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India, Russia sign pact to build combat aircraft

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India, Russia sign pact to build combat aircraft


Defence cooperation between India and Russia has taken a great leap forward with the signing of a multi-billion pact to build a futuristic combat aircraft and the coming lease of a Russian nuclear submarine to India.


“Russia is also set to lease out to India an Akula-II nuclear submarine for a period of 10 years beginning with 2008 or 2009,” the Izvestia national daily reported on Thursday.


The Minister said all questions pertaining to the acquisition and production of T-90S Main Battle Tanks, Su-30MKI planes and other equipment had been sorted out. Russia would supply more 347 T-90S tanks and 40 Su-30MKI jets.

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Well, Russia has had serious funding trouble and India hasn't been making very fast progress with their plane developments. How many years now? Maybe, just maybe, the two working together will be the impetus to get one made in a timely fashion.

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The LCA is just a tad bit behind schedule, as in it'll probably be deployed in strength by the time I have grandchildren. :rofl:

Edited by Atreides

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it'll probably be deployed in strength by the time I have grandchildren. :rofl:


Oh Yeah :biggrin: ?

Tejas fires first missile

First step towards weaponisation :ok: . Alteast right now, the LCA's programme is much ahead than the JF-17 "Bandar" :rofl:

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I don't blame HAL, it's the moronic politician's who have probably (as alway's) played a role in it's delay looking for fringe benefit's. Wait a sec, did'nt HAL change it's decision at the last minute on the LCA's radar and they're now looking for a new one ?

Edited by Atreides

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I don't blame HAL, it's the moronic politician's who have probably (as alway's) played a role in it's delay looking for fringe benefit's. Wait a sec, did'nt HAL change it's decision at the last minute on the LCA's radar and they're now looking for a new one ?


International Politics & Stupid Politicians thinking that everything "gora" is gold and everything "desi" is third grade messed up the last Indian fighter project, that of the HF-24. It had great potential of being a super mult-role fighter, but for the lack of proper engines and radar. Hope the LCA does not meet the same fate.

LCA's MMR(Multi-mode radar) development has not been satisfactory and Israeli help is being taken for its further development. Highly unlikely that it will go into service with the first LCA Sqdn.


And guess what? The Defence misniter today stated that the Govt, in principle, has agreed for sending IAF fighters to participate in the Red Flag exercises in the US. And the Commies as usual, were at their stupid best once again. The CPI general secretary A B Bardhan is clearly not amused. "What the government is doing is wrong. American war plans are aggressive and are always against smaller nations. We cannot be a partner in such plans," :wacko:

Edited by ghostrider883

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International Politics & Stupid Politicians thinking that everything "gora" is gold and everything "desi" is third grade

Sad but true, will probably take generation's to get rid of that complex, thanks to the Brit's.

Edited by Atreides

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Sad but true, will probably take generation's to get rid of that complex, thanks to the Brit's.

care to explain that comment re. the Brits?

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Sad but true, will probably take generation's to get rid of that complex, thanks to the Brit's.


It's been 60 years since independence. Can't blame the Brits for everything :not_i:

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The CPI general secretary A B Bardhan is clearly not amused. "What the government is doing is wrong. American war plans are aggressive and are always against smaller nations. We cannot be a partner in such plans," :wacko:


I guess there were no plans against the USSR or China then? :haha:


BTW, isn't a war plan that is not aggressive pretty much doomed to failure? Obviously that guy was never in the military nor a student of it.

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I guess there were no plans against the USSR or China then? :haha:


BTW, isn't a war plan that is not aggressive pretty much doomed to failure? Obviously that guy was never in the military nor a student of it.


That's the typical Commie reaction..."we cannot be a part of imperialist yankee war plans". :rolleyes:

While they Commies raise hell when there's talk of improvment in Indo-US relations, they won't raise a word on the"imperilast" Chinese desings in India's neighbourhood. The Chinese are building a mjor Naval port in Pakiland, Sri Lanka and Burma and Bangladesh...all to contain the Indian Navy.The Commies don't see any "aggresiveness" in these Chinese designs. Recently, the Army reported large Chinese incursions in the North Eastern border. Its is almost as if the Commies expect the Chinese Navy to protect India's coastline. No one can ever forget that when the Indian Army was taking a pounding at the Hands of the Chinese Army in the 1962 war and while the rest of the country was praying those brave men , the Indian Commies were busy proclaiming -Chairman Mao is our Chairman. TRAITORS!!!!!!!!!!!!

God knows what will happen, if by chance, the IAF selects the F-16 or F-18 as its MRCA. Trust me, the commies would say, better fly those MiG-21s than fly those imperialist Yankee planes :biggrin:

Edited by ghostrider883

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Come on dude, cut the Commies some slack. It's hard to act smart when you have more teeth than brain cells :biggrin: . Goddamn I can't stand people here who call themselves communist or especially socialist. Why, because I'm a left leaner and they do my cause more damage than the right leaners could do. I mean, even the Chinese elite don't take Communism seriously. Why... ooh, I don't know, look at the effect it can have on your defence industry, using the Shenyang F-8 as an example... :rofl:

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Communism was a great theory, but it goes contrary to human nature. You only want everyone equal when you're on the bottom. You always look for ways to move up, and if you do the last thing you want is someone who failed to make it up saying you can't have it because everyone doesn't.


When PEOPLE change, communism may work. Until then, it can only work as a veneer on another type of system, usually a totalitarian oligarchy.

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Come on dude, cut the Commies some slack. It's hard to act smart when you have more teeth than brain cells :biggrin: . Goddamn I can't stand people here who call themselves communist or especially socialist. Why, because I'm a left leaner and they do my cause more damage than the right leaners could do. I mean, even the Chinese elite don't take Communism seriously. Why... ooh, I don't know, look at the effect it can have on your defence industry, using the Shenyang F-8 as an example... :rofl:


The Indian Ambassador to the US labelled the COmmies as Headless Chickens for their anti-US stand :biggrin: .

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Russia, India boost defence ties but no nuclear deal

Russia and India agreed on Monday to boost defence ties by jointly developing a new military transport aircraft

.......said the debt would be used to finance construction of the MTA/Ilyushin-214 multi-purpose military transport aircraft.



Edited by ghostrider883

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maybe they will just dust off the MiG 1.42 and get it working, or the Berkut?

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maybe they will just dust off the MiG 1.42 and get it working, or the Berkut?



Now the MiG-1.44 I could see. But the S-37? That thing has less stability in the air than Hitler on a good day!

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I don't think that Sukhoi was designed for production, any more than the F-15 MSTD or whatever it was called that had the canards on the intakes was. It was a tech demonstrator based on an Su-27, that's all.

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Havn't they built it yet?


cmon chop chop!! :beta1:

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Overall, yes for the most part. This one part, however, is about the real deal. :grin:

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Like the XF-29? never intended for production, but IIRC, the designers wanted to produce the XF-29

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Like the XF-29? never intended for production, but IIRC, the designers wanted to produce the XF-29


Wasn't that just a testbed? Even still, I like using it in the games I have that it's in, but the X-29 would have faced the same problems the F-20 did... although, both would be good for games like the SFP. I'll have to hire a moddler to build one for me. I don't have the time... :no:

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