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WOV terrain Hi-rez ?

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Is there a hi-rez version of the default WOV terrain available?


Can't seem to find one. Flying low down it just seems a bit bland that's all. I do only have settings at medium due to my pc but would like to try and improve things a little.


I'm fairly new to the Thirdwire series but I've been an aviation nut for ages and am still getting used to WOV and FE.

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You could try D/L the tile sets from www.sfmods.com it adds a little something to the terrains, plus you can find a couple good effects mods as well.

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Is there a hi-rez version of the default WOV terrain available?


Can't seem to find one. Flying low down it just seems a bit bland that's all. I do only have settings at medium due to my pc but would like to try and improve things a little.


I'm fairly new to the Thirdwire series but I've been an aviation nut for ages and am still getting used to WOV and FE.



Welcome aboard Nicky its nice to see another Brit on CombatACE.


Like myself you probably come from a FS2004 / FSX background and are used to photo realistic terrain, but you have to remember that the majority of Air Combat doesn't occur down amoungst the weeds but up amoungst the clouds, so I have never really found the lack of Hi - Res terrain a problem, the ability to fly and die more then makes up for it.


The WOV & WOE community has some really skilful modders and designers who regularly release just what the community wants including replacement and additional scenerary.


WOV hooked me from day one and then WOE blew me away, if you haven't as yet invested in WOE I would you will not be disappointed.



Edited by lazboy

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Thanks for the welcome and yes the community here looks to be a good one.


True, I do a lot of FS2K flying commercial jets etc and perhaps I have been spoiled a little as regards scenery and terrain.


I'm not knocking the WOV terrain it's just I prefer to hit ground targets than fly high and dogfight. I guess I'm a bit of a mud-mover :blink:


I like to fly low and fast, under the radar and way down below those lethal SAM's...I prefer taking my chances with AA fire instead.


I'll check out those other sites but if push comes to shove I'm more than ok with the terrain that's provided.


Haven't tried WOE yet...to be honest anything after the late 70's doesn't really bother me much. I really like the vietnam era aircraft and whole spectrum of that conflict...a bit nutty eh ! Saying that, I've got heaps of respect for all the guys who fought there and kudos to em all.


Nicky (East Yorks...and proud of it !)

Edited by Nicky_Flygirl

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Thanks for the welcome and yes the community here looks to be a good one.


True, I do a lot of FS2K flying commercial jets etc and perhaps I have been spoiled a little as regards scenery and terrain.


I'm not knocking the WOV terrain it's just I prefer to hit ground targets than fly high and dogfight. I guess I'm a bit of a mud-mover :blink:


I like to fly low and fast, under the radar and way down below those lethal SAM's...I prefer taking my chances with AA fire instead.


I'll check out those other sites but if push comes to shove I'm more than ok with the terrain that's provided.


Haven't tried WOE yet...to be honest anything after the late 70's doesn't really bother me much. I really like the vietnam era aircraft and whole spectrum of that conflict...a bit nutty eh ! Saying that, I've got heaps of respect for all the guys who fought there and kudos to em all.


Nicky (East Yorks...and proud of it !)


Well I know of no better alternative than WOV for recreating the Vietnam Era and there are some great additional missions for Vietnam from the Yankee Pirates that really add additional excitement and atmosphere to what is already a great sim.


I must admit to being a Gunfighter rather than a mud mover everything looks so much better from 3000ft, give me a Crusader and I will show you a clear blue sky.


SAM's add spice to my life and teach you to keep an eye out over your shoulder flak just annoys me, it tickles but isn't fun!


Lazboy ( Southern Softie....)

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I must admit to being a Gunfighter rather than a mud mover everything looks so much better from 3000ft, give me a Crusader and I will show you a clear blue sky.


Lazboy ( Southern Softie....)



Hehehe...at 3000ft in a Crusader you won't see much. :no:


Nope, it's gotta be a Thud or an A6 at treetop height doing 500kts. No clear skies for me...the murkier and greyer the better with a few flak bursts and AAA tracers to light things up.


Nicky ( Northern Grit...I'm a Yorkshire lass. " I say what I like...and I bloody well like what I say"...that was one of the best sketches Monty Python ever did. Creases me up every time.)


The old uns are the best...

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Hehehe...at 3000ft in a Crusader you won't see much. :no:


Nope, it's gotta be a Thud or an A6 at treetop height doing 500kts. No clear skies for me...the murkier and greyer the better with a few flak bursts and AAA tracers to light things up.


Nicky ( Northern Grit...I'm a Yorkshire lass. " I say what I like...and I bloody well like what I say"...that was one of the best sketches Monty Python ever did. Creases me up every time.)


The old uns are the best...



Well I have got to admit that "Flight of the Intruder" is one of my favourite films, if you haven't seen it you should, you would be in your element. If you haven't seen "Flight of the Intruder" i'll lend you my copy.


"Gunfighters prefer to be on top the views better and while the north has plenty to offer you should never be afraid to go down south."



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Deuces terrains and mods for WOV are highly recommended material! I just checked, and sfmods is still under reconstruction. Any idea on when we can expect the site to be back up?

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Well I have got to admit that "Flight of the Intruder" is one of my favourite films, if you haven't seen it you should, you would be in your element. If you haven't seen "Flight of the Intruder" i'll lend you my copy.


"Gunfighters prefer to be on top the views better and while the north has plenty to offer you should never be afraid to go down south."




I've seen Flight of the Intruder...yep it's one of my favourites too. I'd go downtown with Willem Dafoe for a bit of Iron Hand any day of the week. :yes: In a strictly piloting kind of way of course...


The view is not neccesarily better on top, some times it's better if you have to keep checking your six...


...and I've never been afraid to go down south (Dawlish is lovely this time of year :haha: ).

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Deuces terrains and mods for WOV are highly recommended material! I just checked, and sfmods is still under reconstruction. Any idea on when we can expect the site to be back up?



I'll check these out...thanks.

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I've seen Flight of the Intruder...yep it's one of my favourites too. I'd go downtown with Willem Dafoe for a bit of Iron Hand any day of the week. :yes: In a strictly piloting kind of way of course...


The view is not neccesarily better on top, some times it's better if you have to keep checking your six...


...and I've never been afraid to go down south (Dawlish is lovely this time of year :haha: ).


Time to turn for home, gauges are showing empty and I am breathing fumes, i'll be back on station flying top cover for you mud movers tomorrow evening watch you six till then.


Check your six I have sent you a PM :rolleyes:

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Well I have got to admit that "Flight of the Intruder" is one of my favourite films, if you haven't seen it you should, you would be in your element. If you haven't seen "Flight of the Intruder" i'll lend you my copy.


I hope you guys read the book! Way better then the movie, plus the author Stephen Coonts was an A-6 pilot in Vietnam, so the dude knows what he's talking about. :good:


btw that sfmods.com site seems to be down.

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As far as the terrain is concerned, the best way to add immersion ot it, IMHO, is YAP. Ok, it's not exactly high-res terrain as you meant it, but it adds lots of targets, AAA under nearly every bush, lotfs of new ground objects, ...


Talking about Flight Of The Intruder, after watching it for the 103rd time (approx.) last week, I started working on a little something for the stock WoV A-6A:





The goal is to try to recreate the VA-196 aicraft park, including those of the movie's heroes. So far, I've got Cool Hand and Morg aboard Devil 505, "Dooke" Camparelli aboard Devil 520, me (could'n resist ^^) and "Tiger" Cole aboard Devil 502. I'll check for Razor's plane. I've done Boxman, Coold Hand and Cole helmets so far.


Hey if you guys are fond of this movie as much as I am, maybe I could do your personal planes, with your name and moddex?

Edited by Corktip_14

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Silverbolt is right...the payware add on from Razbam is excellent. Looks realistic way better than stock!


It's only seven quid...well worth it. :ok:

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As far as the terrain is concerned, the best way to add immersion ot it, IMHO, is YAP. Ok, it's not exactly high-res terrain as you meant it, but it adds lots of targets, AAA under nearly every bush, lotfs of new ground objects, ...


Talking about Flight Of The Intruder, after watching it for the 103rd time (approx.) last week, I started working on a little something for the stock WoV A-6A:





The goal is to try to recreate the VA-196 aicraft park, including those of the movie's heroes. So far, I've got Cool Hand and Morg aboard Devil 505, "Dooke" Camparelli aboard Devil 520, me (could'n resist ^^) and "Tiger" Cole aboard Devil 502. I'll check for Razor's plane. I've done Boxman, Coold Hand and Cole helmets so far.


Hey if you guys are fond of this movie as much as I am, maybe I could do your personal planes, with your name and moddex?


Hey I like that A6 ! Are the names a decal or just painted on the skin ?

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Thanks, I've tried to do it as close as it was in the movie.


As far as the name's concerned, it's a decal, so that I could add any name to any plane.

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