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Well,I have a lot of questions,so let me start:


1.I have WOV and I would like to know what aircraft can be used on it.I noticed almost all aircraft made are only for SF,and I would like to know if it work on WOV?


2.I had the MiG-21 and 23 before installing the Service Pack 4 and weapons pack.

Before,both have Atoll-A and D missiles.After patching and inst. the Weapons Pack,the planes (MiG-21 and 23) have only fuel tanks and nothing else...What´s wrong?And some planes are still without weapons...


3.Some planes are not showing on the plane list,like the Su-9 and a british plane I installed,and others are crashing the game,like the Yak-25,Tu-16 and IL-28.

I read that the Tu-16 may have problems at WOV,but before the patching and WP,the plane was working fine,now...Why?

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Almost all of the aircraft can be used in WoV. SFP1 was the precursor to WoV, and the older mods would be said to be built for that. However, some of the terrains used the desert.cat, which is only in SFP1. The Desert Storm terrain is an example of this.


The weapons pack renamed the missiles, but they are still there. Are you installing the weapons pack after patching? The weapons pack should automatically edit the MiG's loadout.ini.


If the planes don't show on the plane list, you need to have a cockpit. Just assign a cockpit to it (in the aircraft.ini) and you're all set. The crashing is caused by the lack of LARGE bases in the VietnamSEA map. You can either change the Minbasesize to MEDIUM in the aircraft_Data.ini, or edit the VietnamSEA_targets.ini to make some bases LARGE.


Hope this helps! Don't hesitate to ask questions, as that's what this forum is for!

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OhI thought SF aircraft wasn´t able to be at WOE/WOV.

When I read Capun SFP1,I think its only for Strike Fighters.


Yes,I installed the patch,weapons pack and then the planes.For what I read at the FAQ.


I´m not an expert,so can you tell me how to make the bases larger and to make the missiles come back?

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To fix your Red Air birds follow this link...


The World Famous Weapons Wiki


In the Aircraft Data section, instructions on how to fix those commies :haha:



Kevin Stein

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The Weapons Pack uses the Russian designation for the air-to-air missiles, and the stock game uses the NATO designation for the russian missiles. You have to edit the loadout.ini files on each of the Russian planes to change the missile loadouts to match the russian designations used in the Weapons Pack. The Data.ini files on each of the Russian planes has to have the Attachment Type=WP changed to Attachment Type=SOVIET to be able to load the missiles on the plane.


It's not really as bad as it sounds. The correct ini files for the Weapons Pack are available at Bunyap's Weapons Pack Aircraft Database.

Edited by NeverEnough

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All aircraft in SFs with a few exceptions can be used in all three games. Again, same thing applies to some aircraft from WoE. about 98% of all aircraft are interchangable. If its not, it should say so in the aircraft's read me.

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Okay. It's not as easy as I thought... (but still easy)


Turns out the size isn't in the VietnamSEA_targets.ini. In the VietnamSEA_types.ini (you may have to extract it), scroll down to the runways. Under:




Change the entry to LARGE_RUNWAY. I think this will be best with Runway4 (the big one?).


You're all set!

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Okay. It's not as easy as I thought... (but still easy)


Turns out the size isn't in the VietnamSEA_targets.ini. In the VietnamSEA_types.ini (you may have to extract it), scroll down to the runways. Under:




Change the entry to LARGE_RUNWAY. I think this will be best with Runway4 (the big one?).


You're all set!


Ah,you mean to go at that read me files and change a line?That´s not so hard...


But I added cockpits and still the same problem.The british plane I said above is the Firefly by Capun.Weird because it already have a cockpit (or it was supposed to have).I copied that TGA files from "Cockpits" and added at the cockpits folder,the Su-9 didn´t had the folder,so I created one.But didn´t worked...


BTW,if the bigger bombers like the Badger doesn´t work by lack of big hangars,why the B-52 wich is almost 2 times bigger works well?


And the Yak Brewer is missing guns too...


P.S:Where is located this file?


Terrain?I´m not finding anywhere...

Edited by Sgt.KAR98

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BTW,if the bigger bombers like the Badger doesn´t work by lack of big hangars,why the B-52 wich is almost 2 times bigger works well


Because there are no "large" North Vietnamese runways modeled in the SEA terrain, while there are several large runways located in South Vietnam & Thailand.

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BTW,where is the file you said?I´m not finding it...

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It's in the VietnamSEA.cat. You also have to check in the VietnamSEA_targets.ini that some of the North Vietnamese airfields actually use the airfield4.lod.


Goodl luck!

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You will have to use the SPF1E Extract Utility to extract the individual terrain files from the VietnamSEA cat file. In your terrain folder, unless you have already extracted files from the VietnamSEA cat file, the VietnamSEA cat file will be all that you see. The extract utility is available here at CombatAce, and the Knowledge Base will tell you everything you need to know.

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You will have to use the SPF1E Extract Utility to extract the individual terrain files from the VietnamSEA cat file. In your terrain folder, unless you have already extracted files from the VietnamSEA cat file, the VietnamSEA cat file will be all that you see. The extract utility is available here at CombatAce, and the Knowledge Base will tell you everything you need to know.



Thanks,I will try.

I´m just afraid of doing this to wrong file and blowing the game up...


And about the cockpits,how I assign one cockpit?

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If you do it to the wrong file, then just delete it, and the game will use the original in the .cat. The file is just a copy from the .cat. It is not removed.


Go in the aircraft.ini and just simply change the cockpit line to correspond with the cockpit.ini. You can copy that and the cockpit folder from an other aircraft.

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Oh,yes,the Su-9 and the Firefly worked!

I just gave the wrong name to the folder.

I mean,the IL-2 file is as il-2m3.If you create a folder with the name il-2,the plane will not be at the aircraft list.

It must be the same name of the file.


Now I just need to know about the terrain and the missiles.

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Now I just need to know about the terrain and the missiles.


Sorry for a double like post,but the VietnamSEA files are fixed now. :clapping:

Weird tha tnow the mission location is wrote vietnamSEA,but...


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The folder name has to be the same as the .ini file.


It would be il-2m3.


The naming is Vietnam >South East Asia.


Same as Germany > Central Europe.

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The naming is Vietnam >South East Asia.



I thought it was the sea of Vietnam... :blush:


BTW,some planes are missing on that "GunsPedia".

The il2m3,the Yak Brewer C (it is there,but nothing on it),MiG-21MF,the germans (Stuka,Bachem,Ta-18? and some more) and some of these planes are using russian bombs and rockets!The Stuka for example.

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To fix your Red Air birds follow this link...


The World Famous Weapons Wiki


In the Aircraft Data section, instructions on how to fix those commies :haha:



Kevin Stein



ScheiBe,sorry for buring this tomb,but your site is off for 2 days...

And I´m needing the A-3 Skywarrior weapons....

Oh,and BTW,are you going to add more aircraft lines?Some aircraft (of the "Wiki") are missing the lines too...

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IT seem the Wiki has dropped beyond it's own event horizon, and is no longer part of our physical universe.

(ie: it's vanished!!)


USAFMTL has created a new thread here in the Knowledge Base, and I (and hopefully others) will beginto rebuild the database here.


I belive we'll start with the Fishbeds, as they seem the most popular.



Kevin Stein

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I belive we'll start with the Fishbeds, as they seem the most popular.


Well,its my favorite MiG too!

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Fishbeds and Foxhounds, Fulcrums and Floggers.

Farmers and Foxbats for buzzing those joggers.

Fagots are so named for bundles of twigs.

These are a few of my favorite MiGs...

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oi vey!!!....


now I'm gonna have Julie Andrew's voice stuck in my head all day!!!!!!



SgtKAR98: try this for the Stuka, and other WW2 German stuff:


open the data ini, and change the attachment type from WP (on Pasko's Stuka) to W_GERMANY


Try this for you Stuka's loadout:










































Which Ta-183 needs fixing? the "A" figher or the "B" Jabo??

again, they need the W_GERMANY attachment.


The Natter carries no weapons other than a snoot full of unguided rockets (R4M??)


It makes me very nuts we've lost that...I had a whole section called "WW2 Nazi Germany Notes". Which, of course, I never saved anywhere.


The Skywarrior stand-in should take common, garden variety USN bombs. Unless, it's set as refueler. I'll have to d/l it and see. (believe it or not, I actualy don't have every single aircraft available!



Kevin Stein

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oi vey!!!....


now I'm gonna have Julie Andrew's voice stuck in my head all day!!!!!!

SgtKAR98: try this for the Stuka, and other WW2 German stuff:


open the data ini, and change the attachment type from WP (on Pasko's Stuka) to W_GERMANY"


actually just Germany WWII, that brings up the Nazi Germany era of weapons.

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It´s the Ta "B".

And also the WWII planes are missing its bombs.

The 2 Hs-129,Go-229,Me-163,Ki Karyuu,Shusui interceptor,MiG-3,IL-2,Heinkel 111 H8,,Ki-45,Yak 3 and Yak 3 rocket powered.


Some planes I believe that are "unarmed".Like,the planes that doesn´t have the loadout blanks don´t carry anything,right?




Neither W_Germany or Germany WWII worked.

It replaced the russian weapons by american loadouts...

Edited by Sgt.KAR98

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