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Project 1 Video Issues

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Well, I got a good one I think. I have had Project 1 since it came out, and I just got around to getting it reloaded, and getting serious about using it. So I went to the Third Wire site and downloaded the latest SP and the patch for the SP. Prior to my applying this patch, the sim ran very well. Now I cannot seem to run it in anything but 16 Bit. I can crank the resolution up all the way to what my card can handle and still only can do 16 bit. If I try to run 32 bit, I get corrupted video. By that I mean the screen becomes pixilated and comes up with all kind of weird colors. I tried to take a screen shot of it, but wouldnt you know it? The screen shot comes out nice and clear. The mission select screen runs great, the trouble starts when it goes to the load screen. The nose on view of the Phantom is pixilated and again the colors are off. If I turn down all of the options to the minimum, still doesnt clear up the problem. Only when I select 16 bit color does it clear up to degree. What I end up with is the clouds look real jagged, and have an odd purple irridecent sheen to them. I have a Nvidia FX5600 card which, as I said before runs the game just great without the SP installed. I have within the last two weeks updated my Direct X to the latest and greatest from MS, and to make sure I went back last night and rechecked that I do in fact have the latest. I have the latest drivers from Nvidia, again I confirmed it last night. So, does any one have any idea why I cannot run it in anything other than 16 bit?


I also heard tell that there was somekind of problem with the first issue of the game that was sold by Wally World. That it was a beta that cannot be patched or somethng like that. I did buy it at WalMart, and the version number that comes up on the start screen is as follows: Ver# 10.11.02 and the date on the read me is 11/10/02. So am I kinda hosed here or what? What started the whole adventure is that I downloaded a Thud, and it stated in the read me that the tape instruments would not work until "patch 3" or something like that came out. Seems if there was some other patches, I seemed to have missed out on them, and now all I can find is SFP1_sp051506b and SFP1_p052506. If anyone has a clue I would certainly appreciate it. I am now worried since I just ordered WoV, and hope that I dont have those problems with that one as well.


Max :dntknw:

Edited by ebe2000

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there's also the v08.30.06 patch after Service Pack v05.15.06.

The service packs/patches update the core game engine with all the additional features that have been added over the years allowing for better eyecandy as well as better gameplay but it does mean that it won't run as well on lower end hardware as originally.

Yours isn't a common complaint afaik though.


Iirc the nVidia 5 series has something pretty badly broken - SM 2.0?

Have you asked on Third Wire's tech supprt forum?

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Thanks BUFF, where can I find that other patch you mentioned? I did try Third Wire Tech support, but I am going to re-submit the qestion, perhaps they will answer this time. The last time they just told me that I needed to insure it was a clean install to start with before I apply the patches. That I did do, but it still didnt make any diference. This is the only game that I am having video issues with. I can play FS2004 Century of Flight, all of the IL-2 games, and LOMAC, no complaints from any of them, just this one. Like I said I hope that this is not going to be an issue when I get WoV.




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Thanks BUFF, where can I find that other patch you mentioned? I did try Third Wire Tech support, but I am going to re-submit the qestion, perhaps they will answer this time. The last time they just told me that I needed to insure it was a clean install to start with before I apply the patches. That I did do, but it still didnt make any diference. This is the only game that I am having video issues with. I can play FS2004 Century of Flight, all of the IL-2 games, and LOMAC, no complaints from any of them, just this one. Like I said I hope that this is not going to be an issue when I get WoV.





I just heard from Third Wire, and pretty much they just told me that my video card pretty much is a peice of junk. I dont understand, my card works exceptionaly well in all of the other games, I can make a list of them all, and a large percentage of them are very demanding from the video stand point. I just dont understand why the problem is only with this game in particular. I guess I will either just run it without the patches, and just be happy with it. I just dont get it :dntknw: I can even run LOMAC at the max settings and it just chugs a little bit so I back it off just a bit, and it runs like a champ. I can run FS2004 with most all the settings at max, includiing 100 percent traffic, and it runs just great. Guess I am just plain out of luck here. Speaking of out of luck, I just got my copy of WoV now I am off to see what mess that one makes. I will let you all know about that result.... :dry::crazy:



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As the patches have progressed, TW has improved the capabilities of the engine. The result is the game requires more out of your PC now then it did 2 years ago. The 5600 was a mid-range DX9 first-gen card from nVidia. Since then, the card has been greatly surpassed. It is a 4 yr old card now, as you can see from this review back then: http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.html?i=1797&p=15


I would think you could turn down the details, otherwise you may have to keep the game at its 2005 or so patch level. Your card has simply stood still while the gaming world has moved on. :grin:

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Consider this:


That GeForce card is now three generations old. We're currently on the 8X series GeForce.


From experience, I can tell you that the SF-derived sims now require at least a mid-range GeForce 6x series (6600 and above), or their ATI-equivelents, to run properly with all the graphics sliders maxed out.

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Consider this:


That GeForce card is now three generations old. We're currently on the 8X series GeForce.


From experience, I can tell you that the SF-derived sims now require at least a mid-range GeForce 6x series (6600 and above), or their ATI-equivelents, to run properly with all the graphics sliders maxed out.


from sad experience, I can confirm that a GeForce 5500 doesnt' hack it......



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from sad experience, I can confirm that a GeForce 5500 doesnt' hack it......




Nvidia FX5600 card was a junk card. I had one in one of my computers all of about 2 days, then removed it and filed it into the garbage.

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Nvidia FX5600 card was a junk card. I had one in one of my computers all of about 2 days, then removed it and filed it into the garbage.


yea, had a nice discussion on Thirdwire on this too. it will be a "day or two" before I budget for a new card though. The newest cost more than the computer, printer and monitor cost. :blink:

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Well, that pretty much solves that problem. I guess I will take me junky card, and figure out what I can afford.

Had not realized that the card was that much of a dinosaur. oh and by the by, WoV runs just fine with it, and I can max out the sliders and it looks pretty doggone good. Guess my system just does not like Project 1.



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Hey Max not your fault man, they put out a bad card and blew it up to more than what it was. I hope you are able to get a new card. However you should be able to run PJ1 better than WOV. WOV was always a hog.

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Hey Max not your fault man, they put out a bad card and blew it up to more than what it was. I hope you are able to get a new card. However you should be able to run PJ1 better than WOV. WOV was always a hog.


right on. If I run a campaign in WOV, it slows down so bad that I get killed in a heartbeat.

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Just a thought, go to Invidia websight and download older drivers more in line with date of your card.

I'm running Geforce 4/440 with SFP1 and it doesn't run to bad.

When I use latest drivers it creates problems. When I use older drivers it's not to bad.

I downloaded 3 different "era" drivers and tried them until I had 1 that worked pretty well.

I run in 32 all the time without to much problem.

I found that sound slows game down more than video. In heavy graphics (large formations ) their sound slows game more than graphics.

Also, faster CPU helps with video card also.

Just a few things to try and help


Good luck! :victory:

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Just a thought, go to Invidia websight and download older drivers more in line with date of your card.

I'm running Geforce 4/440 with SFP1 and it doesn't run to bad.

When I use latest drivers it creates problems. When I use older drivers it's not to bad.

I downloaded 3 different "era" drivers and tried them until I had 1 that worked pretty well.

I run in 32 all the time without to much problem.

I found that sound slows game down more than video. In heavy graphics (large formations ) their sound slows game more than graphics.

Also, faster CPU helps with video card also.

Just a few things to try and help


Good luck! :victory:

good idea..I run a FX5700 ultra and it runs everything fine.also turn your horizon down some,thats a killer there.

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Hey guys! thanks for the advise, I will try all of it, I am not quite ready to give up on the game yet, I am an stubborn old Phantom and Thud Crew Chief. Got frustrated a lot in my time. I am going to give the boss lady the hard and I mean hard sell on getting a new card at some point soon. Like I had said, I can run most all of the other stuff including LOMAC and I get pretty good results and no corruption, along with IL-2 cranked up all the way. In any event, I am going to take all of the advise and go step by step and see if I can make the magic happen. My next project.....is figuring how to add a Wild Weasel Thud to either of the two sims. I have nice one from a fellow named David, and Sundowner, and Lansen. Looks pretty good my problem? Is trying to make sense out of the instructions for adding the weapons editor so the tanks, the Shrikes and the rest of the Thud "goodies" show up. I crewed the Weasel tail number 304. Good jet, lots of good memories of her.


so onward and upward we go......





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F-105 and F-4 crew chief eh? I know a few things about crew chiefs having spent some time in a squadron that trained them. Go Crew Dawgs

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