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Hi was just wondering if anybody had tried in a campaign to give ground units multiple types of vehicles?



GroundObjectType=M60A1, M3A1 (THIS BIT HERE)

UnitName=7th ROCA Div



BaseArea=Port Tainan









Does any combination of commas or colons or any other computer speak work? Just thought that maybe if there was a way then ground attack could get more interesting




Snapper 21

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Sorry, only one object type per unit number entry allowed. We've been trying something similar for almost 6 years in this series, hoping that something would be changed with every new patch.

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i know this is for groundobjects

but can the same thing be done for aircraft.



i mean on SFP1 as a mercanery you can fly any aircraft as long as you buy it.

so can you do that in WOE and WOI?

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Neither WoE nor WoI has Merc campaigns.



kevin stein

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i know comrade

but can you make it where you can fly any?


Neither WoE nor WoI has Merc campaigns.



kevin stein

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i know comrade

but can you make it where you can fly any?


Why not try yourself?

open a campaing.ini and look at the parameters...do you own campaing with your own customized planes(don't need much, just mess with decals).

I'm pretty sure the result will be good


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I wonder how difficult it would be to code? The weapons data already does that with attachment types, the same code could be modified to do the same. That would be great for aircraft too, be able to pick from a few particular aircraft at a base. Could be like the old janes games where you could fly a B-2 for a strike mission, then an F-22 or an intercept.

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I have not tried anything with ground objects. I have treid upgrading Planes in a campaign though.

I have been playing the 4th FIw Campaign for the Korean War Mod. I changed the starting aircraft to the F-86A-5

then upgraded to the F-86F and finally uprgrading to the F-86F-30 Hard Wing Sabre. That seemed to work fine.

So maybe you can the upgrade system to change ground objects like tanks and apcs.

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Not to hijack the thread, but I think this is slightly related... It would achieve a similar result of mixing up the ground units and CAS missions a little more.


Is is possible to assign a ground object more than one type of detect system and weapon system? In other words, can I have a ground object that engages both ground targets and aircraft?


I was thinking that if you could, you could add and SA-7 type weapon to ground objects, and the result would be enemy air defenses during CAS missions.


Finally give a purpose to all those flares you can carry on the A-10!

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