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SA-5 (S-200) Gammon (Version 1.1)

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SA-5 (S-200) Gammon (Version 1.1)

************************ NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! *********************************


Version 1.1 has significant changes. Please read it fully! If you have the previous version of this weapon, allow all overwrites when copying the 'Objects' directory, and 'cut and paste' the Weapondata.ini entry to get up to date on the newest changes.


************************ NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! *********************************


Version 1.1


Thanks to the following folks:


TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.

Bunyap and Wpnssgt - For the original Weapons Pack.

Mustang - For the great video tutorials.

Capun - For helping me fix the SA-5 booster issues...I owe you two!!

Fubar512 - For revising the SA-5 Weapondata.ini entry to more challenging values.

To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.

Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.


What you will need first:


Bunyap's Weapon's Pack - http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2672


Thirdwire Weapons Editor - http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm


Copy of SFP1/WOE/WOV patched to the latest standard (as of 03 Oct 07)


Notes and limitations:


The SA-5 in reality is a very big, long range SAM that's made to kill high altitude, slow manuvering targets. However, the TW engine may not support such a long range SAM.


And, though I didn't make one, there was a version of the SA-5 with a nuclear warhead! Maybe something you'll want to play with...


I have included all the texture templates along with the reference materials I used to build the models. Note there were several paint schemes...plus pictures of missiles in various states of repair. The templates should make it easier to make paint schemes for specific theatres...and to make better skins for the launch rail and Square Pair radar.


The Square Pair radar was VERY hard to find pictures of (I only found 2) so the model is very basic and most guesstimating.


I have included an experimental Barlock_data.ini file. It's a beta test of using the Barlock as a EW radar for the SA-5/Square Pair system...allowing for possibly VERY long engagement ranges for the SA-5. Just copy into your Objects/Groundobject/Barlock directory. Use at your own risk!!


This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.


Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.


Questions? Contact me at Combatace.



18 Nov 07


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That was pretty quick Fast. Keep up the good work!

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Outstanding work FC!! I agree, Keep em comming :good:

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AwSim. FastCargo, this is exactly what I needed for the mythical Siberian Sky legend.


I don't think there is any limit to SAM range in the game. To find out, you bump up SAM duration and ramp the Search/Track range of the ground unit. I *think* I recall testing my S-25 setup (use S-75 model) with range to over 100km to test this very concept. And it worked fine if I recall.

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Nucs will work fine. The only problem, and its a good one, is that TK does not support nucks in regards to self-destruct. ECM spoofed missiles will self-destruct by the nuck warhead, sometimes right off the launcher, and this destroys the launcher. So, ECM can't be used, although chaff should still be useable as chaff spoofs missiles near the aircraft (I think !!!). A somewhat less severe problem is that nucular SAMs still self-destruct by nuc warhead if they miss and fly beyond the target, so you get more flashes in the sky than you should.

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For some reason I have no texture on the launcher and the squarepair, in SFP1; to which textures are they related, and where to get them?

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A new SA-5/launcher and Square Pair radar have been included in the release. Redownload and reinstall.



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"I have included an experimental Barlock_data.ini file. It's a beta test of using the Barlock as a EW radar for the SA-5/Square Pair system...allowing for possibly VERY long engagement ranges for the SA-5. Just copy into your Objects/Groundobject/Barlock directory. Use at your own risk!!"


I like that last part - Use at your own risk!!




this thing really kicks @$$!!


outstanding work!



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Any plans for Western SAMs?


These sims are woefully deficit of them currently.

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I hope this SAM is a bit more challenging to evade the the stock WOV ones. Keep up the good work man!

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