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Wings Over Israel [Official Thread]

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Yes, if that's the effect of keep pressing the yaw key all the time. I assume the plane should yaw to the left or right(or "pan" as in cameraman's terms) as long as the yaw key is pressed and stop yawing when the key is released. I understand the plane will roll at the same time. But what happened in my game was it seems the rudder is useless"Although I'm pressing the yaw key(comma,period)all the time, my plane only yaws for about 5 degrees to the left or right and it stops in that directionAnd when I release the yaw key, the plane yaws back to its starting direction. "

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It's like that in all TW games if you put the flight model to "Normal". All the rudder does is crab the plane, it doesn't turn it like it would in real life if one rudder is held down. I just got used to turning only by banking, because then the plane slips sideways through the air just enough to yaw you and keep your turn coordinated. I only ever use the rudder for complex maneuvers. I'd like to see if this could be corrected, though.


Actually, I'm not totally sure if in a real plane the rudder will yaw you all the way around, I'll check on that next time I go flying.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Rudders in swept wing aircraft at speed are basically useless. The effect you describe is exactly what happens in the real thing. Now, once you get high AOA, and slow airspeed, that's a different story. Depending on the aircraft, all sorts of funky things can happen, up to and including departure from controlled flight.



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The rudder will yaw you all the way around, but it will take measurements of national borders for it to happen. Using the rudder alone is not an effective way of maneuvering unless you're just trying to point the nose a tad bit more to the left or right towards a target that you just can't seem to get the angle on via ailerons and elevators alone. Remember, the ruders are only on the dorsal side of the aircraft. You don't have rudders on the ventral side, nor do you have any main wings for lift that run from the dorsal side to the ventral side. That's why the rudder behaves the way it does. It's more effective at slower speeds. But at anything over 200 kias, makes the rudder pretty much useless unless your using it in the way that I mentioned above.



Geez FC, you beat me to it by a minute... I was typing too much I guess.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Anyone here could help explian how to read the radar screen on F-15A? I read the menual but still got confused on the relative positions of the target and me shown on the radar screen. The manual says the screens shows a top-down view, does that mean the centre of the screen means my aircraft, and any targets shown in the top 8 small squares are in front of me, and anyany targets shown in the lower 8 small squares are behind me?

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What settings are you using?


Easy radar I think may place the jet in the centre from what i remember - and give you a 360 deg view - though have never used it myself.


hard/normal settings should give you a more realistic radar which only sweeps in front of you (about 120 degrees ) - so your nose would be the bottom of the radar screen and all contacts would be in the front 120 degs only for example. Still gives a you a top look down view - but you will only know a jets altitude if you lock it up.



thats a point actually im not sure if the radar represents B scope type display - where your nose is actually the entire bottom line of the radar display - will have to check

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Thanks. I got a LOCK ON manual and there is a radar explaination, so now I can understand what I see on the radar screen,not everything though.


The other thing I'm not clear is, when I fly the f-15A, radar mode in TWS, lock a target(indicated by a yellow square)with AIM-7, sometimes there will be another aircraft indicated by a red square coming up in the HUD, does this red square mean a closer target? If I want to unlock the previous yellow one and lock the red one, what should I do?


Q2: When a target is hit, sometimes the radar will keep locking it until touchdown. What shoud I do to lock another target right after the previous target is hit, instead of waiting for it to crash on the ground?

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Q2: When a target is hit, sometimes the radar will keep locking it until touchdown. What shoud I do to lock another target right after the previous target is hit, instead of waiting for it to crash on the ground?


There is a key to select a new target. Sometimes when you un-lock a target and immediately lock up on the first thing on your radar, you'll re-aquire a lock on the guy that you just blasted. A big indicator that you have done this is do an "IFF" verification. If no name pops up, then you just re-locked the guy that you sent a missile through. If the aricraft model does pop-up when you do the IFF check, then you've locked onto a new target.

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Which is the key you mentioned,"T" or "H"?And how to do a "IFF" check?



Well, that'll be a problem 'cause I don't have the original keys mapped out. They're all configured for my joystick and throttle stick now. Go into the options menue, it should tell you which keys control what.

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A Red square is your current target - press T to target air, or E to target ground targets - this is nothing to do with radar - the yellow box signifies a radar locked target - so you can radar lock a jet you have already targeted - they are separate things.


When you target something it will allow you to padlock it, get info on the hud, fire/ drop guided missiles/bombs and mainly so you can see the jet or ground target.



basic iff - lock up with radar as normal - then press ctrl and R by default - this will target the jet also.

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I downloaded Dave's F-16I, but I found the HUD could not show info proferly for AIM-120, maybe it's because the default F-16A does not support mid-range missiles?

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Does WOI supports realtime game replay after a mission like Need For Speed does?So we can WATCH the mission as a movie!

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Anyone here could help telling me how to use ARM in WOI? When the target radar shows up by a red square, how to lock it with my ARM?And how do I know the radar is locked by my ARM, because all my ARM fired flew like a rocket and hit the ground!!!

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Does WOI supports realtime game replay after a mission like Need For Speed does?So we can WATCH the mission as a movie!


No you need something like FRAPs or Gamcam if you want to record the game play

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Anyone here could help telling me how to use ARM in WOI? When the target radar shows up by a red square, how to lock it with my ARM?And how do I know the radar is locked by my ARM, because all my ARM fired flew like a rocket and hit the ground!!!



You dont need to lock onto anything in this game - Point jet in general direction of a radar and fire if you have RWR and it has a flashing square on it point the jet towards that etc


Best to standoff a bit - the Shike or Standard ARM dont seem that good close in - although they often miss anyway.


must be loads of old threads on ARMs etc.

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I'm gonna re-sticky this, and new folks might not want to go hunting for it.



kevin stein

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I found there is no CCIP for F-4E in WOI, so how do you guys aim targets for bombs?


Practise - if you havnt got CCIP then its WW2 style Dive Bombing. No idea if the Kurnass ever had CCIP - the original F-4E didnt.


and read this:



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Are there more campaigns for WOI to download than the stock three campaigns?And how to use add on aircrafts in the stock three campaigns?

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Are there more campaigns for WOI to download than the stock three campaigns?And how to use add on aircrafts in the stock three campaigns?


Check out the knowledge base.

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Thanks. I went to the knowledge base and found there are 0 articles regarding adding campaigns.

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