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There is a critical error in the gunsight of MiG-29 OVT.It needs to be fixed.

Edited by Fida

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Can you be more specific please?

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Guest Sony Tuckson

indeed some precison is required, and whie providing extra needed info, why not being a bit more subtle.....

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There is a critical error in the gunsight of MiG-29 OVT.It needs to be fixed.


hmmmmm lets see now I think we can calculate the cost to make you happy



Time modders spend to make models free for us: Priceless


+ dedication to try to make this sim the best it can be :Priceless


+ doing this on free time that can be spent doing other things for themselves : Priceless


+ listening to stupid rivet counters complaints and still keep modding : priceless


and the total is = :bad: ##@!!$^&* :angry2: sorry i will not use potty mouth here :butcher: :f***:

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There is a critical error in the gunsight of MiG-29 OVT.It needs to be fixed.


OK dude, seriously. I'm pretty sure CA will let this slide. This time. Maybe.


But the modders put a hell of a lot of hard work into what they do, and not the least in the case of the MiG-29 OVT. To demand things, and to criticize their work without any pretense of constructiveness, is unconscionable. Besides, nobody is twisting your arm into downloading and playing the 'ship, FOR FREE, so you have no reason to complain. Don't like it, then you can delete it.


I will restrain from elaborating on my personal feelings for you, if I can.

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Let im have it boys.

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Let im have it boys.


Now now he's a new member so be kind. He probably doesn't yet undersatnd about these things.


Fida you now know this type of post doesn't go down well here. If you've got a problem with something try and explain preceisely what you're having trouble with. Rather than just saying the model is at fault, ask what's happening. These guys spend a whole lot of time trying to get these things right for us all and don't like someone critising their work with sweeping statements.


If you pose a question about a particular model someone here will answer it. Don't assume there is something wrong until you've asked about it first.


All new members are welcome and everyone here welcome's you and will help you if they can. Just ask nicely!

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