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Went out and got a new Intel quad core processor, and upgraded the the video cards to Nvidia BFG GFX OC 9800s.Now when I start the games WOV,FE,WOE.WOI.SF all I get is a black screen I can here the music just can't see the game screen.I think this was covered in another post,but I can't find it any help would be greatly appreciated guys. :blink:

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That happens just with the WO*? Have you tryed other games?

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Well...is your OS Vista? That might explain half of the problem you are having.

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Hmmm... I'm having the same problem with a few others, but not the TW series. Getting the Nvidia drivers doesn't solve the problem in my experience. I think it's an inherent Nvidia issue. I'll have a look around for you too.

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"upgraded the the video cards to Nvidia BFG GFX OC 9800s"


Are you running two cards in SLI? The newest WHQL drivers are the 177.83, which use the PhysX implementation. You might check at the Thirdwire forums about PhysX compatability with the Thirdwire programs.

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Yes all updated,and running SLI.

Edited by gumpy

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