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So, I decided to go on a strike mission in an FB-111. Yeah, man, I though. I'm gonna kick some ass in this thing. My briefing told me that I was to attack a comm building in some Parani city. Seeing as how I was to attack a single building, I decided on a conservative :ninja: payload of two Mk.84s and twenty-four Mk.82s.



Thus armed, I set out with my band of merry men. Off we go.




If you look closely, you can see two Phantoms in the background. Not sure what they're doing, but they're definitely not escorting us. Oh no. :haha: Of course, the comm building was not targeted nor was it ever the rest of the mission.



Mission control gives vector as 12:00, five miles.


That looks like it's five miles away. TIME TO DIE



BOOM! HEADSH- oh. Bloody hell, missed that one by a mile.



Ok, that was practice. Time for my other Mk.84. At this time, literally a second after releasing the bomb, I decide to check if it's the right building.


"Right, 3:00, 2 miles."


Oh well, I missed anyway. :clapping:



At this point I stopped taking screencaps. I noticed a particularly open building near a AAA establishment. To cut a long story short, I missed several times before being set on fire by AAA. I desperately released the remaining 17 bombs within the space of a few seconds and watched them all miss. Cursing, and shamed, I ejected just before my flaming FB-111 arrowed, ironically, into the AAA gun.


Damn comm buildings.

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I do have to correct you on one point; the correct name is:




as anyone who's ever played SF from Day 1 can attest to.....just ask Sparkomatic!! :rofl:



kevin stein

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Any story that involves the Aardvark in a starring role is a good one in my book.




Now, you do know about them new-fangled LGB thingmies, yeah? When you hear 12 o'clock, 5 miles, you hit the pickle button, and veer 12-20 degrees to avoid

splash damage, >BiG-bOoM< and it's Miller time...



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Yeah, F/C can have his 10,000,000 Talon hours patch...mine says 232 CommBuildings...and that was a few years ago...



I do have to correct you on one point; the correct name is:




as anyone who's ever played SF from Day 1 can attest to.....just ask Sparkomatic!! :rofl:



kevin stein

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Yeah, F/C can have his 10,000,000 Talon hours patch...mine says 232 CommBuildings...and that was a few years ago...


Hey, aren't you the 'Not a pound for air to ground' guy?


What didya use...harsh language?





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Any story that involves the Aardvark in a starring role is a good one in my book.




Now, you do know about them new-fangled LGB thingmies, yeah? When you hear 12 o'clock, 5 miles, you hit the pickle button, and veer 12-20 degrees to avoid

splash damage, >BiG-bOoM< and it's Miller time...



I too know the pain of attacking the Comm Bldg, My adventure was in a F-4 (flight of 4) carrying LGB-10's (yes the big ones)all the perameters were met but after dropping them and looking in the rear view...nada :blink: I could not believe it! They missed! I then told my wingie to attack my target but he was promptly shot down :blink: I learned from that to always carry a backup load just in case.

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I usually do the opposite.


Have #2 take a run, and if he chuckles it up, I make the pass.


If he nails it, cool. I have gifts for the other party-goers...



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- "Hey, aren't you the 'Not a pound for air to ground' guy? What didya use...harsh language?"



- You know me too well..."Guns guns guns!"...


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The F16, even a Block 1, can do the job with dumb bombs without problems......... :nyam:





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Pound them with guns...only if the AA batteries are not about to set you on fire.


This is why I love Mavs.

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