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Guest IndioBlack

Why can't we have improved AI, like First Eagles ?

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Guest IndioBlack

When First Eagles came out there was a lot of complaints about the AI: The enemy just sat there whilst you shot them down; they didn't shoot back, they didn't manouevre, and your wingmen just seemed to be there for the ride.

After the first patch, the AI suddenly learnt how to manouevre their aircraft; then the second patch came out, and almost like a miracle, the enemy AI were shooting back at you, and with extreme prejudice.


Now what provoked the massive improvements is hard to tell: Whether it was the constant complaining from those who felt it could be better; a massive number of sales; or TK just trying to do better than before, we may never know. But the result was this, First Eagles stopped being a bad joke, and became a challenging Combat Simulator

So I feel I now have to ask this: If TK can get the enemy AI in First Eagles to attack and shoot back at you, then why can't he do this for SF/WOV/WOE ?


Whenever I return to any of these Sims, usually because a new mission, new aircraft , new toy becomes available to download, I fly around for a bit, marvelling in the ambience and the neat graphics, and sooner or later the complete uselessness of the AI crops up and bites me in the bum. In fact, if the AI could just bite me in the bum, it might be an improvement. But they still just glide along their waypoint paths, whilst you blow away their team-mates, and they don't even flinch. What cojones!


Now the usual response to a suggestion for improvements to the SF/WOV/WOE series is: Well, it's a bit long in the tooth, and TK is busy with First Eagles. But I think he owes it to the customers and modders who've supported him all this time, to bring SF/WOV/WOE into line with First Eagles and provide some challenging AI. Otherwise, all these fancy new planes that modders are turning out, become just a very pretty waste of space, because they won't actually see combat.

After all, if you want loads of shiny new Military aircraft, you can get those in Microsoft's FlightSim series, and they don't get attacked by the enemy AI either.


If TK can't be bothered because there's no money in it, then maybe he needs to look at what Oleg and his IL-2 bunch have been doing. Periodically, he adds a few new planes, a bit of extra scenery, patches it up a bit, and then releases for sale in a new package. The latest one is called IL-2 1946, or something.


I'd just like to be able to wander into my local game shop one day, and find a simulator called WINGS OVER EUROPE ULTIMATE EDITION. Underneath the title there would be a blurb telling us how it was a complete collection of the SF/WOV/WOE series with new planes, and new areas of the World to fight in. It would also say that it had massively improved AI, and would be a real challenge to hardened Flight Sim Pilots, even though it could be scaled back for the novice.

I think most of us would drop thirty quid for that.

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Check this video out (not for 56K).




In it, you will see AI wingmen that engage (and hit their intended targets) , AI enemy aircraft that engage and fire SAHMs (at BVR) and IRMs, and avoid missiles, SAMs that track and engage you, etc.


Perhaps I have that one in a million install....or (more likely), I have everything properly configured.


Every time someone shows you how you might fix an issue, all you do is whine and pule that you cannot get it to work, it should have been incorporated in the initial release, or worse, reply with a sarcastic remark.

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Indioblack --


My guys get attacked by enemy AI all the time; in fact, they frequently get *wiped out* by enemy AI.


I test out my planesets to see how the planes perform against each other, and generally make sure that things are working properly before I give an install my stamp of approval.


SF/WOV/WOE are complex programs; seemingly small things can throw them off sometimes. I've had to do a lot of experimentation to get things to work right, especially given all the mods I have installed.


Too bad things haven't worked out for you.

Edited by Tristan

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Guest Tazkiller

Amazing video Ed!!!!!!!!

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Try the Uber AI mod in the downloads section. the TW games are best enjoyed by tinkerers, if you want to justs install and play a game without any modding, you're better off with LOMAC or F4AF.


Indeed, a nice video. But what's that blurting sound? I recognized the RWR track/lock and IR seek/lock seperately from it.

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Guest Tazkiller

Well it was amazing.


And Ed is a genious.


But it really didn't illustrate the Friendy A.I. doing anything.

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Well it was amazing.


And Ed is a genious.


But it really didn't illustrate the Friendy A.I. doing anything.



Are you serious?

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I'm not sure how posting this on our site accomplishes anything. It would be far better served on TK's forum. Posted here it has little value other than to inflame a self motivated level of expectation we are unable to change in the game's core. I suggest we round file this until such time TK answers developmental concerns on our site directly.


Thank you for understanding.

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Guest Tazkiller
Are you serious?


Sure Ed,


All you showed was player aircraft involvement.


Set up the same mission.


Illustrate the involvement of the ajoining members of your fligh.


The sim itself always, scream sam launch!


Fox 1, Fox 2.


But if you really examine, the smoke in the sky, it might be your flight members.


If not , please share your settings, so we can all enjoy.


Let see them do something that shows intellegence.


And I don't mean dropping flares and chaff. I mean at least some logical ACM.


Simple fact, TK has this sim loaded for enemy A.I. .



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AGAIN, This topic should be brought up on TK's forums so that he can answer it.




On a personal note... my AI and wingman perform alot better than the stock when I use the mod available here at CA.

It really does depend alot on what rank and skill your wingman have. The enemy AI gives me a run for my money

on a daily basis.

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Guest Tazkiller
AGAIN, This topic should be brought up on TK's forums so that he can answer it.




On a personal note... my AI and wingman perform alot better than the stock when I use the mod available here at CA.

It really does depend alot on what rank and skill your wingman have. The enemy AI gives me a run for my money

on a daily basis.


That is exactly why Nick Bells mod works!

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Sure Ed,


All you showed was player aircraft involvement.


Set up the same mission.


Illustrate the involvement of the ajoining members of your fligh.


The sim itself always, scream sam launch!


Fox 1, Fox 2.


But if you really examine, the smoke in the sky, it might be your flight members.


If not , please share your settings, so we can all enjoy.


Let see them do something that shows intellegence.


And I don't mean dropping flares and chaff. I mean at least some logical ACM.


Simple fact, TK has this sim loaded for enemy A.I. .




If you watch the video, it's plainly obvious that my wingmen robbed me of a kill at least three times, and at one point, my wingman blew a MiG right off my tail.

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That is exactly why Nick Bells mod works!


If his mod works ,,,, why are we having this discussion????


And is it available to download and fly?

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Guest Tazkiller
If you watch the video, it's plainly obvious that my wingmen robbed me of a kill at least three times, and at one point, my wingman blew a MiG right off my tail.


Well nice video Ed.


I'm not going to argue the point.


I have addressed my points.


What can it say your GREAT!!!

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Guest Tazkiller
If his mod works ,,,, why are we having this discussion????


And is it available to download and fly?


It has been my experience it works.


Please check you files aviable here at C.A.

Edited by Tazkiller

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Well good, I am glad this is all take care of. Carry on.

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Excuse me...did anybody read the link I posted in the first response? :blink:

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