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Rambler 1-1

adding missiles to a plane

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okay, I don't think this is a tough one, but I'ts become a tripping stone for development of my custom planes.


I'm trying to add a new missile to the stock F-4E Phantom. I did all the ini stuff and I know the missile will work on the plane, but I can't get it to show up in the avaliable inventory for the Phantom on any mission. I tried putting the new missile on with the loadout file, but to no avail.


Any help is appreciated, and badly needed. Thanks!

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I'm assuming by 'not showing up in inventory' you mean it doesn't show up in the master list on the left.


Usually that means 3 things:


1. Wrong year.

2. Wrong Attachment Type (country)

3. Wrong mission (ie certain A/A missiles won't show on a A/G missions and vice versa).


Try checking that for a start.



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Greetings Rambler. If you've done everything that is posted in the Knowledge base, then I would recommend you to review the F-4E_data.ini in detail, as tere are entries that can be easy overlooked. Under the Weapon stations section, look for the station that is going to carry your missile and find the next entries: LoadLimit, AllowedWeaponClass & AttachmentType.


LoadLimit is quite easly overlooked, if your weapon weights more than the load limit of the pylon, then it won't appear on the plane's inventory.

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Lamani- I know the missiles will fit and work on the plane, because I have loaded a mission as another plane that uses that missile and then switched planes on the loadout screen. This way I was able to fly with the new missiles on there, so I know I did the ini stuff right.


FastCargo- I've checked all of these things many times already, and like I said, I CAN get the plane to fly with the missiles, but they just won't show up in the master list.


REVISION- The missile DOES show up in the master list, but it says that there's 0 avaliable. Now how the heck do I change that?

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I am no expert modder of any kind, but if availability seems to be the problem then I would suggest you to review your missile's data with the weapon editor and look for the Availability and Base Quantity entries, be sure that this particular entry isn't 0. If you've alredy done so and the missile still shows as 0 availbale, then I'm afraid I don't know what to do.

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Nope. Niet. Nein. Nothing. Tried that, The avaliability was set to 2 and base quantity was 40. Even worse, now it's not showing up in the master list at all, that seemed to be nothing more than a flash in the pan. I went over everything again, but it seems like it should all work.

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This sounds just like - almost - a problem I'm having, too. While I don't know the answer either - it looks like you've done everything you should, IMHO - you have my sympathy!

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Rambler, would you mind to post the weapons data? Would help to encircle the problem.

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Rambler, would you mind to post the weapons data? Would help to encircle the problem.


don't laugh, but I'm adding the Phoenix to an F-4E. I've got the .inis all worked out so it'll work (see pic), but the missile won't show up in the inventory/master list.





I was gonna try to avoid mentioning that i was adding a phoenix to a phantom, 'cause I knew that would attract a lot of flak, but it seems I have no choice.

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Have you set the F-4E up to carry AHM´s? Might be the missing part, the game gives a difference between the two AttachmentTypes SAHM and AHM.

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Not sure if this is your problem but the AIM-7M got no joke heavier. It would show up on the master list but I couldn't load it to anywhere but the number 4 position on my F-14 (to make the plane TARPS capable, I fooled around with the weapon stations) which was rated to carry 1000kg for the TARPS pod. I checked to see what was up and noticed the sparrow stations weight limit of 230kg. The old AIM-7M weighed 228.4kg, the new one 231.33kg, or 1.33kg over the limit; had to fix the max carry weight on the other three pylons. Not sure if this is your problem, but you might want to look into it.

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Is that my Arctic Gunship camo? Nice to see someone downloaded it.

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Yes, Viggen, that is the arctic camo, or as we refer to it, "monochrome splinter".


AmokFloo- I'll try that.


EDIT- It didn't work. I can now load EVERY A2A MISSILE IN THE GAME on this sucker exept for the Phoenix. Even the AIR-2 Genie. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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PM me with your Weapondata.ini, loadout and data.inis.


I'll test em and see what I can find.




Oh, and tell me if this a pre or post WOI install.

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PM me please, need to ask you a few questions.



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aiee, it sounds like cargo has gotten serious about something...


BREAKTHROUGH!!! I GOT THE PHOENIXES TO WORK ON THE F-4J!!! It must be a nations thing, then, despite the fact that I made all the loadout points able to use USN weapons.

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Rambler, make a USAF Phoenix and try that.

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did it already, but then a bunch of my other planes have phoenixes too, and it was meant to be an exclusive weapon. I'll just modify the F-4J instead and go find a cool skin for it.


problem solved- sorta. I donno about stormtroopers' hellmavs.

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