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Cockpit Toggle

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Purchased / Downloaded the sim on Monday. Works fine except when I hit the 'Cockpit Toggle' (Num Del) and only a portion of the cockpit tub is removed and I can still see the basic airframe, etc.



Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80 GHz


638 MB RAM


Direct X 9.0c (4.09)


Radeon 1GP 345M ATI RS200M


Memory: 128 MB


OS: Windows XP/SP2


CDM: 1024 x 768 (32 Bit) @ 60 Hz


Any assistance will be appreciated!




J Kelly

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Purchased / Downloaded the sim on Monday. Works fine except when I hit the 'Cockpit Toggle' (Num Del) and only a portion of the cockpit tub is removed and I can still see the basic airframe, etc.



Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80 GHz


638 MB RAM


Direct X 9.0c (4.09)


Radeon 1GP 345M ATI RS200M


Memory: 128 MB


OS: Windows XP/SP2


CDM: 1024 x 768 (32 Bit) @ 60 Hz


Any assistance will be appreciated!




J Kelly



that's because the cockpit is just the pannel....

unfortunately u will just see the rest of aircraft ,there's no way to run.

or you can change the cockpit position,but the game will looks unrealistic.

Edited by Silverbolt

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"...that's because the cockpit is just the pannel....

unfortunately u will just see the rest of aircraft ,there's no way to run."




So, this is 'normal' for the sim when I toggle it, correct?




J Kelly

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"...that's because the cockpit is just the pannel....

unfortunately u will just see the rest of aircraft ,there's no way to run."




So, this is 'normal' for the sim when I toggle it, correct?




J Kelly


Exactly :good:


there's nothing wrong with your game.

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No, its not supposed to be that way. The cockpit toggle works just fine for me. Toggle the pit off and all I can see is the gunsight and the exhaust smoke when I look to the rear.



Sorry, J. Kelly, but I have no idea what is causing your (or Silverbolt's apparently :wink: ) problem.



OH...and welcome to CombatACE! Thanks for contributing...we appreciate it. :good:

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Guest Stiglr

I'm sorry, really I'm sorry.... but I just HAVE TO weigh in here.


Shame on ANYONE who wants to "wish his cockpit away".




Yes, it's a visual impediment. They actually were. Some far worse than others.


Yes, it blocks your view. They actually DID.


Yes, it makes the game more challenging. In the real event, it was the reason some of the pilots were KILLED.


For the sake of all that's decent, edit out your Toggle Cockpit command from your init files and never assign it to your commands again. While yer at it, get rid of the chase view, too (when flying). I have yet to hear of any pilot EVER who could levitate in back of his aircraft and enjoy a better view. Learn how to bank your plane to get a better view... and gain an appreciation for the challenges pilots had to face to fly and fight in the time before raised bubble cockpits.

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I'm sorry, really I'm sorry.... but I just HAVE TO weigh in here.


Ah... no, actually you don't. :no: If they wanna have a toggle feature for their pits, then who are you or I to say they shouldn't just because we ply the game differently. Different strokes for different folks dude. :yes:

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I'm sorry, really I'm sorry.... but I just HAVE TO weigh in here.


Shame on ANYONE who wants to "wish his cockpit away".




Yes, it's a visual impediment. They actually were. Some far worse than others.


Yes, it blocks your view. They actually DID.


Yes, it makes the game more challenging. In the real event, it was the reason some of the pilots were KILLED.


For the sake of all that's decent, edit out your Toggle Cockpit command from your init files and never assign it to your commands again. While yer at it, get rid of the chase view, too (when flying). I have yet to hear of any pilot EVER who could levitate in back of his aircraft and enjoy a better view. Learn how to bank your plane to get a better view... and gain an appreciation for the challenges pilots had to face to fly and fight in the time before raised bubble cockpits.


No, Stiglr, you DIDN'T have to reply.


joes_shop ignore this and just play the game how you want and have fun.

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I'm sorry, really I'm sorry.... but I just HAVE TO weigh in here.


Shame on ANYONE who wants to "wish his cockpit away".




Yes, it's a visual impediment. They actually were. Some far worse than others.


Yes, it blocks your view. They actually DID.


Yes, it makes the game more challenging. In the real event, it was the reason some of the pilots were KILLED.


For the sake of all that's decent, edit out your Toggle Cockpit command from your init files and never assign it to your commands again. While yer at it, get rid of the chase view, too (when flying). I have yet to hear of any pilot EVER who could levitate in back of his aircraft and enjoy a better view. Learn how to bank your plane to get a better view... and gain an appreciation for the challenges pilots had to face to fly and fight in the time before raised bubble cockpits.


This is a game, not historical simulation. Besides, you don't get to issue Dictum on other people's personal taste that you are not privy to. It's not something people get to do.


EDIT: two people beat me to it.

Edited by Longestpants

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Stigr: be NICE!!! Behave, please. Ease back a bit, ok??? You've been pretty good lately, don't blow it!!


Lot's of folks use it. It's just how many (including myself) fly sometimes. I don't do it all the time, but I do use it! (I guess it goes back to X-Wing, with the 'holographic' no-cockpit display)


As to what you should see, you shouldn't see ANYTHING on the inside of the LOD (aircraft model). Like Tailspin said, only the gunsight and maybe the exhaust stream. Oh, and tracers and gunsmoke when you fire.


Which aircraft, in particular, are having this issue?? Stock or 3rd Party??



kevin stein

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Stig, anyone who wants to run this game in easy mode is entitled to do so, as they spent their money on it. While I may not agree with that, it's not my place (and cetainly not your's) to tell them to do otherwise.


Now, go sit in the corner facing the wall while we prepare the flaming benzene splash and burn mod for you :biggrin:

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Hi, I just wanted to see what the ruckus is about. Maybe it's me, but I wouldn't think of telling someone else how to play their game.

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Geeze! I go next door to have a few beers and I come back to this. :rolleyes:


Stiglr, I'm only going to say this once. We're not going to play your game on this forum. Take it to heart, bro.

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can u post your settings for FE?


Silverbolt, I am using pretty much the basic set up. No special view "mods" or anything. Due to the age of my vid card I have most everything set to Medium graphics wise. :dntknw:

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I'm the same as Silverbolt and the OP (never noticed before :wink: )


guessing its the newest patch?

Tailspin I presume you are not running the latest patch?


if I go back to my pre-addon install it works fine, but I'm afraid I have no pre-patch addon install to test :blink:


just a guess...

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Yes, I am running the Apr. 08 patch. I have 3 versions of FE installed. Pre EP, EP pre-patch, and patched EP and the cockpit toggle works like it should on them all. I only have one add-on plane installed in the patched EP, but it too works. Both of the other installs are HEAVILY modded.

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bad guess then :wink:


maybe a graphic card or vista issue then (weird that my original install (pre-addon) works tho) :dntknw:



8800GTS 512mb


edit: i see that both those are very different from joes_shop

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Strange indeed. I'm running (don't laugh too hard :wink: ) 98SE with a GeForce 3 and very old drivers. Yeah I know, its the 21st Century. :rolleyes::haha:

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From the latest Aug 2008 WOI patch readme, fixes:


"* Cockpit ON/OFF toggle not removing the external model when using Medium Shadow option is fixed."

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I'm having the same problem with the on/off cockpit toggle as joes_shop. I posted about this some time ago and never got a reply so have just dealt with it.


I've got Windows XP, SP2, AMD 3500, nVidia 6800GT and a Creative Live sound card, Direct X 9c. I'd not been having any problems with the game prior to installing the Hot Fix. I did have a number of mods installed prior to the Hot Fix installation. Same on all planes I've tried. Yes, I'm heavily modded as well but not all planes are modded -- but the toggle cockpit is the same no matter which plane I fly.


It's really quite aggravating when the game worked fine before. Been thinking on reinstalling original game and patch.


Hopefully TK is working on a fix.



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Are you using the... Medium Shadow option ... ?


FE is pretty much the same as WOI, so if it was a problem in one it could be in the other too.


If not using that option and its still a problem, i'm certain TK will fix it, as he did with WOI. Patch should be out soon.

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Are you using the... Medium Shadow option ... ?


FE is pretty much the same as WOI, so if it was a problem in one it could be in the other too.


If not using that option and its still a problem, i'm certain TK will fix it, as he did with WOI. Patch should be out soon.


Yep. Thats the problem. I have shadows set to LOW. Changing to Medium causes the airframe parts to show. Never tried it with shadows "on", or higher than low since the Apr. patch, because shadows really eat framerates on my machine. Good catch, Peter. :good:

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