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Long Live Fidel?

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There seems to be a lot of rumors circulating that Fidel Castro is dead today. And it's not coming from those scary super conservative ranty Floridian Cubans which seems to give the statemnt a bit of weight. Has anyone heard anything about this??

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He hasn't been seen in months, so he probably is. Won't make a difference for lifting the embargo.

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Hey...watch it !

I'm one of those Florida Cubans you are talking about.

Think before you write.

I'm as American as apple pie.

That Dictator and System killed innocent family members of mine, not to mention the hundreds of thousands killed, political prisoners, divided families and misery of a Nation for roughly 50 years.

It's right up there with Hitler versus the Jews.

As far as Miami news...all the sources around here in both languages have been very responsible and not publicized rumors. They are waiting for official word.

Additionally, when the moment happens, I dare you to find (though I know the leftist media will try) a riot or upheaval over it, here with the Florida Cubans. Remember...this is a Country (US) where people turn cars over when the Chicago Bulls, or whoever, win a Championship.

You won't find a more abused and humble people than the Florida Cubans.


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Indeed, Cuban, but from NY, plenty of relatives in FL though.

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I will have drink in honor of his passing, or I will take a piss in honor of his passing, I get the 2 confused. Seriously, though Cuba doesn't need him. So if they are partying in Florida good on them.

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I hope he's gone and that the Cubans can get their country back. They deserve so much more than what they've been forced to endure the past 50 years.

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It's right up there with Hitler versus the Jews.


I'm trying not to detract from the seriousness of the situation, as I hope the bastard is dead, but I must point out the inexorability of Godwin's Law.

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Bah! made up by authoritarians and neo-nazis themselves to discredit valid comparisons of political actions and views.


Castro, is/was not quite up to that level yet, though no better than the typical Latin dictator and just as bad or worse than Battista.

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I think he is long dead, but even as the official word comes out there is another chess piece in the equation: Hugo Chavez, ruler of Venezuela who IMHO wont let the comunist regime of Cuba, die , as it´s one of his (or should i say the only one) supporting 100% all his "operations".Sorry this could turn into a political debate so i´ll stop here.

Best regards


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I doubt there will be much different. We really ought to lift that embargo, the cold war is over, communism is dead. If American tourists could travel freely and trade wasn't restricted, Cuba would be the hottest place in the carribean, much like it was before Castro took over.

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I doubt there will be much different. We really ought to lift that embargo, the cold war is over, communism is dead.


Its the principal of the matter.

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Its the principal of the matter.


it is even more the issue of the nationalization and seizure of assets of American citizens by Castro which is why the embargo was initially imposed and why it remains in place. The embargo has nothing to do with communism and everything to do with sanctions in response to theft.

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Well the Cuban's could have been worse off, they could have gotten Bush ! :rofl:

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Well the Cuban's could have been worse off, they could have gotten Bush ! :rofl:


I bet you think you're the first person to make that tired, tired, joke.

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I bet you think you're the first person to make that tired, tired, joke.



Ouch ! you no likey my joke :sad:

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Nope, they're all republicans here.


However, I've seen and made much better jabs than that.

Edited by eraser_tr

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