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WTF is an Air Force Ranger?

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I know someone is laughing at this question, but I dont have a clue.


What do they do? I've heard them mentioned on the news and history channel but never a peep about what their job is.


So what the hell are they?




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I think there the ones that mend the wings of the birds after they strike the aircraft?


Make sure that the noisy exhaust from those loud plane do not disturb the deer in the woods?

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Well we have Security Forces guys that go to Ranger school but they are called Defenders. We have TACP units assigned to Ranger and other Army units for airstrike capability. We have Pararescue and Combat Controllers which both schools have a higher wash out rate than the Rangers and the Navy Seals. Of course someone will get on here and dispute that but I have talked to Rangers and Seals alike and they agree. And that is all i need to convince me. The USAF Special Ops schools are no joke.

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Guest Ranger332

RANGERS are the Army StrikeForce

what a compeny of Airborne take it takes a Platoon of Rangers, what a platoon of Rangers takes it takes only a team of SF.


PJ to my thoughts do have a higher wash rate due to there medical mission and the space rescue missions they have.


but there are Romads as they use to be called that go in with Rangers to get Airpower in fast and hard so they have to have Ranger training.

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RANGERS are the Army StrikeForce  

what a compeny of Airborne take it takes a Platoon of Rangers, what a platoon of Rangers takes it takes only a team of SF.  


PJ to my thoughts do have a higher wash rate due to there medical mission and the space rescue missions they have.  


but there are Romads as they use to be called that go in with Rangers to get Airpower in fast and hard so they have to have Ranger training.


I have no idea what you just said but PJs are to be respected and there is nothing that you can say bad about the Air Force Elite Schools. I attended several and they are anything but easy.


A Plt of Rangers can do a Companys amount of work?


USA Rangers are first strike limited stay forces. They support SF and Delta. They cap Airfields for follow on troops. They cannot last very long with out the Air Force or Follow on forces. They are light and fast!


Airborne units are armed to the teeth and have integrated assets that the Rangers do not.


Ranger missions suck and I loved working with the SF a hell of allot more.


They are damn good at their mission and are trained very well.





As for a AF Ranger the media are a bunch of puds. I was pissed everytime they referred to the Army as Marines.


Marine Apaches

Marine Bradlys

Marine Blackhawks


Dumbasses. :)

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Most likely they meant Para Rescue or Jumpers (PJs). These are the boys who go in and rescue downed pilots in places that only a SF member would go...which makes them a SF team.


The AF also has Forward Combat Controllers who also go in deep behind the lines.

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they might have been saying AirBorne Rangers.....AirBorne being the one thing ALL s/f' have as a common thing...as for pj's,yeah I would say it took big brass ones to jump out of a perfectly good helo(by the way no such as things a perfectly good airplane or helo lol) over north viet-nam or whatever l.z they are at....then of course you have the LRRP's but I think that is a acronym from another land,another lz....

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Gecko..as a Marine I too was pissed when they confused the Marines and the Army,of course I'll bet it was different reasons than you did!! :lol:

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What they were refering to was USAF Combat Control, Combat controllers work with all Elite US Forces and are part of JSOC. During Operation Enduring Freedom a Combat Controller Call Sign "Slick 01" called in all the airstikes that saved the Rangers he was assigned to. This was during a mission on Roberts Ridge.


When Rangers are tasked to do Special Operations Missions they will have A Combat Controller assigned to them. http://www.usafcct.com/main.htm

That is the reason why they are called Air Force Rangers. One of the Primary missions of the Rangers is Airfield Take Downs, Which Combat Controllers provide the Command And Control over that mission.

I hope this answers your question.


Take Care

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What they were refering to was USAF Combat Control, Combat controllers work with all Elite US Forces and are part of JSOC. During Operation Enduring Freedom a Combat Controller Call Sign "Slick 01" called in all the airstikes that saved the Rangers he was assigned to. This was during a mission on Roberts Ridge.


When Rangers are tasked to do Special Operations Missions they will have A Combat Controller assigned to them.


That is the reason why they are called Air Force Rangers. One of the Primary missions of the Rangers is Airfield Take Downs, Which Combat Controllers provide the Command And Control over that mission.

I hope this answers your question.


Take Care

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Well we have Security Forces guys that go to Ranger school but they are called Defenders. We have TACP units assigned to Ranger and other Army units for airstrike capability. We have Pararescue and Combat Controllers which both schools have a higher wash out rate than the Rangers and the Navy Seals. Of course someone will get on here and dispute that but I have talked to Rangers and Seals alike and they agree. And that is all i need to convince me. The USAF Special Ops schools are no joke.


I'll second that.


PJ's and Combat Controller's are a hard core bunch. Very high attrition rate in their schools, which are fully twice as long as SEAL training.



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Yeah, Im with ya Gecko. The idiots in the media are continually screwing up the proper names of units and type of equipments. Ive actually heard one guy all dressed in fatigues and in a flakvest call an Abrams an M60 just like he knew what he was talking about. The media doesnt impress me. They never bothered to tell us that Jessica lynch got raped but I have heard it from several returning troops. If they want my trust they gotta demonstrate an effort to learn what they are talking about and to tell the whole story. There are a few methinks, but they are drowned out by the dweebs in the politicians back pockets spouting only the party line.


Thanks Humphrey, sounds like an answer to me... :)

Cool photos on the CCT website...


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Just got back from TN... good replies... I think.


I'm going to guess that they are like medics that jump out of airplanes :lol:


Anyway I will 2nd or 3rd or 4th that media bashing... they were calling sailors, soldiers during the war... now come on, thats really bad, oh and how they were trumping up the cruise of the Lincoln (I think) as the longest in US history... somebody emailed in and corrected them, and they changed it to, longest since Vietnam.


I hate the news... so now I just watch ESPN and Comedy Central :D




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PJs are no joke. Ran into a few of them at SERE school. Good guys and tuff as nails. Even the two SEAL guys in our class were impressed. When we went on SAR missions we always stayed close enough to the boat that we had that blanket of security, but those PJ guys just jump right into the soup without a second thought.

Keep in mind the PJs also spend a lot of time doing civilian SAR missions as well. When the Coast Guard cant get to them, they send in ANG PJs.

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So PJ's are probably at Patrick AFB by my home town... all they really have there is SAR, to help the coasties and go out when the shuttle goes up.

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Thier home base is Eglin I think. I know they are in the panhandle of Florida. If the crew of the Shuttle ever needed to abort and bail over the atlantic then PJs would HALO from a C130 with SAR equipment to thier location and standbay with the shuttle crew in the water until a USN or USCG ship could get there.


BTW Snapple, Im from Tallahassee and went to FSU for a short while until I joined the Navy. My Dad still works for Telecommunications at FSU. I look forward to football season and seeing if Bobby can get the boys back in the hunt.

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Oh I feel ya brotha, I've been an FSU fan since I was 5. If you've picked up the college football preview mag for the ACC, you may have noticed the headline "Can they just shut-up and play?"--in reference to the noles.


Man do I feel bad for you, it's one thing to leave Tally and go in the Navy (thats Okay), but I have this feeling that you are in JAX... and that is the worst place in Florida (my opinion).




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PJs are no joke. Ran into a few of them at SERE school. Good guys and tuff as nails. Even the two SEAL guys in our class were impressed. When we went on SAR missions we always stayed close enough to the boat that we had that blanket of security, but those PJ guys just jump right into the soup without a second thought.  

Keep in mind the PJs also spend a lot of time doing civilian SAR missions as well. When the Coast Guard cant get to them, they send in ANG PJs.


Damn right Seawolf,. :D



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Go Big............or Go home!

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Alright... what I have gotten from this thread is that... AF Rangers is a "Press" name... possibly refering to PJ's or FAC's? But there is no official "AF Ranger", I was just wondering if the AF had some wierd gun toating super squad (AF Rangers)... guess not.


I've always admired the SAR guys and now the PJ's (I never knew what they did).


Little story about the SAR group at Patrick: About 5 or 6 years ago, a multi-felon asshole was loose right around the block from me. He was runnin around in the woods and swamp. The cops had dogs and SWAT and a bunch of sherrifs. They must have been bumbin around in the bush for a couple of hours, and couldnt find thier own ass... so they call over to patrick. Shortly there after 2 blackhawks show up... flyin about 10 feet off the pine trees, and they found that boy in about 15 mins. No searchlights... just IR (maybe thermal)... I need to get me a pair of those goggles for paintball :D




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