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Work in progress...but I'll need someone to make a launcher/system...





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kevin stein

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What gave it away...the 4 Solid Rocket Boosters? :)



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I'd actually be getting VERY worried if we were to start seeing Gadflys...which are just as sorely needed (well, for the commies anyway - we could use some Patriots!)



kevin stein

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What gave it away...the 4 Solid Rocket Boosters? :)



Jeez! Is that used to bring down the lunar module? :blink:

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Looking good Fastcargo :smile: If at any point you decide to build a Bloodhound, let me know, I made a walkaround of one a while ago.

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Lexx, thanks for the site...was able to get a few details on the missile there (picture-wise anyway). The SA-5 missile is basically done.




Anyone wanting to make a launch rail and radar system is more than welcome to.


However, I've run into a snag. The booster works as advertised, then cuts out, and you see the SRB "pack" detach and eventually disappear. However, the missile disappears as soon as the boosters cut out! Anyone got any ideas? Something I'm missing? Does the 'main body' of the missile have to be named something specifically?



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I wouldn't know what the cause of your problem is, I'm no weapons expert, but I know that the Nike missiles work properly along the same lines as the system you have there. Maybe a comparison might show a few differences?

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Guest capun
However, I've run into a snag. The booster works as advertised, then cuts out, and you see the SRB "pack" detach and eventually disappear. However, the missile disappears as soon as the boosters cut out! Anyone got any ideas? Something I'm missing? Does the 'main body' of the missile have to be named something specifically?




Use your Links Luke :)


I think you have the links messed-up, the missile being a children of the SRB pack. Again just a guess without seeing the Max file and/or the OUT file

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You sir, are a steely eyed missile man! That was the exact problem. As soon as I made the boosters a 'child' of the missile...worked like a champ!!




That's two I owe you now!


Some other images while I was testing:


A Mystere about to get hit...don't ask me why he would be going up against a SA-5!



Did you see that? --- See what?



Didn't know the AI could do something like this...talk about eating hot rocket death!



And finally, while I was at one of my SAM sites, waiting for an engagement so I could check out the booster sep, I saw a small streak. Sure enough...



It's really cool to see stuff like this, totally unexpected! Some pretty cool moments the TW engine can generate.


Anyway, after some final testing, I'll release the missile with a tentative WeaponData.ini entry. However, someone better than me will have to build/adapt a launch rail/system for it.



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Wait can you craet a working 2 stage launch system? A friend of mine has a 99% done missilew sysstem but did not release it because he said there was noway to produce the 2 stage launch sequence that the real missile had.

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Wait can you craet a working 2 stage launch system? A friend of mine has a 99% done missilew sysstem but did not release it because he said there was noway to produce the 2 stage launch sequence that the real missile had.


Yep, sure can. If you look at the ini entries for the various systems, there is an entry for 'BoosterNodeName='. Basically, you're telling the engine what 'part' of the missile to drop off after the boost phase.


As Capun noted though, the 'booster' has to be a 'child' of the main missile mesh.


The stock SA-3 and SA-2 are two-stage weapons. So the engine can do it just fine...



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