for me. Im still playing Fleet Command and Homeworld 2. Any one of the three Combat Missions are also excellent.


Edited by pcpilot

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