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A few hours spent playing around with the groundobject format can drive a man to do evil things. :grin:


If it pans out, maybe this will lead to something in the distant future...



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A few hours spent playing around with the groundobject format can drive a man to do evil things. :grin:


If it pans out, maybe this will lead to something in the distant future...




Nice madcat.If you get stuck with that and are looking for somthing to make...hint hint.I would love to see some futureistic tanks.maybe grave or hover.I think a near future sci-fi invasion would be rather cool in the strike fighters engine.kinda like ID4 stuff.

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Guest Saganuay82

Nice to see new talent .

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Oh awesome! do they actually walk?


They need to be near impossible to take down from the air and be effective anti-air platforms.


Just recently got back into MW4 mercs too!

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Oh awesome! do they actually walk?


They need to be near impossible to take down from the air and be effective anti-air platforms.


Just recently got back into MW4 mercs too!


Not every Mech is an effective anti-air platform, but they are definitely harder to take down than an ordinary tank...

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Partisan AA Vehicle would be nice considering it has surface-2-air shotguns. Glad to see peeps who still appreciate MW though.

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Not every Mech is an effective anti-air platform, but they are definitely harder to take down than an ordinary tank...


I know of no mech that couldn't make quick work of anything in the sky so long as it wasn't outfitted only with weapons useless for anti-air. I always carry pulse lasers which do the job excellently.


Hrm, a mechwarrior section would be great here too, it's impossible to find files or a central forum for the old game. There's multiple people modding mercs, but I'll be damned if I'll ever find what tools I need or where to get them.


Maybe I'll start on a stilletto( heavy ground attack plane) or that small VTOL fighter.

Edited by eraser_tr

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Well I'm trying to go for a hardcore oldschool BattleTech mod, or at least as close as I can realistically get within the confines of the sim. Which means that unlike in the MechWarrior PC games, aerospace fighters will pwn 'Mechs most of the time.


So far the plan is to create a Battle of Tukayyid campaign from the Clan perspective (taken from the Blood of Kerensky novel series) and possibly a Battle of Luthien campaign from the Inner Sphere perspective (again, from Blood of Kerensky). Both will be set in 3052. If time and other obligations permit I might also try to make a campaign set during one of the battles of the 3057 Refusal War (the subject of MechWarrior 2)


Thus far, I have this much in the pipeline:


Inner Sphere


'Mechs to be used as "tanks" in-game:

35-ton JR7-D Jenner (Complete)


35-ton PNT-9R Panther (Planned)

40-ton STN-3M Sentinel (Planned)

45-ton WFT-1 Wolf Trap (Planned)

50-ton CRB-27 Crab (Planned)

70-ton WHM-6R Warhammer (In development)

70-ton GLT-5M Guillotine (Planned)

100-ton AS7-K Atlas (In development)

100-ton KGC-000 King Crab (Planned)


'Mechs to be used as "AAA" in-game:

60-ton RFL-3N Rifleman as mobile AAA (Planned)

65-ton JM-6 JägerMech as mobile AAA (Planned)

65-ton CPLT-C1 Catapult as mobile SAM (Planned)


Other BattleMechs (for now just targets in-game):

20-ton MCY-97 Mercury as Recon vehicle (Planned)

20-ton LCT-1V Locust as Recon vehicle (Planned)

70-ton ARC-5R Archer as Artillery vehicle (Planned)

65-ton CPLT-C3 Catapult as Artillery vehicle (Planned)

90-ton CP-10-Z Cyclops as Command vehicle (Planned)


known AeroSpace Fighters (player flyable):

25-ton Swift (planned)

35-ton Sholagar (planned)

35-ton Zero (planned)

50-ton Hellcat II (planned)

65-ton Shilone (planned)

75-ton Hammerhead (planned)

80-ton Slayer (planned)

85-ton Rapier (planned)


plus additional fighters from BattleTech Technical Readouts 2750 and 3025 as time permits


known Ground Vehicles:

Shreck PPC Carrier (in development)

Demolisher Heavy Tank (planned)

Rhino Heavy Tank (planned)

Vedette Medium Tank (planned)

Pegasus Hovercraft (planned)

Chapparal Artillery Tank (planned)

Savannah Master Hovercraft (planned)

Mobile HQ Vehicle (planned)


Other Vehicles: (as time permits)

Union-class DropShip (static ground object)

Leopard-class DropShip (transport aircraft)

Overlord-class DropShip (static ground object)

Fury-class Dropship (transport aircraft)

Avenger-class Dropship (bomber)

'MechBuster Fighter (player flyable)

Guardian VTOL Fighter (player flyable)

Warrior H-7 Attack Helicopter

Karnov UR Transport Helicopter




'Mechs to be used as "tanks" in-game:

30-ton Kit Fox (In Development)

30-ton UrbanMech IIC (Planned)

55-ton Stormcrow (Planned)

75-ton Timberwolf (Finished)


85-ton Warhawk (Finished)



'Mechs to be used as "AAA" in-game:

65-ton Rifleman IIC as mobile AAA (Planned)

65-ton Glass Spider as mobile AAA (Planned)

100-ton Bane as mobile SAM (Planned)


Other BattleMechs (just targets in-game):

20-ton FireMoth as Recon (Planned)

60-ton Mad Dog as Artillery (in development)

95-ton Executioner as Command Vehicle (planned)


player-flyable AeroSpace OmniFighters:

20-ton Bashkir (In Development)

35-ton Avar (In Development)


40-ton Batu (Planned)

45-ton Sulla (Planned)

50-ton Turk (Planned)

60-ton Visigoth (Planned)

70-ton Jagatai (Planned)

75-ton Sabutai (Planned)

80-ton Jenghiz (Planned)

90-ton Scytha (Planned)

100-ton Kirghiz (Planned)


known Ground Vehicles:

Epona Pursuit Tank (Planned)

Huitzilopochtli Artillery Tank (Planned)

Mars Assault Tank (Planned)

Elemental battle armor Point (Status unknown)


Other Vehicles:

Broadsword-class Dropship (Transport Aircraft)

Lion-class Dropship (static ground target)

Union-C Dropship (static ground target)

Overlord-C Dropship (static ground target)




Energy Weapons

Lasers, Extended-Range Lasers, and Pulse Lasers all in development

PPCs and ER PPCs planned

Flamer status unknown


Ballistic Weapons

Autocannons, Ultra Autocannons, and LB-X Autocannons finished

Machine Gun finished

Gauss Rifle planned

Anti-Missile System status unknown


Missile Weapons

Long-Range Missiles and Short-Range Missiles for ground vehicles in development

LRMs and SRMs for aircraft in development

Artemis IV FCS guided missiles (ground-attack only) in development

Streak missiles (air-to-air only) in development

Listen-Kill Missiles (anti-radiation) in development

Medium-Range Missiles planned

Arrow IV Artillery Missile planned


Other Weapons

Various Bombs planned

Guardian ECM Pod planned

Beagle Active Probe status unknown


Heavy Lasers, Light Gauss Rifles, Rotary Autocannon, ER medium and small lasers for the Inner Sphere, and most Ultra and LB-X autocannons for the Inner Sphere aren't going to be included right now because they don't fit the timeline of the campaign. Due to limitations of the game engine, all missiles are going to be implemented as "Thunderbolt" one-shot missiles instead of the multi-shot missiles that have been part of BattleTech since the beginning.

Edited by saint aj

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new: Warhawk (Masakari) finished, see the original list for the attached screencap

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That's amazing...now the burning question I have may be answered; who would win, Tomcat or Dire Wolf (Daishi)?

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