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New strike fighter 2 in 2008 ?

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Well you wouldn't want a post 2000 Kelly McGillis chasing you down.


No, some things are better (a lot better) in hindsight. She was fine as hell in that movie though. But hey, IIRC she was raped not long after so she deserves much slack.

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No, some things are better (a lot better) in hindsight. She was fine as hell in that movie though. But hey, IIRC she was raped not long after so she deserves much slack.




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That's an entirely different kind of programming.

That's an entirely different kind of programming.



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A little spit and polish on the game would be good at this point, five years into it.


A very true statement. I'd still love to see the parabrakes implemented into the aircraft that used them. This was promised way back when, but always seemed to be left out.


I dont know what TK reads or uses for ideas, but he has alot of resources to use right here on these boards. So many of the modders have cracked things that have added a ton more playability to this series, than has been given in the patches. Sure they've fixed things that were hard broke, but the tinkering/tweaking was already being done by the players themselves. If he capitalized on that, he could save some time for other things to implement or fix from SF:P1 ver.1


Personally, a new Wings over Israel title doesnt sound all that great if all it turns out to be is a rehash of the SF:P1/WoV/WoE missions with a new planeset. How many times can I bomb a warehouse or fuel tanks? Thanks to a bunch of modders, we've already got it now. Let's hope I'm wrong and this new release is a completely new product (save for the game engine).


But hey, what do I know?



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some spit and polish wouldn't hurt. I'd be happy with tail gunners and ejector seat/parachute effects.

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I dont care if its a rehash of the older versions. It's not all people who is aware of all these addons, I can only speak for myself but I had WOV and WOE a long time before I found out about this Forum for an exsample. And as I see it, every time there has been a new game in the series there has been patches to opgrade the older vers to the new standard, try that on other games. Off cause I do like to see the brake shute too, and the medals I had won in the pilot record, but thats a minor issue.


There has been improvements on every new game in the series. And I really do like the openness of the game, its only you own imagination and skill that set the limits of this sim. I'm no computer wiz, and I have never changed so much in a game before i tryed this. and its fun fun fun..

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no one is decrying the "fun" of the series...the point was well made that some basics that a reasonable person may think would be in a sim have still been left out. I agree fully with the above in that is WOI is in fact like WOV, then, why? The changes that you mentioned are not worth my $29.99 and while there have been numerous fixes, again refer to the above where so many fixes were made by the very talented mod community, so why not just communicate with the modder-in-question and incorporate their work. I would be willing to bet that most would do it pro bono even, if not, another certainly would.

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I hope some major features and change will be added in woi and i hope some long time issues will be corrected.


there is now some long time since anything had been done in the jet area, when was out the last patch for the jet series? more than a year now.

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That's an entirely different kind of programming. Altogether!


That's an entirely different kind of programming.

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Guest Saganuay82

You don't have tail gunners? In Hornets? Falcons or Eagles? Or do you mean those proppy thingys?

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Thanks C5,


J/M...you seriously never noticed that when the game says "cool, here is a medal", that it never shows up in your pilot record? And do not even mention ejecting in this game to me...how long did that take to implement?





No, honestly! I saw the medal awarded to me, and thought "Ok, cool." I never recall trying to look it up later! The only stats I cared about in my pilot log were kills and deaths and hours flown.

I admit that despite my years of flying this series I don't have nearly as many hours as some other people here. I can go a month or longer between bouts. So I'm not necessarily as intimate with the workings of this as others here.

I'm still a "light" modder--I put in the planes and terrains and have done the weapon .ini dance, but I've never done things like add planes to campaigns or alter single mission files or whatever.

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