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Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

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Mine lasted from August till new year's. I just got it back (1 month and several frustrating phones calls later). So far not really sure it was worth the money I spent on it...


Not to jump the gun, but I'm going to start with one of what will definitely be my biggest dissapointments of 2008:


My "repaired" 360 died this AM. Did not even have it back for a week. :fuk: you microsoft!

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Whoa whoa come down there!

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heheheh... my 6 year old PS2 is still going strong :yes:

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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heheheh... my 8 year old PS2 is still going strong :yes:



So is my *Viggen does math* 11 year old N64.






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yeah but the closest to a good flying game that Nintendo got on the '64 was....




Starfox 64, I believe.


My PS2 readily runs Ace Combat and Heatseeker.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Whoa whoa come down there!


I apologize... I was a little fired up... :biggrin:

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Meh Star Wars Rouge Squadron was good to.


Nice to see another Ace Combat fan areound here as well.

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rouge squadron- I fergot about that one. I kept getting blown up.

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rouge squadron- I fergot about that one. I kept getting blown up.



Yeah those Tie Interceptors are a pain. And the Raid on Sullest was impossible!

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There were several of those console-shoot-em-up starfighter SW games made. Rebel Assault was first, followed by the Rogue Squadron and other series. They were ok, but I never really liked them.

The best overall was Shadows of the Empire. Sometimes you did starfighter combat, but other times it was an FPS.

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what I never understood about those starfighter games is that if two armies are coming at one another in large space ships, wouldn't they almost allways be meeting with the other side seeming upside down or something?


I think I was bad at those because there was no up or down, so you couldn't really play to your advantages.


but isn't this a little... er... off topic?

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but isn't this a little... er... off topic?


This Combatace. We always get off topic.

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- "but isn't this a little... er... off topic?"


- the forum section is titled "The Pub"...par for the course...at least we arent arguing over India and Pakistan (again)

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right. Fergot about that.


I got kicked off my last forum site for being off topic.

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right. Fergot about that.


I got kicked off my last forum site for being off topic.



:blink: That's rude!

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I didn't fit in there anyway. They were ALL convinced that the F-15 was the best plane in the world.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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It is for some missions. It's not for others, and the F-22 will surpass it.

However, rigid topic police are not to be found here. We'll move a topic if it's in the wrong forum, or try and reign things back in if a First Eagles thread turns into a CoD4 thread, but it's ridiculous to ban people for behaving like people!!

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Man, I remember a forum (I've forgotten the name by now) on some Zelda fansite, they were total jerks. I was banned after a week, with the ACTUAL explanation from the moderator being "Don't double post, noob."

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On the Bungie.net forum if you called someone a newb, noob, n00b or any other form of the word you were banned.

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