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Before I get to the main question, I spent the afternoon (parts anyway) downloading/fixing the dta and loadout files per Wrench's insructions in the "How to edit loadout packs". Certainly cleared up/fixed many of the problems I was having in that area...THANKS


Now on to the central question. It seems to me the "Adversary" is never very aggressive in his reaction. I tens to see this more when I fly an allied plane against a Soviet one but I've noticed it to on the opposite side. For example. I lock-up a Mig-29 with my F-4 using boresight (which puts all that radar energy right on a single target) and I would expect the MiG-29 to threat react and break turn. Normally it just lets me run up behind it and blast away. Same thing on a BVR interect. I would expect some type of reaction, missile launch back at me, etc. Again most of the time NOTHING. seems to happen regarless of the plane type.


Any suggestions? Anyone else see this happening?



Big Red

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How the AI behave really seems to depend on a lot of things. I test out planesets to see how the planes react to each other in combat. I chuck the planes that don't fight the way I think they should, or do some .ini editing if I think that might help.


I've found that sound mods and audio hardware configurations, of all things, can affect how planes behave in combat. Even weps behavior can be affected by the sound setup. I tested onboard audio v. my Audigy 2ZS recently and discovered that enemy aircraft would actually self-destruct, occasionally, in onboard mode -- in mid-air. Funny eh? One of the 3rd-party sound mods I was using would cause A2A missiles to detonate prematurely. Weird. But they'd knock the enemy planes down anyway.


For a start, you might want to download the 'AI mod' here in the CombatAce Downloads section and see if that helps with AI aggressiveness. If that doesn't work, you might have to do some experimenting.

Edited by Tristan

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Thanks. I've seen the Ai mod mentioned before but I haven't taken the time to search and download it. I'll try that and see what happens.

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OK, Wher's the Ai Mod file hiding :)

I can't seem to find it

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WTF? I can't find it either, and I *know* I downloaded it from CombatAce. It's Fubar512's 'UberAI v. 2.0' Does Fubar have his own website? Maybe it can be downloaded from there.

Edited by Tristan

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Also, don't forget that unless their avionics ini has been sepcificially tweeked, and the "HasRWR=TRUE" has been added to their data inis, most of the Red Air birds don't/won't have any clue their being fired upon until they blow up. (this is simply because all the stock Migs and Sus and Tupeys are designed to be NOT player usable)


Now, mind you, I'm not sure exactly how the AI reacts, but I've seen Western aircraft, with warning systems, take evasive actions; manuvering, deploying countermeasures, etc.


There is a definate need, as you say, of tweekeded AI responses.



kevin sten


ps: you're welcome! :biggrin:

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......unless their avionics ini has been sepcificially tweeked, and the "HasRWR=TRUE" has been added to their data inis, most of the Red Air birds don't/won't have any clue their being fired upon .....

Now that sounds interesting.


Can you explain more about the avionics tweek - what exactly needs to be done.


I can see where to add the HasRWR part in the DetectSystem section.


Will this work with all a/c even if no actual RWR?



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Now that sounds interesting.


Can you explain more about the avionics tweek - what exactly needs to be done.


I can see where to add the HasRWR part in the DetectSystem section.


Will this work with all a/c even if no actual RWR?




Yes it does however, that would defeat the edge we have over most of their aircraft to begin with. Yeah you will get a more aware AI but then it isnt very realistic. The early Soviet jets lacked RWR and so if you pop them from BVR and they didn't maneuver that would be about correct. They died not knowing what killed them.

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Which brings me to another point, Soviet Air Defense I consider to be some of the best of ever devised. However their AF and aircraft leave something to be desired. Some aircraft were good but the pilot training was lacking and being tied to GCI seriously hampered their ability to be effective. It is my belief if we had got into a non nuclear war in Europe with the Soviets, the allies would of had air superiority in days. But it would evened out because of the Soviet Air Defense networks would of been something to reckon with.

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Which brings me to another point, Soviet Air Defense I consider to be some of the best of ever devised. However their AF and aircraft leave something to be desired. Some aircraft were good but the pilot training was lacking and being tied to GCI seriously hampered their ability to be effective. It is my belief if we had got into a non nuclear war in Europe with the Soviets, the allies would of had air superiority in days. But it would evened out because of the Soviet Air Defense networks would of been something to reckon with.

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If I ever get back to Tinker, we'll have to talk about that old soviet air defense system :) Again, all thanks for the words of wisdom on tweaks. Rightly so, I believe one would need to be selective on which soviet planes to tweak on the RWR mod as Wrench explained. However, look back and you'll find our planes in the 60's didn't have it either in many cases and didn't start getting it till planes were falling over NV. As a side note, some people didn't learn that lesson either. I can tell you that the Beligum F-16As that came to RF in the late 80s DID not have RWR. They normally played on the RED side and we (Aggressor GCI) were their RWR. That of course has all changed.

Oh Wrench, reading one of you comments when I was doing the data and loadout tweaks the other evening concerning the F-4C and gun pod. They indeed did have it and mounted it on the centerline. The Air Guard was espically fond of it and use it very well in William Tell 84 (Portland Guard birds). That however was the SUU-23 pod? as I remember and the few they had in Vietnam and Thailand may well had been the SUU-16 pod? The Marines also liked it and mounted 3 on their F-4Bs (centerline and both outer wing points), on occassion for CAS. For some reason the Navy never did adopt the gun pod as far as I have read (maybe problems gettting it back on-board and catching the wire?).

On the F-105 have the AIM-9 on the outer wing. Pilot pressure and mounting losses to those simple MiG-17s and 19s. They cetainly didn't want the THUD drivers dogfighting with those planes but if one flew out in front..well a kills a kill. basically it gave them a capability to shoot and not have to close to gun range.

OK enough history :

Edited by BigRed

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Thanks, however I like to give a sporting chance, meaning I want more of a challenge from opposition, so:


Can someone explain more about the avionics tweek - what exactly needs to be done.



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Thanks, however I like to give a sporting chance, meaning I want more of a challenge from opposition, so:


Can someone explain more about the avionics tweek - what exactly needs to be done.




The following line needs to added to the data.ini of the (AI) aircraft you'd like to equip with an RWR, under the "Detect System" section: HasRWR=True


To equip the aircraft with a player usable RWR system (aural only), involves modifying the avionics.ini file, something that's already been covered in detail by both Wrench & Myself.

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Thanks, however I like to give a sporting chance, meaning I want more of a challenge from opposition, so:


Yeah, too bad this isn't real life eh? :haha:

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...... something that's already been covered in detail by both Wrench & Myself
..............................................................................................................................so do a search ya lazy monkey!


Well, with my extrapolation of your quote, then this is like real life. :yes:


So thanks YooEss, I'll look.

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