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Thank you to the Aircraft Designers!

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I now have a ton of aircraft in WOV,WOE,FE and many Great Terrains for them and i wanted to thank everyone who makes these great addons!


I have been flying alot of WOE single missions in the Bearing Straits and hardly ever use the default aircraft any more. I love the F-80s,F-86s,F-106s and my aircraft folder spans from the Me-262 to the Yf-23. I really like how the game automaticly uses new aircraft as enemys in single missions.


I have a few questions though...


Does a model exist of the 1st Phantom? I believe it was designated F4-H or something like that, not talking about a Rhino version, it served before that. I have looked all over but have not found one yet.


Also, I cant hit anything with my ATG weapons, I either drop them too soon or get to low and blow myself up in the process. I downloaded the Bombing Range terrain and will practice, any Tips?



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Concerning the Phantom, from memories and a little research to get details...


Prior to 1962, the Phantom was used only by the US Navy and designated F4H Phantom II.

When the US Air Force "decided" to use the Phantom as well it was designated F-110A Spectre.

But in 1962 after the creation of a unified designation scheme, the F4H was redesignated F-4A/B Phantom II while the F-110A was assigned F-4C.

The F-4A/F4H-1F covers the first 45 F4H produced (in 5 Blocks, the first 3 being considered pre-production run), for due to a lack of engines, less powerful ones were mounted on these (they would be upgraged later on).

The major differences between the F-4A/F4H-1F (Blocks 1 through 5) and the F-4B/F4H-1 (Block 6 through 28) are (not considering the individual differences on nearly each and every aircraft till Block 3) :


- Lower powered engine on the F4H-1F

- Simpler cockpit and avionics on pre-Block 3 aircrafts

- Straight, smaller nose on pre-Block 3 aircrafts

- Lower canopy on pre-Block 3 aircrafts


That makes for (at least) 2 different F4H-1F to model ingame :

F-4A/F4H-1F Block 1/2 : Lower powered, small nose, straight canopy, older radar

F-4A/F4H-1F Block 3/4/5 : Lower powered, otherwise identical to F-4B/F4H-1


In operationnal service most Block 4 to 5 F4H-1F/F-4A were upgraded to F4H-1/F-4B standard.

Most of the F4H-1F/F-4A were never used for anything more than training, tests and research.


And no, no F-4A exists for SFP1/WoV/WoE yet.

It would be possible to make a Block 3/4/5 F4H-1F (5 pre-production Block 3 and 24 production Block 4/5) from the existing F-4B by tweaking the INI to reduce the thrust, but the Block 1/2 (16 pre-production aicrafts) would require a new 3D model.


Way more information can be found here or there.

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I now have a ton of aircraft in WOV,WOE,FE and many Great Terrains for them and i wanted to thank everyone who makes these great addons!


I gotta say, I'm a bit pissed with 'em. No-one's making any crap models! :no: They'll all great and I just keep adding and adding. I've got no more space on my drives! Bastards! :biggrin:

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Does a model exist of the 1st Phantom? I believe it was designated F4-H or something like that, not talking about a Rhino version, it served before that. I have looked all over but have not found one yet.






Do you mean this one? The FH-1?



In that case, no, it's never been done.





Or do you mean this one, the F4H-1 nee F-4A? http://usslexington.com/index.php?option=c...&Itemid=106


As fewer than 50 F-4As were built before production switched to the B, it's a minor footnote to the plane's overall history.

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Do you mean this one? The FH-1?



In that case, no, it's never been done.


Yeah, I was talking about the FH-1 Phantom. Im a little surprised that it has not been made yet, but maybe someone will build it. Most of the other early jets have been made so i cant complain in any case. This sim has more addon aircraft than almost any sim on the market except for the MSFS series.


I have WOV,WOE and FE, Can someone point me in the right direction to buy a copy of Strike Fighters? Is it still for sale anywhere or should i try EBay? I mainly want it for the dessert terrain, but What aircraft does SF have that are not included in WOV or WOE?



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I gotta say, I'm a bit pissed with 'em. No-one's making any crap models! :no: They'll all great and I just keep adding and adding. I've got no more space on my drives! Bastards! :biggrin:


LOL! Not only that, All my friends never call any more because chances are the phone lines are tied up...downloading said models :wink:

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I second this motion. These are the people that make these sims go on and on and on. Thanks again for your hard and selfless work for others to enjoy.

Edited by AT1

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I third this motion.


As for an FH-1, There's a source file of freeflight design and simviation I think. I was going to fix it up for SF/WOE when I got the time to, add it to my list of to-dos. As the model is made, I'll probably finish it up first as my modeling debut for SF.

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Yeah, I was talking about the FH-1 Phantom. Im a little surprised that it has not been made yet, but maybe someone will build it. Most of the other early jets have been made so i cant complain in any case. This sim has more addon aircraft than almost any sim on the market except for the MSFS series.


I have WOV,WOE and FE, Can someone point me in the right direction to buy a copy of Strike Fighters? Is it still for sale anywhere or should i try EBay? I mainly want it for the dessert terrain, but What aircraft does SF have that are not included in WOV or WOE?





Ebay or Amazon maybe:





Planes in Strike Fighters - try here:



Similar to WOE really though there is a comparison chart here:




As for bombing techniques there is an entire manual on ground and air weapon deployment techniques by Andy Bush at www.simhq.com so do a search there.

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