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Does anyone know whether a Mcdonnell F101 Voodoo has been released or is available for WOV as I don't appear to be able to find one on any of the usual sites?


As the first USAF aircraft to serve in Vietnam in 1961 in its RF101-C version i would like to be able to add it to my WOV install


The RF-101C saw heavy service during the Vietnam war, losing the first F-101 in November 1964 to ground fire. From 1965 through November 1970, its role was gradually taken over by the Phantom. In some 35,000 sorties, 44 aircraft became lost — 31 to anti-aircraft fire, five to SAMs, one to an airfield attack, six to operational accidents, and one in air combat to a MiG-21 in September 1967. The RF-101C's speed made it largely immune to MiG interception. In April 1967, ALQ-71 ECM pods were fitted to provide some protection against SAMs. Although the Voodoo was again able to operate at medium altitudes, the added drag decreased the speed enough to make RF-101 vulnerable to MiGs and thus requiring fighter escort.


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Sorry none made as of yet. Can't seem to get anyone interested in making an F-101 or an F-102.

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wasn´t there a CF-101 in work???

if i remember it right...

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Sorry none made as of yet. Can't seem to get anyone interested in making an F-101 or an F-102.



That's a real shame as it was a warbird that provided sterling service in Vietnam in the early years before the advent of the Phantom and the more popular birds and deserves due recognition.

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That's a real shame as it was a warbird that provided sterling service in Vietnam in the early years before the advent of the Phantom and the more popular birds and deserves due recognition.


I agree. One of the people I was an instructor with at Lackland, her father was an RF-101 pilot in Vietnam. Got a DFC for making a recon on a run one day. Got over the target area and the NVA put a SAM site there that wasn't the day before. So he overflew the target again and got pictures of it. Which was a bad idea since they were ready for him on the second run. Made his plane look like swiss cheese he said. But he made it back. I can't help but think that he saved alot of pilots asses by doing that.

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I tell you that they're growin' up in Italy both..........



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Ok... i admit that the RF-101C is next plane in my project list ... the next after the Fiddler, of course ... one project at a time is my rule. NGHENGO... are you happy now?

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Ok... i admit that the RF-101C is next plane in my project list ... the next after the Fiddler, of course ... one project at a time is my rule. NGHENGO... are you happy now?


Enrico you have no idea how happy that makes me.

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Enrico you have no idea how happy that makes me.


Enrico I'll will add my thanks to those from USAFMTL as the Voodoo is a worthy old bird that deserves some long overdue recognition and I happen to believe that flight sims such as WOV and WOE are one way of recognising and honouring their acheivements and keeping their memory alive long after they have been put out to pasture.

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Check your PM.

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Looks like and interesting plane.



Yeah,indeed,but a very "incognito" one.

It was a fighter or only a recon plane,BTW?

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The F-101 was an interceptor. The RF-101 was a tac recon variant.

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It would be nice if someone can come up with a Recce campaign. Imagine taking RF-101s, RF-8s, RA-5s or RF-4s into action. What would be really hairy is having to go deliberately into the most heavily defended areas repeatedly and being forced to fly straight and level at times to get the perfect recon pics.

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It would be nice if someone can come up with a Recce campaign. Imagine taking RF-101s, RF-8s, RA-5s or RF-4s into action. What would be really hairy is having to go deliberately into the most heavily defended areas repeatedly and being forced to fly straight and level at times to get the perfect recon pics.


Too bad that the recon missions in SFP/WOV/WOE are nothing more than "fly to waypoint #5"... and actually you do not even have to get there at all to complete the mission. :wink:

It's a shame, since I still remember how much fun the recon missions in Microprose's F-117 were.

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Those recon missions in F-19 were the best EVER. In Cold War mode, with not only no fighting but no sightings allowed!

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Those recon missions in F-19 were the best EVER. In Cold War mode, with not only no fighting but no sightings allowed!


Wow, that must be hard.

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Wow, that must be hard.


Yeah, it was.

As strange as it may sound, these missions were nevertheless far more exciting than those "bomb X" or "shoot down plane group Y" jobs...

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Well the game is avalable for free download on the-underdogs if anyone wants to play it, all you need is DosBox and it will run just fine.

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Those recon missions in F-19 were the best EVER. In Cold War mode, with not only no fighting but no sightings allowed!


Amen brother! Those missions were TOUGH! I still have fond memories of F-19. Funny, I fire it up on occasion and it's still as immersive as I remember when you're in Realistic/Cold War...as 4 color as it might be...



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Too bad that the recon missions in SFP/WOV/WOE are nothing more than "fly to waypoint #5"... and actually you do not even have to get there at all to complete the mission. :wink:


It would be great if instead of the stupid "just go there,you had to take a photo of the target...

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The tricky part was you had to open the bay doors to take the pictures, but it made you VERY visible on radar when you did. It was all about timing it just right between radar sweeps. Also, no hard turns or they'd get a big return off your top or belly!

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