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Lots of B-days Today

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savagkc (68)

Growler67 (42)

Tailspin (52)


Do you realize how old you 3 are combined.....162 years old, that makes it 1845.


Happenings of 1845


January 29 - The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is published for the first time (New York Evening Mirror).

October 13 - A majority of voters in the Republic of Texas approve a proposed constitution, that if accepted by the U.S. Congress, will make Texas a U.S. state.

December 2 - Manifest Destiny: US President James Polk announces to Congress that the Monroe Doctrine should be strictly enforced and that the United States should aggressively expand into the West.


sheesh you guys are OLD!!!!!!!!!! LOl Happy Birthday Fellas!

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Happy birthday y'all!

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HOLY s**t!! TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!?!?!?!? :dntknw::blink:


LMFAO! dude your a trip!




To all of the B-day people's............ <S>


Have a great day.................... (you old farts) :good:

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Happy b-day guys :)

Mazallll Tov

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Happy B-Day all. many happy days guys. :good:

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:biggrin: Thanks everyone!


Holy crap dude, you're almost twice my age!! :biggrin: Big happy bday guys!

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Yeah and I'm twice as...uhhhh, twice as....uhhhhh, I'm twice as....old as you are too! :tongue:

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