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Midway Terrain version 1.1

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Midway Terrain version 1.1





Midway terrain is made for "Strike Fighters Project 1" SFP1.


You can use it in Wings over Vietnam and Wings over Europe too.

Wings over Israel can handle this terrain too, but the flight modells of prop driven planes shows anomalies in WOI.





Midway terrain covers a part of the Central Pacific Ocean with the atolls of Kure and Midway.

It is the place were in 1942 a big Air-Sea-Battle was fought between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the US Navy. The japanese Navy was superior in numbers of ships, but the US side had some major advantages. No.1, the japanese communication code was broken, so that the US Navy commanders were able to read the enemy commands. No.2, the US had radar coverage, so that enemy surprise attacks were nearly impossible. No.3, the US had the superior number of airplanes which were deciding during the battle.

The battle was fought as a pure air to sea combat. No single gunfire exchange between naval vessels took place.

The result was that the japanese Navy lost 4 carriers and the US Navy lost 1 carrier. It was a impressive victory for the USA in Pacifice war theater. You can compare it with the Battle of Moscow on the Eastern Front or the first british victories in North Africa.



Midway Terrain following target areas

this are


Kure Atoll (Neutral airbase)

Eastern Island (Midway AB USMC)

Sand Island (Midway USMC)


ship formations


+Midway Occupation Force

+Midway Support Force

+Second Fleet Main Force ( 1 small carrier)

+First Fleet Main Force (1 small carrier)

+First Fleet Carrier Strike Force ( 4 carriers)



+TF-16 (2 carrier)

+TF-17 (1 carrier)



III Known problems


Up today it is impossible to take off and land from carriers while using single missions which are generated by random single mission screen.

Thatswhy i added invisible airfields for taking off and landing in the centre of carrier formations. You will also start from the sea. This is not satisfying. Thatswhy it is the best to start the mission in the air to overcome this problem.









1.)unzip all files into your Terrain folder


2.)unzip Groundobject.rar into your Objects folder.


It is neccessary that you download following files from Capuns homepage


yourself and unzip it into your Objects/Groundobject folder.


1. Akagi

2. Brooklyn

3. CV-5

4. Fla-MG (you need to download the Browning AAA gunner. From there you need the files BrowningAAA.LOD and BrowningAAA.bmp)

5. Liberty




V. Credits

At this place i want to say thank you to the guys who made the groundobjects and who gave me the permission to use them in Midway terrain.

Also a big thank you to Hinch for the Zuiho carrier and the japanese Battleship which is a moded Repulse etc.

Thanks to TK for the great SFP1 sim family.

And finally thanks to all guys who helped me with hints, advices etc.






GROUNDOBJECTS are forbitten to share. If you want to do this please contact the makers of this Groundobjects


If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.





Hope you enjoy it.


Michael (Gepard)





Made in Germany

August 2008








Q: How i can get Midway Terrain running in WOV, WOI or WOE



1. Open file Midway.ini

2. Look for line CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat

3. Replace this line with:

for WOV: CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat

for WOI: CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat

for WOE: CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat


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It almost looks just like Midway in CFS2!!! Very neat! (minor glitch with the sea tiles at the center of the lagoon, but no show stopper)


One question and one comment:


1) were there supposed to be parked Wilcats on Eastern? They're called out in the targets ini, but I didn't see them in the types ini or the 'bits' in the terrain folder.


2) Where's the US Flag? Gotta have it there -- after all, John Ford filmed it being rasied during the first attack :wink:


Very nicely done! The 'invisible' base is super idea!!



kevin stein

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invisible base is a cool idea!


odd thing, when flying single missions the plane explodes as it takes off. any ideas?


reseting the option to be airborne works fine so its not the cat file.

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Wrench, The tiles i made by using satellite pictures , but unfortunatly i'm no big paintshop guru, so that some failures with the tiles appear. I hope they are not to big. Perhaps a more skilled tilemaker can make better tiles.

To the Wildcats: I tried to make parked Wildcats but failed. They always were sunken into the soil. Thatswhy i have deleted it an wanted to contact the guy who made the F-4F. But then i have simply forgotten to do it. Sorry.

With the US flag, it would be no problem to put one on the island, but i have no lod file for it.


Typhoid. I tested the airfields a lot of times and had never problems with it. Thatswhy two questions: 1. which plane explodes and 2. which game (SFP1, WOE, WOV) do you use?

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Gepard: I've got a 48 star US flag that I used in my New Guinea, Okinawa, and the unfinished China map upgrades.


In fact, here's a link to it...I just uploaded it to my site for you:




Included is a text with the types.ini entry. I've got flags for about 3 dozen countries; they are SUPER easy to make (thanks to Major Lee!!)


Pity about the Wildcats. I've tried that myself, using some of the original Flyable lods, but they too, always sank into the ground. I know Pasko built the Wildcat originally. Capun told me it has something to do with the 'world center' placement in the LOD.

You can always add a couple of B-17Fs; they're in all the PTO maps (and probably the ETO map as well) Even though they were E models in real life.




Kevin Stein


ps: shouldn't there also be a generator building? Ok, I'm being a pest, but I had to rewatch my old VHS tape that had Cmdr Ford's movie. Also, "Incredible Victory" speaks of a stick of bombs taking it out. I'll try to figure out the location for it, if you want.

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Typhoid. I tested the airfields a lot of times and had never problems with it. Thatswhy two questions: 1. which plane explodes and 2. which game (SFP1, WOE, WOV) do you use?


woe and had that with an F4F from the invisible airfield and a P40E from Midway. Havent' done a full checkout yet with other aircraft and haven't run the provided mission yet. I'll provide more details later.


had a similar issue once with the EAW WWII Europe terrain when launching from the German carrier. Everything else works great and I never figured that one out either.

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Just goofing around...


2 shots of Sand Island, slightly dressed up






I added a generator, some Quonset huts, a radio tower and comm center/HQ building. Could use some tents and stuff. The large hanger (probably historically misplaced) is the seplane hanger. It should be more square, but I don't have a large WW2-ish type that's closer. I kinda like it though!


Strange things are happening on Eastern, though. Nothing set down shows up where it's supposed to. I added some Q-huts, the US Flag, a control tower (tower2), 2 parked Forts, and they're scattered all over. The coordinates on the HUDdebug aren't matching their in game placements. I even went so far as add a new #1 target area, PTBoat Base (with only 1 target, 9 oil drums) directly under the crane, thinking it was the old "runway as first target bug" but that didn't change anything.


The sandbagged gun bunkers/rivetments were all wacky in facing, but that was my fault -- just did a simple copy/paste of the existing locations for the AA guns. I removed them, after trying to change their facing.


There should be a radar site as well; was thinking of 'borrowing' the Freya from the BoB terrain, it's close enough to the CXM type as used in the early days.


This is a very cool map -- great for intercepts!



kevin stein

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Typhoid, could have something to do with WOE. I havent tested it with WOE, but i will do it as fast as possible.


Wrench, if you would send me the lines of the added objects, then i could include them into an updated version of Midway terrain.

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Typhoid, could have something to do with WOE. I havent tested it with WOE, but i will do it as fast as possible.


Wrench, if you would send me the lines of the added objects, then i could include them into an updated version of Midway terrain.


hadn't thought of that. I'll reload a WOV and take a look.

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First, I'd like to thank Gepard for another amazing terrain and all his hard work!

I'm getting a repeated CTD on armed rec missions in the Midway terrain in my WW2 Pacific WOE install. The mission is with a flight of two F4F-4 Wildcats CTD's right after bombing the Japanese fleet. Using the Burma terrain with Brain32 tiles and CA-Stary's Green Hell v2 mod on the same WW2 Pacific WOE install works perfect, with no CTD's ever. I made the Midway.ini CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat edit, and the GroundObjects files are the same for both the Burma and Midway terrains.

Just as with Typhoid, I'm using a WOE install.

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Armed Recon missions need "Truck Routes" defined in the movements ini.


As this is an island in the middle of the ocean....I don't think you'll find too many places for trucks to drive on (or land for that matter!!)


Gepard: give me a day or so. Still can't get anything 'setteled' onto Eastern ... but I'll get what I got to you soon.



kevin stein

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hadn't thought of that. I'll reload a WOV and take a look.


my new Wings over the Pacific install based on WOV instead of WOE does the same thing. Other terrais work fine from take off. This one works fine starting from the air but explodes on the runway.



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Gepard: please check PMs. There's a package waiting for you!


Typhoid: what planes in particular????



kevin stein

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Gepard: please check PMs. There's a package waiting for you!


Typhoid: what planes in particular????



kevin stein


everyone I've tried so far. F4F, TBF, B25, Zero, Kate, P40 and even an A4 when I put the terrain into a different load. I've tried all three cat files (don't have desert) with same results.

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Wrench, thanks. will check it out.


Typhoid, its a strange thing, i tried and tried and treid and never got exploding planes on the runway. Do you have file airfield_SLB kurz.ini in your Midway folder?


Never Enough, Armed Recon is not possible. There are no Truck routes set. Is no space for it on this small islands.

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Wrench, thanks. will check it out.


Typhoid, its a strange thing, i tried and tried and treid and never got exploding planes on the runway. Do you have file airfield_SLB kurz.ini in your Midway folder?


Never Enough, Armed Recon is not possible. There are no Truck routes set. Is no space for it on this small islands.



yep. I played with the field length but no change. I also went into the midway.ini and tried some other airfield ini files which has the exact same result.


The planes all show up on the runway, then during the runway roll they suddenly fall through the runway on a "journey to the center of the earth" profile and explode.


no clue. Only this one terrain. The scripted mission does not show up either. Haven't tried building one yet. I'll try that and see if the carriers work. The terrain works great if I start in the air.


no one else has had any similar result?



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Hi Typhoid,


I get the same thing, strange. I haven't had much time to look into it, if I manage to suss it out I will let you know. Only tried F4Fs so far.


Works absolutely fine if I start the mission in the air though, and the islands look great.

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How strange is it that I'm one of the few NOT experiencing this oddity???


Now, mind you, my targets ini is NOT stock ... I added an new #1 target zone. But it worked fine, even before.


I've sent Gepard a Care Package of all sorts of goodies ... he's probably hard a work adding them and seeing what's up with the exploding planes.


I had a buddy that was there for a few weeks one night :haha: According to Kami, it REALLY is Midway to nowhere (well, that and when his P-3 squadron deployed to Wake which was worse! This was after his Hornet Squadorn was disbanded, and he transfered to Orions)



kevin stein

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How strange is it that I'm one of the few NOT experiencing this oddity???


Now, mind you, my targets ini is NOT stock ... I added an new #1 target zone. But it worked fine, even before.


I've sent Gepard a Care Package of all sorts of goodies ... he's probably hard a work adding them and seeing what's up with the exploding planes.


I had a buddy that was there for a few weeks one night :haha: According to Kami, it REALLY is Midway to nowhere (well, that and when his P-3 squadron deployed to Wake which was worse! This was after his Hornet Squadorn was disbanded, and he transfered to Orions)



kevin stein



sounds like he's having fun!


reminds me of when I was on the USS Midway - which we determined was named not for the battle, but because we were always "midway" between ports..........


noticed that there is no planning map as in other terrains. This seems to prevent the scripted mission from coming up and prevents me from trying to build another. Might that also be part of this problem?


also noted that if I start airborne, its all OK, super fine.

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