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Speaking of Ranges...

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Something strange has happened at the Range in SFgold, While practicing my SEAD skills with a wingie, one of the other sam battery lanched a sam and hit my wingman! :blink::dntknw: Is this supposed to happen? This was a first for me. Has this happened to anyone else?

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:dntknw: Ok I guess not! :rofl::haha:


Hmmm, that supposedly happened when two Mig-19s were trying to intercept Gary Power's U2 over the USSR. The Russians got both the U2 and the Russian wingman with separate SAMs. So I guess, it is accurate.

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Something strange has happened at the Range in SFgold, While practicing my SEAD skills with a wingie, one of the other sam battery lanched a sam and hit my wingman! :blink::dntknw: Is this supposed to happen? This was a first for me. Has this happened to anyone else?


Yes my wing has gone down from anti aircraft fire (sam, aa,aaa,missile) :cool:

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Yes my wing has gone down from anti aircraft fire (sam, aa,aaa,missile) :cool:
While on the Range? I thought the Range was just a practice facility :blink:

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Oh, no.


I have seen the SAM site light up on occasion, and light up a wingie.


I am pretty sure it only activates when you fire up an SEAD mission, and is easy enough to take down, but the dual SA-2's can do ya!

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Havent seen that yet, but will definately try out a SEAD to see if the SAMs fire.





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Oh, no.


I have seen the SAM site light up on occasion, and light up a wingie.


I am pretty sure it only activates when you fire up an SEAD mission, and is easy enough to take down, but the dual SA-2's can do ya!

Wow! That is awesome! yes those SA-2's are NO JOKE! :blink:

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Yes it has happened to me as well, I was practicing my dive bombing skills and it shocked the hell out of me to hear " SAM launch" very strange :blink:

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yes, i´ve made this experience too.

a few days ago, as i´ve trained mid-level bombing

in an Alphajet A.

i just turned on to the target, as i heard:


Sam launch, Sam launch, Sam launch...


and that was not a joke, the sams were launched... :blink:

Edited by Soulfreak

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Yes it has happened to me as well, I was practicing my dive bombing skills and it shocked the hell out of me to hear " SAM launch" very strange :blink:
I felt the same way, I was thinking it was a glitch hearing the "SAM launch" call til I f6 to see my wingie's plane on fire :blink: WTF? Man! we are not safe even on our own practise range! :diablo::nono:

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I'll betcha if you look in the targets ini, you'll find callouts for "SAMLaucher".


The game will automatically load an approprite SAM to try try and kill you. OTH, you can extract the lods for the SA-2 laucher, place them IN the terrain folder (making them now terrain objects) add them to the types ini as "Dummy SA-2", and replace the SAMLauncher with those. You should get just the empty launcher.


If you all want, I can experiment with that over the weekend or next week...



kevin stein

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Sounds good Kev Let us know how it goes whenever u get around to it. Thanks much my friend!

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To quote Martin the Martian; "this makes me so verrrry angry...."


The cursed things didn't want to work, no matter how I fiddled with them.

They will NOT show, unloaded (meaning no missile) when set as SAM_LAUNCHER. I finally got them to work when set at MISC




Which mean they won't get assingned as targets in SEAD missions, but only STRIKE. Also, without the missile, they won't stand erect (NO jokes here!!!, please!!)


But, they do show up in game, and are destroyable.


I'll put something together, using my 'enhanced range targets inis' over the next few days


Another Idea that came to mind with this, is perhaps creating the 'smokey SAM' as used in real training;This way, you'll get fired upon, but take no damge.

Create a copy of the SA-2B, giving a 0 strentgh warhead, large smoke trail, and having it ONLY availble on the Range - which may prove quite difficult!! Set as a ground object, it'll show up in single missions and campaigns, that being the major problem. I don't know if it'd work when set as a Terrain object, what with needing the fake missle, which would need to be added to the weapons paks.

Just a thought...and experiments continue



kevin stein

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