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Which campaigns are under "refit"?

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To my understanding the Korean Campaign is on hold.


On the otherhand the main aircraft, F-86 vs. MiG-15s have been reworked and are ready to publish.


Featured models of the F-86 include: A-5, E-01, E-05, E-06, F-01, F-10, F-30, F-30 6-3 Wing, and Gunval.


Historically correct skins.


Flight models for both the Sabres that are 99% correct to actual flight preformance, straight from the actual pilots flight manuals.


Flight gauges totally re-worked (airspeed, altitmeter, mach scale meter, fuel quanity, g-meter, tachometer) and fully functional.


New engine sounds and wind loops.


New cockpit for the A and E models featuring a V-windscreen and gunsight.


Accurate fuel consumption.


Total re-work of preformance values and aircraft weights.


Total re-work of flight control movements.


This has been an ongoing work for months by Zur(Daddy Sabre himself), Bibbolicious, and myself.






As an actual pilot with a jet rating and over 1200 hours of fligh time, I have poured all my passion for the 86 into this work.


I have tested these aircraft for hundreds of hours.


It's something special!!!!!




These look really special. Keep up the good work. I lead your fan club.

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Wasn't there some talk of a new Falklands map/campaign or is that something Edwards was working on? :dntknw:

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As it stands now there is not an accurate H model Sabre in existance.


One person has made an attempt at a Hog but too many issues make the aircraft less than desireable.


Daddy Sabre has spoke of doing the hog in the future.


I guess we have to wait til then.


Oh Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Maybe a crazy idea, but how about useing the Fury as a base for the H?? it looks to have a more "correct" nose with 4 20 mm guns???

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Maybe a crazy idea, but how about useing the Fury as a base for the H?? it looks to have a more "correct" nose with 4 20 mm guns???


We are getting Fury and an H so stand by....

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We are getting Fury and an H so stand by....


Niiiice two weeks :biggrin::wink:

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What's with all these gorgeous girls and more to the point where do you get them! They seem to have taken over the site. I hope we're not going to go all 'girlie', my missus is already complaining about the time I spend on the computer if she sees these I'll get banned completely!! :biggrin::biggrin:


I know not of these fembots that you speak! :blink:


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Now that I have my main computer back up and running I will be starting work again on my 1986 Libya campaign. "Operation Thunderhead"



Great news!

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