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It comes with SF.

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Guest Saganuay82

That review needs some updating.

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It comes with SF.



:blink: Really?? So i can extract it to my WOE?

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Piloto, apparently it's also in WoE... Check in your Objects/Aircraft folder :wink:


Or, just take a look at the Comparison Chart on Column5...




I'd rather get my hands on the C-130A from SFP (and the gunship version whose link on Pasko's site isn't working anymore :search: ) ... Many thanks ahead with regards to help concerning getting the C-130s!

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Hmm, just checked the WOV's ObjectData.CAT and found the C-130, the F-104, the Su-7, Il-28 and the Tu-22, but no An-12. Odd.

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Guest Saganuay82

Pasko's AC130A download thats here isn't good enough?

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The An-12 is in my WOE install.

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The An-12 is in my WOE install.


Sure...but how can we make it "flyable".... :blink:

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The same way you make any other aircraft flyable...drop in a cockpit of your choice. You've been around here long enough to know how...right?



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Sure...but how can we make it "flyable".... :blink:


Just open the AN-12.ini and add this line to it and look for this:



AircraftFullName=An-12BP Cub-A




Then add this line......hit save and you are set.


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Pasko's AC130A download thats here isn't good enough?


Could you post a direct link please? I'm somehow too blind to find it, tried search function but it hasn't shown up, and as I stated, in Pasko's site the link is broken... The AC-130A would do nicely, if I could get my hands on it! Thanks ahead!

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There are 2 .ini s that made my MiG-19 and the !&F flyable at WoV.

Oh,and in the A310 from Luftwaffe there´s a line to copy at the plane to make it flyable too.

But this isn´t the point.

BTW,you said you found a F-104 at your WoV folder?Weird that there is also a F-104 engine sound at the original WoV sounds folder,and the F-104 cockpit...

Very odd...

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Guest Saganuay82

Fun fun




Needs skins

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I know is ridiculous to ask,but..


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You're kidding, right???? :dntknw:


I'm not sure I understand the question....


The aircraft is already pre-existing in your game (use window explorer, and LOOK at the /aircraft folder -- you'll find the AN-12 sub-folder the 2nd one down, in a stock install)


They don't show up in game, excepting some scripted missions, and occasionally in campaigns -I've seen them ONCE, in SF during the first campaign- because the coding for what they do dosen't exist.


Look at the aircraft roles:






AircraftRole=TRANSPORT <--here






PrimaryRoles=TRANSPORT,AIR_ASSAULT <--and here







None of those functions work, except as noted above. And then, even rarely.


Please clarify the request??



kevin stein

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The same way you make any other aircraft flyable...drop in a cockpit of your choice. You've been around here long enough to know how...right?





Sure! But a pit would be nice... :biggrin:

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they do show up in campaigns.... they usually creep along at 25k ft or so.. alone....

good if you are in a fast F-4 with a powerfull radar....



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Guest Saganuay82

Holy moses.


Go get the AC130 that is available here at CA. It comes with a pit. It was never finished and its ugly but it works somewhat. No instruments so you will have to work off of the corner information. It has its own lod for the pit since TK didn't build a pit for the Herc.


Put that into the AN12 with the cockpit ini. Once you have a pit in it it will show up in your hangar as available. Add RECON to the PrimaryRoles in the data.ini.


Soon you too will be doing other things.



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I know is ridiculous to ask,but..




Surely you can't be serious???

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Oh, no -- not this time! I'm not taking the bait...

I've already derailed Brainless' thread about airspeed differences between the F-86, MiG-15 and various species of swallows..


Nope, not falling for it!!! :wink:



whose name is not Shirley

Kevin Stein

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Oh, no -- not this time! I'm not taking the bait...

I've already derailed Brainless' thread about airspeed differences between the F-86, MiG-15 and various species of swallows..


Nope, not falling for it!!! :wink:



whose name is not Shirley

Kevin Stein


Hehe, "Surely you can't be serious"


"Yes, I am, and don't call me Shirley."



Hey, so a question that's :off_topic:


Transport and Air_Assault are mission types that obviously don't work in game, but I'm curious to know what the plan was for them. Was TK planning to have payloads in transports in this series? Was there a plan for paratroopers to be parachuted over targets in particular missions, etc?


I'm interested in that having more mission types (non combat types like refueling) would add an interesting element to gameplay. I apologise for being late to the party on this one... :smile:

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Hmm, now there's something to add to, is there any possibility of making "free flight" missions? Like, missions where you can just take off and fly around without having someone attack you? Would be good for those transport planes etc... Sorry for adding this to the OT...

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Surely you can't be serious???


Yes,I am.

WOV doesn´t have the An-12,neither hidden.

Edited by Sgt.KAR98

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Personallyl, I'd love to see those transport/resupply missions - escort type, go out, rendevous with the incoming trash haulers, and cover them until they land.

Conversly, playing it from the other side, too. Intercept/destroy.


For free flight missions, I find the Range is pretty good for that. Although, Major Lee's American Northwest would be MUCH more fun, what with all those canyons and valleys...but to get 0 enemy air activity, I dont' know how to do that



kevin stein

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