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40 years ago today

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Pete Knight went mach 6.7 in his X-15!

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Guest 531_Ghost

Boy I bet his pucker factor was up!

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40 years ago, and it still stands too.

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We're just now getting back into hypersonics, but all unmanned.

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The speed record may still hold, but the altitude reached was broken this day, 3 years ago.




In addition to meeting the altitude requirement to win the X-Prize, pilot Brian Binnie also broke the August 22, 1963 record by Joseph A. Walker, who flew the X-15 to an unofficial world altitude record of 354,200 feet. Brian Binnie's SpaceShipOne flight carried him all the way to 367,442 feet or 69.6 miles above the Earth's surface.


One of my virtual squad mates was an engineer on the project, and had one of our patches flown on its maiden voyage.



Edited by Spectre_USA

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Pete Knight went mach 6.7 in his X-15!
Just don't try to turn! :blink::biggrin::rofl:

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Sgt. Peppers tought his band to play!


no... wait....


that was 20 years.

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Interestingly enough, Che was shot on this day 40 years ago too...



...Mach 6.7... Jeez damn that fast. Its a touch over what my bubby nephew reaches when you tell him its bath time!

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Sgt. Peppers tought his band to play!


no... wait....


that was 20 years.



Actually, it would be 60 years now, as Sgt Pepper's was released 40 yrs ago in June, and at THAT time it was 20 yrs. :wink:

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Actually, it would be 60 years now, as Sgt Pepper's was released 40 yrs ago in June, and at THAT time it was 20 yrs. :wink:


Yeah, yeah. waddever.


I got my latest issue of Air and Space Smithsonian today, and it has a special article on the X-planes. Did you know that in wind tunnel tests, the X-15 was carried under the left wing of the B-52, but on all the flights it was carried under the right wing.


Pretty cool, huh? :yes:

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I know it was a right wing carrier, I never saw the wind tunnel test pics. I've got that issue now, haven't read it yet. A bit backlogged!

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