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Me-109e psd uploaded

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With Russouk2004's permission, I uploaded the Me-109e psd file for the skin painters. I'm even going to try to paint one or two myself. Heaven help us.....

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Wonder if the mapping is the same as his E-7 Trop....which I don't think ever got released....which I have...


OH, Russo....did the E-7 Trop ever get released?? :rolleyes: maybe my fault...



kevin stein

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I have E-4 and E-7 ...and will upload asap...with some skins and templates...

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More Bf* -109's... Yes...



*As you may already know, Bf stands for "Beautiful fighter".

Love it!

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and here I thought I was done with the ETO and MTO skins and stuff... oh well, off to get more profiles!!!

Weren't the E-7 Trops also used in the Balkans and southern Russia???


Many thanks Russo!!! The 2 dozen or so of us prop-heads bow with great respect....




(that's me on the far right, first row)



kevin stein

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Thanks for posting these, and cheers to Russo for his 109 :good:

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We're going to need some Eastern Front 109 skins.

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