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I've always been a fan of the Mirage F1. Just recently downloaded both versions from this site. I have found that this bird is damn near impossible to land without destroying the aircraft. It seems to want to take off even with brakes and speed brakes, after setting down. :dntknw: I don't know if I am landing too fast or too slow. P.S. is there an accurate F1 cockpit available for this model?

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maybe that´s the reason you are crashing the bird. i got no problems with landing this beauty. i think there is noch accurate cockpickt available at the moment. you can take one of the mirages, but i think the one of the SuperEtendard is the one which is the closest to the original. just the air-to-air-radar is missing.

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Guest Sony Tuckson

the new model will have its own dedicated cockpit


and I haven't have any problem landing the available one....what mode do you fly?

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the new model will have its own dedicated cockpit

Wow, I wasn't aware of that, great news :biggrin:


BTW I fly F1C-200 VERY often, and expirienced no troubles landing :dntknw: Touchdown at about 300km/h a bit rough and dirty but that's just my sloppy tehnique, no problems in general...

Edited by Brain32

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I have all of the flight settings on the hardest level. I'm flying both the F1C and the -200. When the main gear touch down, I keep the stick back to bleed off some speed while I pop the speed brakes. What happens next is this, the nose wheel touches down, bounces real hard, the plane lifts off, pitches up and to the right, and rolls inverted on its back. I let the autopilot land the plane one time and it has it landing at 143kts or somewhere in that ballpark. Maybe I'm coming in too hot. Also, with the plane on the ground at the beginning of a mission, the plane bobs up and down at the nose wheel. Otherwise I love blowing stuff up with this plane. Nice to hear about the new version coming out. Looking forward to that! :yes:

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Guest Sony Tuckson

very strange


I will reinstall the old models to check


anyway some preview of the new kid on the blocks....with a rather exotic skin.


Edited by Sony Tuckson

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very strange


I will reinstall the old models to check


anyway some preview of the new kid on the blocks....with a rather exotic skin.



FOLY HUCK! Is that Morocco? Baddass. :clapping:

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There are a few versions out there with strange values for drag and landing gear (which might fit the problem described), either reinstall from another copy or compare the values on your copy with the suggested bugfixes HERE.

But hopefully the new shiny version will be out soon-ish.

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Delta6, what's your descent rate? If you're going 120 knots but dropping at 2000ft/min the landing ain't gonna be pretty...

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Well, I tried the fixes suggested by Gunrunner, and it turns out they work. Thanks Gunrunner. To Caesar, I shoot an almost airline like approach. This time it was the plane and not the pilot. :wink: Thanks for the responses all!

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very strange


I will reinstall the old models to check


anyway some preview of the new kid on the blocks....with a rather exotic skin.




great news! ... and a awesome camo! thank you!

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I have never had problems with landing the F-1. Landing speed around 250 km/h. At higher speeds the landing becomes a little bit difficult.

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Guest Saganuay82



The new one is gonna be fun. Still fun running around in Madagascar with this.

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The new one is gonna be fun. Still fun running around in Madagascar with this.


Can't wait to see that one!!! :clapping:

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................ :sleep:

I hope for Christmass release

Edited by starfighter2

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