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Hi having great time with the Vigilante and its new cockpit. Was just wondering if there was a RA-5C Vigilante in the works. The post strike missions in Vietnam I have read about seem to be a very hairy ride :crazy:



The other question I have is that the Vigilante came with terrain avoidance radar, but the only scopes I have seen were in the rear cockpit, so was it a fully automatic system, with no pilot involvement, did the pilot get info on the hud or did the crew talk alot :biggrin:





Snapper 21

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A RA-5C can be found at C6 (link : RA-5C)


It should be noted that it is mostly a derivative of the original A-5B, with INI modifications and 2 specific loads, the camera gondola and the strobe.


It is possible to modify the A-5B 1.1 into an RA-5C with these elements.

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Thanks Gunrunner am downloading now. May have a look at modifying the new one, though I am no genius in that area




Snapper 21

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After some research...


I found no mention of a real and "automatic" avoidance radar on a Vigilante, however it had one of the first INS coupled with the auto-pilot, which means it could follow a course by itself, even at tree-top level, provided informations (including altitudes) were provided before-hand, mess the altitude in the checkpoints and the plane will happily automatically crash into the ground.

This can be easily simulated by planning your missions with a mission editor and letting the ingame autopilot do the work.

The RAN though had access to radar, video and inertial informations to verify and correct navigation data, but nothing was automated, and it doesn't have its place in the front cockpit.


For the RA-5C,

I suggest only installing the loads of the RA-5C at C6, and duplicating the A-5B into a RA-5C folder, then applying the following changes :




RA-5C.INI (renamed A-5B.INI)




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Damn, had to switch computer and couldn't edit the previous post...


So here we go with the changes...


For the RA-5C,

I suggest only installing the loads of the RA-5C at C6, and duplicating the A-5B into a RA-5C folder, then applying the following changes :

A-5B_LOADOUT.INI (replace the content)

// Station 1 = Left Wing Station Outboard
// Station 2 = Right Wing Station Outboard
// Station 3 = Left Wing Station Inboard
// Station 4 = Right Wing Station Inboard
// Station 5 = Centerline Fueslage Station



RA-5C.INI (renamed A-5B.INI)

//AircraftFullName=A-5B Vigilante
AircraftFullName=RA-5C Vigilante




MinExtentPosition=-0.23, 1.60, 0.74
MaxExtentPosition=0.23, 2.99, 1.15



Known issues :

- All the known issues of the A-5B (Absent tailhook and inflight refuelling perch, opening of the canopy, wing roots in air intakes, lights position, landing lights, stabs not acting as yaw enhancer... Nope, I'm not complaining, the Vigilante is still great work, but as always, there is room for enhancements).

- Strobe lights are bound to the model and not the strobes packs themselves, meaning that when not loading them and using the lights, you still have the strobe lights showing, the strobes were rarely used, so if this bug bothers you and you don't intend to fly with strobes, you can comment the strobe lights.

- Strobe lights are not illuminating much but I haven't had time to play with them.

- The ECM might be too strong.

- RA-5C retained all load abilities of the A-5B but apparently only ever used fuel tanks, strobes and sensor pack, you can't have strobes and normal loads on inner wing pylons working properly as they need different pylon height settings and it would result in either having normal loads too high or strobes too low.


Disclaimer : None of the work is in any way mine, I only adapted Rhugouvi's changes to the A-5B v1.1 and corrected a factual error (the strobes were apparently used by pairs or not at all while the original RA-5C mode used only one under the right wing, causing asymetric drag in the process).

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A-5A..................coming soon....all new model............

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Ooooooh... nice...


Including the special train stores ?


Yes it there will be one.

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I've really been enjoying it, especially the cockpit!

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Hi Gunrunner



Thanks for all the info. Have been modifying the A-5B to RA-5C quite well, have added a few bits from your files and she is ready to fly.


I liked the idea to simulate the INS and autopilot using the mission editor and autopilot, am sure to give it a go.




Snapper 21

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Open the A-5B.ini and change the Avionics60.dll to 70.dll and you will get the full working hud. I am uploading an updated file now.

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The A-5A WIP

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Dave, do you have the actual storetrain model? If not let me send it to you.

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Dave, do you have the actual storetrain model? If not let me send it to you.


Yes I have it and it work good......BOOOOOMMMMMMM makes a real nice mess.

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Here are some more progress shots......

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Ok the A-5B was updated to fix the RWR and gives them a new sound thanks to Fubar. Trust me when a SAM launches you will know it. A-5A is uploaded too.

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As the RA-5Cs were modified A's and not B's, that's excellent news for recon flyers! :grin:

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Jedi Master, unfortunately the RA-5C was an A-5B, it had the new wings of the A-5B, the avionic hump etc...


So we're stuck with the "old" A-5B as a basis for the RA-5C.


BTW I modified my own mod to correct the position of the strobes as they were mounted directly under the wings and not on pylons, allowing the return of the traditionnal loads, added the landing light and corrected the strobes.

Added the corrections from the A-5B too.

Edited by Gunrunner

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Jedi Master, unfortunately the RA-5C was an A-5B, it had the new wings of the A-5B, the avionic hump etc...


So we're stuck with the "old" A-5B as a basis for the RA-5C.


BTW I modified my own mod to correct the position of the strobes as they were mounted directly under the wings and not on pylons, allowing the return of the traditionnal loads, added the landing light and corrected the strobes.

Added the corrections from the A-5B too.


Care to share them or is it a big secret...... :biggrin::crazy:

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Unfortunately I made so many little tweaks to my A-5B and RA-5C that I can't track all the differences properly.

Since no Readme seems to prohibit redistribution of mods based on the original work without prior authorisation, I'm posting a link to an archive containing the version of the RA-5C I'm using now, with dependencies and readmes.


File : RA-5C Mod v0.8


If you think it's not appropriate, juste delete the link, if you think it's worth it you're welcome to publish it ^^


I'll try to publish some missions I designed for my RA-5C once I figure exactly what 3rd party content is needed and all the modifications from the original I used so far -_-


BTW, what is the rule for attachment types ?

I can't seem to find any comprehensive documentation on which names or format for names are supported, as very restrictive attachment types might be a good idea with special loads.

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Damn, Greg Goebel mentions only one strobe under one wing, which contradicts the few photo references I found where both wings are visible as well as Bob Jellison's site...

Does anyone have any reliable information on that ?

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