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I DL'd both the A and C versions of the 29 the last night and I noticed that when I fly against them in single mission they have no missles, I didnt see anything in the read me about this so what have I screwed up this time? I have the latest wpns pack by the way.

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I DL'd both the A and C versions of the 29 the last night and I noticed that when I fly against them in single mission they have no missles, I didnt see anything in the read me about this so what have I screwed up this time? I have the latest wpns pack by the way.


Do you have the lastest weapons pack? If not that could be your problem!

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I DL'd both the A and C versions of the 29 the last night and I noticed that when I fly against them in single mission they have no missles, I didnt see anything in the read me about this so what have I screwed up this time? I have the latest wpns pack by the way.



You didn't screw anything up; you'll need to edit the 'Data.ini' and 'Loadout.ini' files of the planes to activate the weps in the Weapons Pack.

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You didn't screw anything up; you'll need to edit the 'Data.ini' and 'Loadout.ini' files of the planes to activate the weps in the Weapons Pack.


I just noticed that none of the add on Soviet a\c that Ive added have missles, in what way must I edit the files to activate the wpns pack?

BTW my hats off to you guys, this is one of fastest forums Ive come across in terms getting a useful response

Edited by C46thVA

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I just noticed that none of the add on Soviet a\c that Ive added have missles, in what way must I edit the files to activate the wpns pack?

BTW my hats off to you guys, this is one of fastest forums Ive come across in terms getting a useful response


Edit: Never mind. I need to get new glasses.

Edited by Tristan

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I have it too,A and G,but they have guns...

The only weird problem is that the cannons are mute...

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I have it too,A and G,but they have guns...

The only weird problem is that the cannons are mute...



That's because you're missing the "GSH" sound file that MiG-29 (and Su-27 & Yak-41) use. Drop the attached file into your sounds folder

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I only see the MIG29A would I just do the same thing for the C model?



Anyone have updated -29C files? I looked through my own collection and I don't have jack diddly.

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OK, now that I edited all those stinking files none of the aircraft that have been edited will show up as opponents, back to nothing but MIG 21s.

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We have a C and G model Fulcrumbs??? How come I was't told??? (*&^%432! This is what happens when you sleep through staff meetings.....



EDIT: ok, I've found em. Guess I'll take a leak at them now. :ok:





Kevin Stein

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This is what happens when you sleep through staff meetings.....



Kevin Stein


Remember the "Badger" video, Wrench? "Mushroom! Mushroom!"

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Wait for the Mig-29S.

The aircraft have updated loadouts and weapons.

So It will all ways show up with weps all the time at the right time.

Now I am testing and etc.

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OK...problem solved on the BundsLuftwaffe G...


We need to create 'Western' version of the Soviet weapons.

Wasn't there a discussion about that a short time ago, either here or at SimHQ????


Since this one is pure A-A, only 2 missiles need to be created. If anyone is interested, I can have both the C and G fixed and uploaded to the KB in a few hours (actually, the C is done...that one was easy.) It don't take no real time to do a 'creat copy' of weapon, and adjust the nation and attachment types.


Odd about the gun though....even with the new wav, I still ain't got no sound. (Ed, didn't we go through that about a year and 1/2 ago???) I just use the 'cannon'. We'll fix it later! Let's get it in the air with semi-accurate weapons!



Kevin Stein



ps: you all know that I was trying to get the Snouted Swallow's readmes finished, so I can upload that bird for us 20-odd folks still flying WW2, right???? Good thing I'm unemployed right now...





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OK, now that I edited all those stinking files none of the aircraft that have been edited will show up as opponents, back to nothing but MIG 21s.


Send me a PM, if you'd like; maybe I can help you figure out what happened.

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Ok folks, 29C and G, with BLW weapons now in the KB.



Kevin Stein

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OK, I got'em all working just fine now.

BTW I DLd the SU-27 and got my a** smoked trying to kill one in both the F-15 and F-16. That is one bad dude.

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OK, I got'em all working just fine now.

BTW I DLd the SU-27 and got my a** smoked trying to kill one in both the F-15 and F-16. That is one bad dude.



It takes skills bro :biggrin: . I can wax them in a F-14 and a F/A-18A. Not saying that your not good. It just really takes some fancy flying to overcome them.... but it is possible. However, we they come in hords, it's a bit of a nightmare. I usually find myself zig-zagging all over the sky avoiding R-73s and 77s.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Trust me, I have no illusions about my flying skills!!! Im a pi** poor jet jock for sure, but what do you expect from an old grunt! I have noticed that my sparrows NEVER get a kill but AAMRAMs work pretty good.


C46th out

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I DL'd both the A and C versions of the 29 the last night and I noticed that when I fly against them in single mission they have no missles, I didnt see anything in the read me about this so what have I screwed up this time? I have the latest wpns pack by the way.


I have also found that with all Soviet based aircraft, the loadout.ini files all seem to call the missile types by their AA- designation. (eg. AA-2 Atoll) I've gone against numerous fan made aircraft that are carrying no missiles... Mig-23MF/MS Mig-25 set, Mig-29 set... practically a turkey shoot. I found that the Weapons pack tends to call the Soviet missiles by their "R-" designation. (eg. R-3R Atoll or R-60T).


So, you'll have to go into just about every Soviet aircrafts' loadout.ini replace all AA- entries with their R- equivalent. Now, I also find that missiles are date air aircraft sensitive, so you can't expect a Mig-21 in 1960 to carry missiles that are designed to be launched from Mig-29s.


I have researched this, and I shall add a list of missile designations and the aircraft they belong too. It takes a lot of dickin' around, editing all these files, but at least you'll have a challenging adversary, in the end. good luck folks!


All missiles below pertain to the latest weapons pack.


RS-2U = AA-1A Alkali IRM (MiG-17/19) small

RS-2US = AA-1B Alkali IRM (MiG-17/19) small

R-3R = AA-2 Atoll SAHM (MiG-21) Large

R-3S = AA-2 Atoll IRM (MiG-21)

R-4M = AA-5 Ash (SU-11/15, Yak-28)

R-8MR = AA-3C Anab (SU-11/15, Yak-28)

R-8MT = AA-3D Anab (SU-11/15, Yak-28)

R-13M = AA-2 Atoll IRM (MiG-21) small

R-23R = AA-7A Apex SAHM (MiG-23) Large

R-23T = AA-7B Apex IRM (MiG-23) Large

R-27ER = AA-10 Alamo SAHM (MiG-29)

R-27T = AA-10 Alamo SAHM (MiG-29)

R-40T = AA-6 Acrid (MiG-25)

R-60T = AA-8 Aphid IRM (MiG-21/23/25/27, SU-15/17)

R-73M = AA-11 Archer IRM (MiG-29) small

R-77 = AA-12 Adder AHM (MiG-29) Large

R-98 = AA-3 Anab (Su-15) Large

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