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Wingman Skill vs Experience?

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What is the difference between wingman skill and experience? Is one A2A and the other A2G? Just curious if anyone knows, I searched and came up with nothing.

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Ok, but what does that mean as far as mission effectiveness in game? In other words, how do you choose the best wingmen for any particular mission or maybe it doesn't even really matter?

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Ok, but what does that mean as far as mission effectiveness in game? In other words, how do you choose the best wingmen for any particular mission or maybe it doesn't even really matter?



If the number is higher for skill, they'll be better at performance. If the number is higher for experience, they'll be better in reaction time.


Unless I'm wrong here. That's how I interpreted it. It's best to have a wingman who has high numbers in both departments, but that's not always the case. It all boils down to what you think would be more important in a situation. Will a wingman with high/low skill counts and high/low experience counts be suitable for A2A/A2G missions? All depends on what you want, and what you think is best (which is usually something that gets proven to you from experience in flying with wingman with varied scores). Do you have better luck with guys who have got the talent but not the experience, or with guys who have been around the block, but lack the finese?


This is what I do... for A2A, I want experience. Doesn't take much skill to lock up a target and fire a missile. But experience counts on knowing how to react to stuff when things start to hit the fan. I want guys who know how to get out of a nasty situation. However, the trade off is that his lack of skill might be that he won't know how to show some of that pilot sh*t when knife fighting with a bogey (of course, his high experience points should indicate that he would know him/herself well enough if they really should place themselves in that situation in the first place.... but this is a game, not real life, so he might not think about that anyways).


For A2G engagements, I want a guy who will be able to plant that bomb dead center on target without breaking a sweat... basically I want someone with skill in dropping bombs. But there is a trade off with that, if his experience is lacking, will he be able to pick up on what's happening around him and react appropriately? If not, he might not even make it far enough to release that Mk 82 on that freshly paved runway before getting nailed by AAA or hostile aircraft that are intercepting you and your flight.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Hmmm...I agree that is the theory...but I have seen random results...have loaded up with all high time, high skill guys and either they were all shot down, none took a shot, or heck, one of them even went MIA.


Tried it the other way with loading a guy that had a skill score of 22...he managed 4 kills on one sortie...


Though no doubt 6 of you will argue with me (because that is what you like to do) and tell me it works perfectly...I have seen different results...to me it is the new "medals feature" and will work eventually.


By the way, STILL have never seen SNOOPY mark a target yet...

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Hmmm...I agree that is the theory...but I have seen random results...have loaded up with all high time, high skill guys and either they were all shot down, none took a shot, or heck, one of them even went MIA.


Tried it the other way with loading a guy that had a skill score of 22...he managed 4 kills on one sortie...


Though no doubt 6 of you will argue with me (because that is what you like to do) and tell me it works perfectly...I have seen different results...to me it is the new "medals feature" and will work eventually.


By the way, STILL have never seen SNOOPY mark a target yet...


Could be that the lower the number the wingmen have, the better, but that wouldn't make since since the lowest ranking officers have the lowest score, and some of the highest ranking officers have the higher scores. Or maybe fresh new recruites are anxious and trigger happey to get their first kill. Who knows.


SNOOPY marks targets with illumintion flares. It looks like as if it's one of the battle tanks on fire, but if you notice, it burns for a longer time than the tanks.

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I've never seen that Texan shoot a flare either... "Twelve O'Clock rockin' my wings" my ass... Why don't you spray some 20MM down on those peckerwoods manning the 23MM's rather than having a spin in that scooter???

Edited by Timmy

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I've never seen that Texan shoot a flare either... "Twelve O'Clock rockin' my wings" my ass... Why don't you spray some 20MM down on those peckerwoods manning the 23MM's rather than having a spin in that scooter???


So true. Have you ever noticed hoe they go dumb sometimes, wingman too- like no matter how many times you tell him to break there are these situations where he just wants the bandit to stick it up his tail-pipe;and you're out of range to do anything about it.

Or even when the bandits have been tallied, warnings issued over the air, and they'll just keep flying straight and level.


In reality yes I have heard of scenario's where the bandits sitting 500 yards behind and the pilot just keeps going along like a Huckleberry Hound, but for crying out loud its a shame when ur have to watch an F-15C get shot down by a MiG-21

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So true. Have you ever noticed hoe they go dumb sometimes, wingman too- like no matter how many times you tell him to break there are these situations where he just wants the bandit to stick it up his tail-pipe;and you're out of range to do anything about it.

Or even when the bandits have been tallied, warnings issued over the air, and they'll just keep flying straight and level.


In reality yes I have heard of scenario's where the bandits sitting 500 yards behind and the pilot just keeps going along like a Huckleberry Hound, but for crying out loud its a shame when ur have to watch an F-15C get shot down by a MiG-21


They're just enjoying the view. :biggrin:

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With my luck there is no such thing as experience. :starwars:

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ah...not saying it doesnt happen, brother, just that when I feel like getting dirty and doing a CAS mission I ALWAYS switch to "Y", then "F8", then wait for it and with Snoopy highlighted (eh, high-lit?), I watch...every time he says the same thing...sometimes he even rolls toward the general vicinity of the battle, but then nothing...


Now I think I read a post that says it worked in YAP, which I do not have. Maybe they just dont like me...would not be the first time, but then do I really need him with all of that dust and smoke kicked up by an armour confrontation? Oh, and the "E" key helps as well. Just angry that the bugger is getting combat pay and that is probably where all of my SFP1 and WOV and WOE medals went, to Snoopy...b@st@rd...

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Hmm..this is all very interesting. I wondered just how sophisticated the game was at running these differences and what can really be seen to make a difference. I can't say I've ever noticed anything one way or another but then again maybe I haven't been doing it right. Perhaps we should run some sort of tests but with all the variables could this be done with any sort of accuracy?

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I remember in CFS2 that there was a sort of "hidden" pilot skill score...it mattered in regards the ace...experienced...novice categories...not perfect, but it did seem that "ace" dudes kept coming back and getting kills while dudes annotated as "novice" usually either stayed back or didnt come back...but that was like 6 years ago


Have noticed no correlation in this game...maybe a patch? But the AI is performing as good as the patch 2 days, so I am inclined that it be left alone since patch 3 was crap compared to patch 2 AI...who needs a wingman any way?

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I remember in CFS2 that there was a sort of "hidden" pilot skill score...it mattered in regards the ace...experienced...novice categories...not perfect, but it did seem that "ace" dudes kept coming back and getting kills while dudes annotated as "novice" usually either stayed back or didnt come back...but that was like 6 years ago


Have noticed no correlation in this game...maybe a patch? But the AI is performing as good as the patch 2 days, so I am inclined that it be left alone since patch 3 was crap compared to patch 2 AI...who needs a wingman any way?



Bottom line is two man flight is the best. Keep the speed up. One pass haul ass.

In an F-15, or F-14 that is. In the cAt I love the long range shot(50 miles plus), hate mixing it up with the Blinders.

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Wingmen? Your Wingmen are around when things get testy?


Actually, today My entire flight got into the mix and the LT's each got a Kill, and the Captain (14 missions under his belt) got two.


Experience? Missions? Hell, as long as I make it out....if they're still around, good for them.

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Wingmen? Your Wingmen are around when things get testy?


Actually, today My entire flight got into the mix and the LT's each got a Kill, and the Captain (14 missions under his belt) got two.


Experience? Missions? Hell, as long as I make it out....if they're still around, good for them.



I take as a personal insult to my leadership abilities if everybody doesnt make it back.


So my name is mud, pretty much most of the time.

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So my name is mud, pretty much most of the time.


Want me be my wingman? We can be the mud borthers. :biggrin:

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Want me be my wingman? We can be the mud borthers. :biggrin:

Bring it on baby.When do we fly?

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I'm still green and the powers that be haven't given me the honor of being the person to go to for leadership. Once I have those ten missions under my belt they'll see to it that I'm responsible for getting guys back.


Until then, I'll dodge flak, and stay on my leads wing, and survive.

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