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Nicholas Bell

Do You Fly Single Missions or Campaigns?

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I have at least 7 campaigns going in various installs. But I like flying the F/A-18A in singles (cuz I haven't looked into using it in a campaign yet). Been flying the A-4 in OTC a lot lately, too. Daylight raids in the Scooter ratchet up the pucker factor quite a bit!


I also end a campaign when I get killed, unless it's from something stupid (you know...like distracted by the kids/cats/dog/significant other/falling star/global warming/shiny objects/beer/whatever and not getting to "alt-p" quick enough - or forgetting to).

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I fly mostly Single Missions because with all the different aircraft in this sim i never seem to want to fly the same aircraft twice in a row. I have 3 or 4 customized Campaigns i made but i have only completed 1 or 2 because i always get distracted with new stuff and go back to single missions to test the latest releases.


With all the great addons i feel like a little kid with ADD! :biggrin:

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I'd say about 75% single missions (lots of testing), 25% campaigns. Of the campaigns I've flown (I'm @ 100%, haven't completed one yet! :) ), the best have been the NATO Fighters and Operation Tainted Cigar.

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I'm a bit AS so I start at the beginning of each campaign and work my way through each squadron for each side until it's completed!


Getting bored with the Hurri in BoB but I can't make myself break out of the Campaign to get into the Spit until it's finished...


I do run more than one campaign concurrently though, so I'm over the Channel in BoB, over France in Fallen Angels, over the Pacific in Solomons, over Korea in Korea Air War and waiting patiently to get over Kuwait/Iraq in Desert Storm!

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I fly both, I really like the ability to do various missions with different ac in single mission mode but like the campaingns for the "other" pilot pukes, i also do multiplayer missions without the other players! lol. I just wish things were easier to bring into the game i realize that it takes LOTS of time to create ac's and campaigns and stuff and love you guys that are doing these things for this community. I wish it was easier. I would not trade this experience for ANY other flight sim! Viper6 out! :good:

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I do both a lot, the single missions a lot to check out new aircraft and terrains.


also a lot of campaigns across the different installs from prop wash to stratosphere.


I've recently been privilaged to be able to check out WIP's (both aircraft and terrains) and have gone in and modified campaigns and terrains to be able fly WIP's in short campaigns. Flying F-18C's and D's in the Red Swarm, Libyan Warlord and DS from carriers, for example, has been a great way to check out new stuff in work. A blast (pun intended)

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I like the YAP missions because they are historical and I like to fly in 'history'. I'm an old duffer after all ( well that's what my misses calls me). :rofl::rofl:


I also like to build my own. Currently working on the Korean terrain with some loosely based 'historical' missions but it takes me ages to place objects in the right place in the landscape and can be very frustrating and rewarding!


I've started several campaigns in most of the sims but only completed the 'Hurricane Season' one in FAB. I don't like the default Thirdwire campaigns because I think the scenarios are stupid but then again I'm Brainless :biggrin::biggrin:


I've got about half way thro' BOB11 campaign but staying alive is a real challenge!! I got about 12 No. kills in that one with one bail out.


I can't wait for the Desert Storm to come out as well as the Falklands so I'll be doing them when they are available.

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Another WIP you'd enjoy flying off a carrier.


Going to need someone for the flight model when the Lod is ready.


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Another WIP you'd enjoy flying off a carrier.


Going to need someone for the flight model when the Lod is ready.


Oh Yea!!




Having said that, my VTOL flying is, "interesting". Trying to launch a Harrier from the Tarawa has been frustrating to say the least......

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