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So I never watch television...except CSI, MXC or ATHF...but only on DVD...then we moved and now we have cable in anticipation of something called "winter"...now I like to stare at Discovery channel and NatGeo and pretend that I am learning something...somehow the fact that water heaters will explode if not properly maintained seems pale compared to Differential Equations.


But this feature on Stonehenge was cool...now I know how it worked...maybe...it was 5,000 years ago...maybe those dead dudes were like "hey, man...I have this idea...its going to take them like 5,000 years to figure out why we built this silly stone circle when in reality all we had to do since Al Gore and the British had not yet invented the Internet was stare at rocks"


Yeah...caught that also? Some clever fellows now claim that the Brits invented the Internet...nice...guess you invented apple pie and base ball while you were at it, eh?


Personally, I have a theory...Stonehenge was the first p0rn "web site"...they would project shadows of...you know, p0rn on the giant rocks. I mean, these people are related to those crazy fellows that figured that three stars in a row was Orion's Belt and other odd things I never, ever figured out was supposed to be shapes out of random star patterns. I mean have you looked at Capricorn? Those random stars are supposed to represent a half-goat/fish thing? Seriously dude, put down the mead or whatever. Thus, since they clearly had such vibrant imaginations and no one to tell them how poor and helpless they were what with the Democrats still blissfully thousands of years away, they had to do something to corrupt their brain cells.


And thus p0rn was born on giant rocks on the Salisbury Plain...and then the British invented the Internet...cheeky b@stards.

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giant rock p0rn?.....kinky


I always thought it was an ancient tourist trap "world's biggest callendar!" like we have with random crap along interstates.

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Actually we invented the World Wide Web, well I say we, Tim Berners-Lee did while working at CERN. Not the same as the Internet, more a useful way of using it. We also invented the jet engine, hovercraft and the USA and according to at least one book I have the Royal Navy created the Modern World so ultimately it's all our fault. Apart from Big Brother that was the Dutch apparently.

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Hmmm....this opens up possibilities.


Us Brits invented the t'interweb then eh, ok. We had a hand in it shall we say.


Whilst working at CERN. hmmm, ponders...


Internet closely assosiated with p0rn.


This then ,is the cerne abbas giant. Ancient like stonehenge but not as ancient. A connection ? :biggrin:


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Yeah...caught that also? Some clever fellows now claim that the Brits invented the Internet...nice...guess you invented apple pie and base ball while you were at it, eh?


Apparently they invented English too, but thats just crazy.




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Instead of arguing, let's just all go look at some porn and be thankful that someone invented the Internet.

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Instead of arguing, let's just all go look at some porn and be thankful that someone invented the Internet.


C5 for president!!!

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Instead of arguing, let's just all go look at some porn and be thankful that someone invented the Internet.


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after reviewing further evidence...NFG is right...clearly the Brits did invent the Internet...only they could come up with something like that.


Invented America? Actually, no...you founded a colony (but then so did the Vikings, the Asians, and the Atlantians, but who is counting?) that rebelled...guess you want to take credit for India as well? Of course you did build Singapore...and blood pudding...and Shepard's Pie...but one thing that is British and amazing is Bass Ale...and for that I thank you.


Also, you invented Benny Hill...and, given the following clip NOT INTENDED FOR ANYONE, I thank you:




So, that unites Britain with the Internet with a woman named "English"...coupe de grace!


Oh, and that show "connections"...and "piece of cake"...and the "page three girls"...thanks!

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Well, by that logic I guess we have to wait for the inevitable armed attempt by Britain to prevent the Internet from leaving? :grin:

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Guest 531_Ghost
Hmmm....this opens up possibilities.


This then ,is the cerne abbas giant. Ancient like stonehenge but not as ancient. A connection ? :biggrin:



THAT has GOT to be added to a terrain! :biggrin:

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Well, by that logic I guess we have to wait for the inevitable armed attempt by Britain to prevent the Internet from leaving? :grin:



Fear not, this time we will be ready... :blink:

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THAT has GOT to be added to a terrain! :biggrin:


put a hitler shaped one on the bombing range. We all know what we're gonna aim for...




btw, this is the only (clean) site I've ever seen that openly talks about p0rn. Way to go. but no streakers, please.

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Wait let me get this right. You guys are saying theres porn on the internet right?

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We'll take India if everyone could forget about Benny Hill.


Right I'm off to find some of this p0rn everyone's talking about...

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