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Looking for a good book...

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Hey folks,


I have some credit on Amazon and was thinking about getting Thud Ridge, as I've heard good things about it. But before, I buy it, I was wondering if there are any other books people would recomend instead. When I search for Thud Ridge, about 10 other similar looking books come up, and I don't know which ones are the best.


I'm leaning towards something Vietnam era-ish, but that's really my only criteria. And I've already read the Flight of the Intruder series, so I'm not considering those.



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that is a good book...also try "Route Pack Six"...then "Bury Us Upside Down"


hey there used to be a book review thread, but that forum is now gone...

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the "Rolling Thunder" series rocks... especially the first book. It's what prompted be to start flying attack missions with some degree of difficulty.

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"Thud Ridge" and the follow on book "Going Downtown"


Both are excellent reads if your into the airwar over North Vietnam.


If your into the more technical side of things "Clashes. Air Combat over North Vietnam 1965-1972" By Marshall L Michel

is a facinating study of the air to air war.

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Wings on my sleeve by Eric Brown ( I thing) raf test pilot

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Phantom Over Vietnam by John Trotti. Excellent book!



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I must recommend 'Flight of the Intruder' by Stephen Coonts. Nothing to do with that horrible movie. Coonts was a real A-6 pilot and it shows in the novel. Great read (if you havn't read it already) :good:

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F-105 pilot during Vietnam and author; Tom Wilson...


Lucky's Bridge


Termite Hill


Tango Uniform



All are at Amazon I believe...great reads!

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