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Is this device supported by the whole series of games including SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI because i have all 4 games and intend to buy a TrackIR 4 Pro device. Any suggestions will be highly apprecited.

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Fully supported. Only head roll input is ignored.

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one problem with it is that in a dogfight you can't look behind you or to your side cuz then you would be looking at the wall

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You misunderstand. Track IR is not a 1:1 ratio, just as your mouse's position on a mouse pad isn't a literal representation of where the cursor is on the screen. Try this--stare at one spot on your screen, then roll your ahead around in a circular motion without losing sight of that spot. Your nose points away from the monitor at all times, but you can still see it. That's how TIR works, it monitors your head position and then translates that into exaggerated movements of the screen. I'd say turning your head no more than 30 degrees left or right gives you "check six." Likewise tilting your head back to look down your nose gives you a "straight up" view and tilting your head down a little lets you go head-down in the cockpit.

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You can also make adjustments in the TIR menue on how fast your viewing pans, tilts, zooms, and slews left/right/up/down. Now, if I can get my hands on a head mounted display (visor) that wraps around towards the edge of my periphial vision, i would be set for the ultimate sim experience.

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You can also make adjustments in the TIR menue on how fast your viewing pans, tilts, zooms, and slews left/right/up/down. Now, if I can get my hands on a head mounted display (visor) that wraps around towards the edge of my periphial vision, i would be set for the ultimate sim experience.


I think that one only works if you're LeVar Burton.

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