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Tom Cruise

More Realistic IR Growl and IR Growl Lock

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Hi all! I'd like to share my original IR Growl and IR Growl Lock files that I use for this sim. I think they work a little better than the ones that come with the game, especially the transition from Growl to Lock. Anything to add some more immersion. Criticism (good and bad) is welcome.


Is it possible to add these to the Downloads section? Or do I have to ask someone to do that?


Very awesome site here, by the way. Words cannot describe...



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If they're your sound mods, uploading them is no big deal. Just write a little readme on how to install them, zip them up, and upload them to the 'Sound Mods' section.


More, better, reallistic sounds are ALWAYS welcome!



kevin stein

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  Tom Cruise said:
Hi all! I'd like to share my original IR Growl and IR Growl Lock files that I use for this sim. I think they work a little better than the ones that come with the game, especially the transition from Growl to Lock. Anything to add some more immersion. Criticism (good and bad) is welcome.


Is it possible to add these to the Downloads section? Or do I have to ask someone to do that?


Very awesome site here, by the way. Words cannot describe...


Can you edit out the voice in the background in the IRGrowl?



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  Wrench said:
If they're your sound mods, uploading them is no big deal. Just write a little readme on how to install them, zip them up, and upload them to the 'Sound Mods' section.


More, better, reallistic sounds are ALWAYS welcome!



kevin stein


Thanks Wrench!


And Falcon, I know you can still hear the voice a little when playing the sound using WM player, but have you tried it in game yet? I don't think you can really hear the voice over your engine noise, or at least I can't.


Peoples ears are different though, if you still hear it in game let me know I'll try to filter it out some more. I tried to filter his voice out the best I could with the software I have (which is'nt much). It's so hard to find good AIM-9 seeker sound bytes without excited people yelling all over them!

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  Tom Cruise said:
Thanks Wrench!


And Falcon, I know you can still hear the voice a little when playing the sound using WM player, but have you tried it in game yet? I don't think you can really hear the voice over your engine noise, or at least I can't.


Peoples ears are different though, if you still hear it in game let me know I'll try to filter it out some more. I tried to filter his voice out the best I could with the software I have (which is'nt much). It's so hard to find good AIM-9 seeker sound bytes without excited people yelling all over them!


I'll test it out this week.



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Maybe it's just my ears but the 2 tones don't sound any different from each other...? To anyone who's tried them, is there a discernible change in tone when you get a missile lock?

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  Platinum Rogue said:
Maybe it's just my ears but the 2 tones don't sound any different from each other...? To anyone who's tried them, is there a discernible change in tone when you get a missile lock?



What he said. :dntknw:

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I think this is from the F-14/MiG-23 engagement. Someone had this sound for the irgrowl uploaded before; it's my standard, but the irgrowllock sound is the higher pitched almost siren-sounding...sound...if you listen to the engagement you'll know what i mean. I've just got 'em on back up and haven't seen them online anywhere for a long time.

Edited by Caesar

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  Caesar said:
I think this is from the F-14/MiG-23 engagement. Someone had this sound for the irgrowl uploaded before; it's my standard, but the irgrowllock sound is the higher pitched almost siren-sounding...sound...if you listen to the engagement you'll know what i mean. I've just got 'em on back up and haven't seen them online anywhere for a long time.


Yea Caesar, I did that a while back. TC if you want these sounds to tweak, you're more than welcome to them.




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I just remembered that are 2 superb ones (track and lock) in the OTC mod.



kevin stein

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