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What Cold War dont have Intercontinental missiles ?!

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Admittedly a bit cheesey, but hey, the ini files and effects date back three years. At least the missile sound works....




UPDATE: We have ICBMs! Too bad they fly off the map....lost track of them at 30,000+ meters altitude, and they were still climbing!



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We already have working arty - gun tubes, and MRLS (ok, BM-14-16 Kytushas). IRBMs could be made using some of the edits MJ did for the kytusha. We'd just need a lod * for missle. However, there's no way to track or engage them



kevin stein


* V2 lod from Edwards WW2 Euro map


We've got working arty? Where? Do they do indirect fire? We could use some for FE. :yes:

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Yup. I don't know about indirect fire, as I've usually placed the batteries within LOS...juuuust out of range of each other.

OTH, the Kytusha mod IS indirect, non-LOS


Pasko's D-20 and my mod of his KS-19 into a 'passable' M-59 (although it looks just like what it is ...) are in the D/L section.


Should be doable for FE; I don't have the expansion pak, but adding stuff to the existing guns should be pretty straight forward



kevin stein

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