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WW2 Phillipine Islands by Edward

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WW2 Phillipine Islands by Edward

Edward's Original WW2 Phillipines Terrain


I've added an expanded notes and install instructions section to his original readme -- I highly suggest giving it a very close look.




kevin stein


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Nice one Kevin. Is it worth uploading Edward's other Pacific terrains here? I've just had a quick look through the downloads and can see your updates to several terrains but only New Guinea full scale terrain uploaded by the man himself.

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I'll consider the request.....


ok, that's long enough.


I'll upload what I can find -- mind you, I'll have to dig for the original, unmodified versions!!! Thank The Maker for exteranal HDs!!!



kevin stein

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Phew - you had me worried there :blink:


Edward's WW2 North Africa, Tunisia and WW1 Flanders are also available in the d/l section here at CA, and thoroughly recommended for those who haven't tried them out yet :yes:


Cheers to Edward for all his WW2 terrains, and cheers to Wrench for his efforts with all of them also.


Edward, if you happen on this perchance, please be advised that your talents are sadly missed hereabouts, and there are many more than me who would welcome your return to the fold.





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Phew - you had me worried there :blink:


Edward's WW2 North Africa, Tunisia and WW1 Flanders are also available in the d/l section here at CA, and thoroughly recommended for those who haven't tried them out yet :yes:


Cheers to Edward for all his WW2 terrains, and cheers to Wrench for his efforts with all of them also.


Edward, if you happen on this perchance, please be advised that your talents are sadly missed hereabouts, and there are many more than me who would welcome your return to the fold.






I second that!! These terrains are outstanding!



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I"ll be getting the others:








up over the weekend.


Mind you, they aren't 100% original, as I made some very small changes in the types inis (mostly capitalizing the "P" in "parked someairplaneoranother", and activating the Terrain Effects in the various data inis.


The usual instructions for those poor SOBs with Vista will be included, as is the usual "How To Use The Cat Pointer Line" , as seen in all my terrain upgrades.


No eye candy has been added ... yet. (actualy, I'm going to redo my Solomons redo, now that I have Polak's PTO objects). Darwin could use some more 'vegitation', as could Solomons (green hell maybe???*), and I'll be adding some Parked Spitfires, as they're super easy to reskin.



kevin stein


* maybe not....different tile naming conventions ... it dosent use the VietnamSEA tiles, but the "BN" style....wonder if the trees are hidden in the TOD files....oh, CA_Stary..... :biggrin:

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I second that!! These terrains are outstanding!




Add my vote too.

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Dear Wrench,


I downloaded the Philippines terrain and added it to WOE oct08 patch however every time i selected it as map for missions the game crashes. i read the readme file and all it say is copy the named folder to the terrain folder and the objects folder to object however the zip file only contains 1 folder which is Philippines. I looked around and downloaded the one from AVSIM, DL the objects and objects update. even borrowed WOV to see if its just not woe compatible but as it is its still doesn't work. I got the F-8 Philippine Air Force skin and would love to skim and bump into trees with. Add some carrier and do carrier mission on those islands.


So if you have time i hope you can help me out. thanks!

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it's a ww2 terrrain ... and therefore NOT compliant with "modern" jets (runways are wwwwwaaaaaaay to small)

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it's a ww2 terrrain ... and therefore NOT compliant with "modern" jets (runways are wwwwwaaaaaaay to small)


Aw.. so basically if i want to play with the terrain i have to delete all modern jets and like download all files stated in the Battle of the philippines http://combatace.com/files/file/7014-battle-of-the-philippines-1941-42-v11/ and install it like a separate game from the one with the all modern jets?


thank you so much wrench!Salute.gif



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yeah, pretty much. It's built with a PTO install in mind. In particular, mid/late 1944, with the southern islands in Allied hands and Luzon and points north in Japanese hands.

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yeah, pretty much. It's built with a PTO install in mind. In particular, mid/late 1944, with the southern islands in Allied hands and Luzon and points north in Japanese hands.



Alright i just hae to get Capun to accept my application for DL on his site. thanks Wrench big help. Just as you said. im now able to access the philippine terrain and flew the zero around. thanks!

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Well, it depends. Of course the airfields are populated with great WW II stuff (giving a sort of Final Countdown sensation), but operations with modern jets are quite possible.

Skyhawks, Harriers, A 10's but also F 16 's and F 18's can operate from short & primitive runways if necessary. Lots of Russian stuff was built with runways like this in mind and the US Marines know their way around too.. Gepard undoubtedly knows quite some emergency airfields with grass runways in the former DDR that were used for jet operations.

Also there is a number of other beautiful terrains with a WW II background which are far too nice to use with prop stuff only

And so what, this whole game is one great big "what if" thing anyway.....:grin:






Edit: F 16 and I guess F18 too need paved rwy because of FOD risk of course, but there's no FOD in the game :grin:

Edited by Derk

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it's a ww2 terrrain ... and therefore NOT compliant with "modern" jets (runways are wwwwwaaaaaaay to small)


I saw your post about changing the borderlimit on the Flightengine.ini then try to experiment in changing the runway in XXTarget.ini. now im able to fly mission using modern fighters on the Philippine Map. Now im gonna peruse Knowledgebase to know how to build a campaign. there's a lot i want to know like "if i want to put this object on this specific part of the map and so on". thanks man, That borderlimit change you posted helped a lot. works for both 1st and 2nd gen.

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well, honestly, to bring it into the 'modern world', or even into a 'what if' PRC occupied northern section (Luzon, Mindoro, etc - Samar, Mindanao & points south 'blue'), you'd have to rebuild the targets ini completly from the bottom up, replacing all the WW2-style airfields with the standard ones ... to say nothing of regions that'll need retiling to fit larger airfields (clark, with a runway4), and a major expansion of populated places on all the islands.

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well, honestly, to bring it into the 'modern world', or even into a 'what if' PRC occupied northern section (Luzon, Mindoro, etc - Samar, Mindanao & points south 'blue'), you'd have to rebuild the targets ini completly from the bottom up, replacing all the WW2-style airfields with the standard ones ... to say nothing of regions that'll need retiling to fit larger airfields (clark, with a runway4), and a major expansion of populated places on all the islands.


Changing the targets ini, i think i can do that i just have to copy the airfields from something like Europe right? but the retiling i dont know how to do that. as well as adding populated places. argh. maybe harder than i thought.

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